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11/10/2015 6:37:41 PM
you fail to miss my point are in fact doing exactly what your accusing me of, instead of constantly defending destiny like every other fanboy out there, why not open your ears and eyes and look at what is really happening. Yes I agree that nothing everything should be easy to get, but look at the game from what it was to what it is now, I'm not asking for 320 gear i'm asking for something that is actually use full, im not asking for max lvl anything im asking for something that makes the time I spend worth while, your trying to defend what? getting -blam!-ed over and over again by bungie and yes it does take a good while to get some decent weapon parts, because guess -blam!-ing what, im only getting 1-3 weapon parts from any given weapon i dismantle, how often do you get a legendary weapon to dismantle that gives you more than 2 weapon parts? people like you that enjoy getting butt-blam!-ed over and over again are the reason why this game will never improve to make playing and make spending your money worth while, people like you are the reason CoD took almost 10 years to change into something else, people like you are the reason big AA title games will never be more than boshit force fed to you by game dev's that would like nothing more than to milk dumb -blam!- fanboys for ever dime they have and say -blam!- off to whoever wants a quality game over the pieces of glitch ridden filth that comes out year after year. Instead of defending a game so obviously ridden with issues that the dev's create themselves and refuse to adress majority of the time, maybe you should learn to objectively thing and learn to value your time and money, maybe then you won't be more than the complete dick sucking fanboy that you are, and don't bother replying to this, if you have read this far, im muting you.

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