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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/13/2015 4:52:51 PM
Grixis was about to charge at the Hunter, but then the Titan got back up and went on a rampage. The Titan closed the gap between them in little time. He didn't have enough time to block, and the Titan crashed into him, sending him back a few feet. Once again he charged, and began to throw fist after fist at him. Every time he tried to block or retaliate, he was struck under the relentless attacks. Then one hit struck his helmet and he heard a crack. That was the last straw. Time seemed to slow for a short amount of time, but that had no consequence on him. When the Titan swung at him again, he grab the fist before it landed. Solar energy gathered around his free arm, causing the flame to grow. With that, he reared back and struck the Titan on his helmet, sending him skidding on the desert sands. The Reborn energy shown on his torso again and began to travel up to his head. But before it got there, he reached up where the crack originated. He glided his fingers over said crack until he felt something out of place. He picked it off and brought it to his face. It was a piece of the bone. So this Titan had the strength to actually damage his armor? He would make sure he had a slow death. His thoughts were interrupted however, when he saw Shovoroth break off from the battle and dived down, headed on a path that met up with the Hunter. He saw what they were about to do. Two Hammers appeared in his hands. But instead of throwing them at the Hunter, he slammed them into each other. A bright green orb shown bright where the two hammers struck, and what appeared to be a long handle grew out of the orb. Grixis grasped the handle. Once he did, the orb dissipated, revealing the finished work of what appeared to be one massive, demonic sledgehammer. When Shovoroth was almost in range of picking the Hunter up, he took his chance. He raised the massive hammer into the air, Solar energy growing to immense size, then struck the ground. A massive torrent of fire raced across the ground toward the Hunter. But as it did, the fire created large, jagged shards of glass in its wake.

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