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11/11/2015 8:20:06 PM
I understand your points, but I don't agree. Weapons: Y1 Weapons were designed for the needs of Y1 content. Y2 introduces new mechanics and needs. Of course they want you to stop using the old stuff and go after the new stuff. If you were able to carry over all your old gear, you'd have no reason to get the new stuff. The new weapons I've acquired have more than enough fulfilled my needs. Heavy shielded enemies are few are far between, and the weapons I have melt those shields quickly. Besides I found a rather nifty use for all my Y1 weapons... Weapon Parts... I agree about Level 34 - 40... Once you get to Level 40, its pretty useless. I see the only purpose was to lock you out of content until reaching the specific level. In respect to Level Boosting... many MMO's and their like have been using boosters to allow newcomers to get from level 1 to whatever, so that they can enjoy the content. It's normal. Sense of Progression - New year, new content, new gear... It's been two months.... stop whining about not being able to bring over Fatebringer. Try Hung Jury... I hear its amazing. :D Time Gated Events: I think they are a pain, just because I'm impatient. However, the time gated events stay in cycle pretty often, so I find it hard to believe that you simply can't ever find time to do one of them. I work 40 hours a week, study, take care of family needs, and I still find time, while not always the first go around. LFG systems - It's better to join a clan. My clan Raids several times a week. I don't always get to raid with them due to scheduling conflicts, but we raid enough that I'm still able to complete the Raid two to three times a week, and our clan is tiny. There are much larger clans out there that are always looking for new players. Research, get into one. You'll be much happier. Rewards - I agree... Once you get above 310 it's sort of sad that the rewards you get during a NF, Strike, and or Crucible quest (Lord Shaxx) don't rank up with you. It would be nice if these events had a chance to drop items "around" your light level. It would make playing these events much more satisfying. Microtransactions - Bungie has already stated that these things will remain cosmetic only, so I don't know what the problem is. No point in being Light 310 + - The advantages in being a 310 guardian versus 260 comes in the form of End Game activities. You're right it doesn't make a difference when fighting Dregs on the moon, but it makes a HUGE difference when you're battle a boss in the raid. Again high light levels were designed for end game content, such as ToO, KF, and IB. Iron Banner - You're right on this. Iron Banner was a huge let down due to anemic drops and low light level gear. They need to make the purchasable gear at least 300 Light to be on mark with the old IB gear. They will be increasing the drop rates and such when the next one hits... Lets hope it works this time. The Addiction - It's all about time management. Any video game (Skyrim) can be addicting, but you can't let that interfere with your actual life. I try to get all of my important things done for the day before I game. This way I'm using free time for gaming, and that's it.

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