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originally posted in: ISIS Attacks on Paris, 128 Dead
11/14/2015 7:41:47 AM
Brought to you from the Religion of Peace!

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  • [quote]Brought to you from the Religion of Peace![/quote]

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  • Christians aren't exempt from bloodshed either bud, and one of the Ten Commandments is not to kill another person, let alone genocide

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  • Not all Muslims are ISIS.

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  • But all of ISIS is Muslim lol

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  • Edited by Lethenza: 11/14/2015 7:32:02 PM
    And? They're crazy, religion is just their excuse.

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  • No they're not but a religion that spawns this much extremism and freely promotes the notion of "[i]jihad[/i]; holy war" within its teachings needs to be abolished.

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  • You do realize the jihad means "struggle in the way of God", right? It promotes defending your faith, the only people who interpret it as holy war are extremists.

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  • Edited by Vakris One: 11/14/2015 7:27:35 PM
    [quote]You do realize the jihad means "struggle in the way of God", right? It promotes defending your faith, the only people who interpret it as holy war are extremists.[/quote] No, Jihad promotes aggressively expanding and defending your faith from non-believers (also known as infidels). It is a term very open to individual interpretation and plays easily into the hands of those with an extremist mind set. A religion that has not moved past these kinds of agressive terms is not a "safe" religion. To be honest out of all the modern day world's most widely practiced religions Islam is the most medieval and regressive. Just look at Saudi Arabia, the most advanced Islamic nation in the world. Saudi Arabia not only allows but actively practices public beheadings, hangings, whippings, stoning to death, chopping hands off for stealing, encourages the opression of women within their country as well as encouraging racism, sexism, homophobia and all manner of discrimination against poor people and people of other faiths and nationalities. A religion that does not actively discourage such things, a religion that can be interpreted to promote and/or even condone these kinds of things has no place in a civilised world.

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  • Edited by Lethenza: 11/14/2015 7:31:36 PM
    [quote]Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎ jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere".[/quote] No where does it dictate that Jihad means you have to kill anyone who disagrees. Only crazy extremists do so.

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  • Edited by Vakris One: 11/14/2015 8:08:48 PM
    [quote][quote]Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎ jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere".[/quote] No where does it dictate that Jihad means you have to kill anyone who disagrees. Only crazy extremists do so.[/quote] It plays into the hands of extremists with terms like "religious duty" and an unclear definition of "maintain the religion". Religious duty is like a call to service and can be interpreted as a duty like that of a soldier/defender/fighter. To someone, maintaining the religion could mean teaching their religion to others, to someone else it can easily be interpreted or taught as wiping out anyone that is not of their religion. It is the ease of which certain aggressive interpretations and teachings can be applied to terms like Jihad that makes certain teachings in Islam outdated and unsafe. Islam seems to refuse to adapt to modern times like every other major religion out there and that's what makes it unsafe. It is dangerously open to infiltrators and extremists like ISIS to be able to deviate the teachings in their favour. Just look at how sharply and aggressively the majority of the Muslim community reacts to things like caricatures of the prophet Muhammad and Allah. That is a medieval reaction prompted by a religion stuck in the dark ages. No other major religious communities react in such threatening and aggressive tones in the 21st century. They voice their disapproval, they protest, they do not start calling for the beheading of the caricature artist. It is time Islamic communities own up to the fact that extremist groups like Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and ISIS are created and gather support way too easily within the Muslim community.

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  • I think they know what Jihad really is, it's just their justification to be evil, though.

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  • Edited by Lethenza: 11/14/2015 6:53:43 PM
    Yeah, good luck with "abolishing" the worlds second largest religion, bud.

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  • Hitler could do it. So its possible.

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  • Edited by Lethenza: 11/20/2015 4:32:50 PM
    Hitler didn't destroy the Muslims lol, he didn't even completely destroy the Jews

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  • He was stopped before he could. I was stating the tactics he used make it possible to eradicate one group of people.

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  • His strategy was a little more complicated than carpet bombing the general area of the Jews.

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  • Second? It is the largest.

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  • All forms of Christianity (like Catholics and Protestants) are larger I believe. I may be wrong, though.

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  • You are. Islam is the largest religion by far. 2.1 billion people are Muslim.

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  • A quick google search revealed that, in fact, I am right.

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  • Edited by Oddball: 11/15/2015 12:33:20 AM
    Wikipedia? Lol

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  • What's wrong with Wikipedia?

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  • Edited by Oddball: 11/15/2015 12:38:07 AM
    Anyone can edit wikipedia. Try using a government source.

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  • This count? I just got the first legit looking website I found.

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  • I guess.

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