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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/9/2015 8:53:38 PM
Garuud looked on as the Over soul exploded." Ahhhh good times." Garuud looked over at Alice driving the sword into the ground. "So, lets finish this."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/10/2015 6:57:34 AM
    Grixis looked out at the Valley of Kings across the dunes of Mars. The battle in against the Canal fleet had been a won battle, their entire assault fleet had been destroyed, while none of their ships received little to no damage. He rested the tip of his cleaver on the floor of the ship. But he was using it as a support, as he felt as if he would collapse without it. Those damned Guardians, always interfering with everything! As the Oversoul sapped the life out of that traitorous beast, they had to go and interrupt the process. It got to the point where it could no longer sustain itself under the attacks and soon collapsed. And being connected with said Oversoul, he felt the after-effects of the collapsed Oversoul. Thankfully it was only a small part of the actual thing, and would regenerate that lost part. But still... The Exalted Wizard, Molkir, floated up to his place on the side of the ship, taking position to his left. "[i]My liege, we are ready to fire on your order."[/i] "Good," he said in the Hive language, "Fire now." The immediate response must have caught her by surprise, as she was quick to question, much to his annoyance. "[i]But my liege, Shovoroth is still in the valley. If we fire now; we would kill him."[/i] He turned his head in her direction. "That is the point. Now fire, before I separate your head from your body, and give the order myself!" He said in a low, threatening tone. She floated in place for a moment before she hovered back into the interior of the ship. She didn't question why he wanted Shovoroth dead. Good. Not a moment later, several streaks of pure energy launched from the cruiser, toward the Valley of Kings, and finally to be rid of that traitor.

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  • Garuud looks up at the lights that were incoming. "That is not good! Any ideas peeps? Anything at all?!"

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  • Alice raises the sword with one hand, the other on the blade itself. She moved it so that the flat blade was facing the cruiser, holding up the sword with the ease of holding up a feather. "So long as I stand here with this wall, no power on Earth or Heaven shall destroy this land. As long as I am a conduit of the light, Darkness will forever stay at bay." She whispers to herself. At that moment, a cone of white energy began to shape from her sword, spreading outward towards the Valley walls, in direct line of the energy beams coming towards them. "Grixis, your mine." She says. At that moment, the beams collide with the cone, but instead of exploding, they seem to be drawn into it, the energy running down the cone and into the sword. The sword then becomes a channel of energy, straight into Alice. She throws her head back, the hood falling off. She felt the energy from the gun lowering, so instead of receiving the energy, she began to pull the energy. She established a direct link to the cruiser from her cone, starting to draw the energy from every possible source on the ship, leaving it crippled and powerless. "Mine now, A-hole." She says with a massive smile and glowing eyes.

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  • Garuud looks at Alice. " Now that is a pretty trick. Lets make it count." Garuud pulls out his rocket launcher Firing strafing shots into the Ships. " open wide! Eat up its all yours!"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/10/2015 7:03:51 AM
    Molkir was fine, but he had to impale his cleaver into the hull of the ship as it lurched and plummeted to the dunes below. The entire ship was without power. It had to have been drained, because all the Pilot Wizards had all died due to them all being connected to the ship. Tomb Ships were at this point picking up the personnel on the ship and delivering them to the other two cruisers. He and Molkir were likely the only two beings left on the ship now. Moments later, a Tomb Ship appeared on the bridge, ready to transport them off the doomed cruiser. Molkir floated off toward it, but he stayed where he was, looking out across the desert at the Valley of Kings at the light-show that had appeared. The Guardians were the reason for this action, who else could it be? Molkir noticed him however, and stopped where she was and called out to him. "[i]My liege, come! We must leave this place and get you to safety!"[/i] "No! Get aboard the Tomb Ship, I still have business to attend to!" He shouted over the howling winds and the occasional rocket explosion. Why were they even firing rockets? They couldn't do even the slightest bit of damage to a vessel of this size. "[i]But, my liege-"[/i] she began to protest. But he cast a threatening glance over his shoulder at her. Though his gaze was concealed by his helmet, the message was clear, and she turned and floated to the dropship. It promptly broke her down to ash and dust and transported her inside before tearing through space and disappearing. He was now the only one aboard the plummeting cruiser. But he wouldn't be for long. Almost immediately, another portal opened up above him. But what came out wasn't a Tomb Ship. It was his jumpship for when he was still one of those wretched Guardians. The ship was known as the [i]Extinction Event,[/i] but it was different from what it once was. It still had the same body shape, but it's hull was re-outfitted to that of the near black, jagged Hive alloy and shields. As for it's weapons, its main turrets fired Arc energy, similar to how Wizards attack instead of bullets, and it's missile pods were outfitted with regenerative Void missiles. He was soon enveloped in shadow, as he was transported into the jumpship, which opened a portal directly in front of it. He would finish this himself. He gunned the stick forward, sending the ship into the Hive void. As he left, the cruiser crashed into the ground, kicking up a large amount of sand. As for the other two cruisers, they too passed through portals and left Mars, leaving the area in a perfect silence.

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  • Alice turns around as the cruiser crashes into the sand, throwing it up into the air, and giving Alice a very badass pose. She immediately notices Shovoroth squirming in the sand, trying his hardest to break the chains. She jumps off the rock, and rushes over to the remaining chains, cutting through them with ease and leaving the tips of them red with heat. "You okay?" She asks him when he's free.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/10/2015 7:32:41 AM
    Though he could barely see anything, he could still feel the presence of the Guardian by him just as he could feel what had transpired. His body felt like it had been dipped in acid and lit on fire. He tried to speak, but still found that he couldn't gather the strength to do so. With no other option of communication left, he sent his consciousness into the mind of the Guardian. He only went far enough as to only speak to her, it wasn't meant to be invasive. "[i]No... But I... Will live... Just barely."[/i]

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  • "Shovoroth, your injured, and I need a outlet for all this power in the sword." She indicates at the sword, then at Shovoroth. "If I release this power into you and you direct it into your wounds, it may speed up your healing greatly. But, there is a chance some side effects might occur. I don't know what though." Alice pulls her hood back up. "Do you want to try?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/10/2015 2:08:27 PM
    His vision hadn't changed in the slightest. It occurred to him that, without the Oversoul, his body couldn't heal properly. He may very well die here, albeit a [i]very[/i] slow death. What did he have to lose. He closed his eyes, he couldn't see anything anyway. He was ready for whatever happened next. "[i]Do it."[/i] There was a moment of pause, when all of a sudden, a bright light shown through his closed eyes. Then he felt it. He felt the large amounts of power from the sword pour into him, and he recognized easily. It was pure light. He immediately went to work with it. He channeled the light through himself, hoping to accelerate the healing of his wounds. And he could feel the effects taking place. His body no longer felt weak, he no longer hurt. It felt utterly amazing. But something else began to happen. He felt as if he were. Changing. It felt very similar to when he was being resurrected by Grixis, but this was different in a way. He had no idea how long the process took, but when he couldn't see the light through closed eyes, and felt like he could circle the world, he knew it was over. He opened his eyes, revealing the opposite of what his eyes were. They had now turned a brilliant white with a black-blade like pupil. He looked at the Guardian. Who just stood there silently, looking up and down his body before finally meeting his gaze. Confused, he looked back at what she was looking at. And he couldn't believe what he saw. Every single would on his body was healed, but that's not what left him shocked. His entire body was covered in white scales with black tips. He raised one of his wings to observe it, and saw that it was no longer made of a leather material, but instead was covered in white and black feathers, just like when he was alive. He even observed the other, and found an identical version. He couldn't believe it. It took him now to realize it, that all this time, he was never truly alive, just a walking corpse. But now, because of the Light? He was truly whole. But now, once again, he felt something different, something foreign to him. He focused on whatever it was and sought it out. But he only ended up delving his consciousness into the Guardian again, and quickly retracted it back. Why would he be going into her consciousness? Then it hit him. "Guardian, do you feel that?" He asked her. He had no idea that this was possible, but it felt as if they were. Connected.

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  • "Whoa! Nice make over! Looking better Shovoroth. Now, lets see what the hive have in store for us" Garuud said as he readied his weapons and walked away from the crashing carrier towards the group. "Then we get paid! Bahahahahahahaha." I have a special surprise in place for any remaining hive.

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  • Alice looked away from Garuud, and attempted to speak to Shovoroth in her mind. [i]"Yes. I do feel it. It's rather... Different. Like I have a part of my soul on the outside of my body."[/i] She looks into Shovoroth's eyes. "Kinda cool actually." She says out-loud, which to Garuud might sound strange that she randomly said out of no comment. Alice continues talking in her head. [i]"When I said side effects, I kinda didn't expect this of all things."[/i]

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  • "Right? But are you sure you are not on my level sanity now? Talking to yourself and out of context and all that jazz. It almost makes me think that you are trying to copy me. I guess the writers could do that if they wanted. I do not have a monopoly on insanity after all bahahaha" Garuud says rubbing his chin. "So, what now? Garuud said as he looked at Alice and Shovoroth. That was when the sky went dark and taken spawned in. Garuud smiled wide. " Good! I was getting bored." Another voice spoke from his mouth. " I like when it is boring" It said, another voice spoke. "Screw that I love a good fight!" Garuud began to move towards the taken. "Lets see how this plays out."

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  • His entire being went on alert. Not because of the sudden appearance of Taken, but something else. Something was coming. That's when the air shimmered again, along with Reborn Vex and Cabal appearing in front of the Taken, immediately engaging them. A portal appeared behind the skirmish, a distance away in front of him and the Guardians. And out came Grixis' jumpship. He appeared a second later just below the ship in a fog of shadows. He looked back at the small skirmish. "Sorry, Oryx," he looked back at them, "These ones are mine!" His jumpship continued to hover in its place. "And so here we are."

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  • Garuud looked at Grixis and began pacing. " I knew I smelled something rotten, seriously. When is the last time that you showered!?" Garuud yells readying himself.

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  • "So you are Grixis." Alice says, turning to face the new enemy. "You've certainly got a reputation for yourself. I'm glad I get to be the Guardian that shakes your hand." She separates the now non powered blades and sheaths them all. "What do you want?"

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  • Garuud stepped up next to Alice. " If he fights, can we take him? " Another voice spoke up from Garuuds mouth. " Probably not." it said. Another voice spoke up. " nah we got him, I mean look at him.. All he has going for him is that he is pokey." Garuud smirked. " Hell yeah."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/11/2015 3:44:54 PM
    Grixis ignored the Titan, as he was instantly deemed a waste of his time. But the other? The one who Shovoroth seemed to be ready to protect at a moments notice? She wasn't so lucky. "What I want is simple; the eradication of the Light, and all who follow in it's wake." He directed his gaze at each of the wretched beings in front of him. "I was like you once; a warrior of Light, defender against Darkness. But then I become tainted by Darkness, I go to seek help to rid it from me. But when I get back, those I could call my brothers and sisters, my family, turned their backs on me. Some even went as far as to try to kill me." The Reborn that had warded off the Taken, now took position behind him. "It took me then to realize, that everything I fought for; everything I believed in. Was a lie. And that this," he gestured to himself, "Was true freedom." He then took a few steps forward, talking all the while. "I am giving the Guardians one last chance before the end. Submit," he halted, "Or die along with your false god."

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  • " I don't know much about gods, but I do know this. You have been going around giving your freedom out, kind of like space herpes. I cannot abide that, so I am going to become your penicillin. Capice?" Garuud said as he brought out his Fabian strategy and pulled the slide back. " I am putting you down." Another voice spoke up from his mouth. " That was rather badass." it said and another voice spoke up as well. " hehehehe yeah it was."

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  • The wind picks up at that moment, sending Alice's cloak and Garuud's mark flapping. With Shovoroth now connected to her thoughts, she felt his position behind her, raising himself up to prepare for a fight. Alice smiles, looks at the ground quickly, then back up up at Grixis. "I'll make my mind up about that when I get tainted with some piece of darkness or whatever." Alice states clearly at Grixis. "But for now, I'll abide by yours words, and give the 'Guardian' a second chance." "Grixis, either turn around and continue on your path of Darkness, or fight a battle you will not win." Then she tilts her head a bit, but still looks at Grixis. "I believe that this is your second chance."

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  • "So be it." He said with no emotion in his tone. Shovoroth was on edge on how Grixis was reacting. He had to know the odds were against him. Why was he acting so resolute? Then Grixis looked up at him. "You all must think that I can be so easily defeated, now that you have him." What was he going on about? That's when a large portal opened up high in the sky. It's mass was small at first, but it began to rapidly grow in size. "Shovoroth. I lied when I said you were the only one that was brought back." His blood ran cold. He didn't. Once the portal grew to a titanic size it vanished in a flash of light. Out came a titanic black form dropped out of the sky, before opening wings it's sides. It was another Ahamkara. "I would give an introduction. But I already know that one of us here already knows who this is." Grixis said with an amused tone. The Ahamkara slowly glided down to their position. Shovoroth only watched in shock. It was only slightly smaller than he was. There was only one other that was nearly as big as him. The black scaled Ahamkara landed behind Grixis, it very much resembled what he looked like when he was under the Hive's influence. He looked into the Ahamkara's black eyes. He knew who this was. "Hello again, Shovoroth." The Ahamkara said in a deep, feminine voice. "Emaria?"

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  • "Oh, well that is not cool. Taking a mans woman like that." Garuud yelled over to Grixis. "Just because you bring another Ahamkara to the fight, does not mean I am going to hurt you any less!" Another voice spoke up. " She is very impressive though... and big" it said. "Doesn't matter. He is going down. This actually pissed me off." Garuud pulls out Sol edge and lays it across his shoulders and then pointed it at Grixis. " I am going to wear that point suit as a nightgown."

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  • Alice stands there, hands twitching, ready to grab her swords at a moments notice. "Emaria?" She asks Shovoroth. At that moment, Shovoroth showed her who Emaria was. "Ahh, Emaria. I don't suppose your willing to not fight at all, would you?" She asks Emaria, but still keeps her eyes on Grixis.

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  • A deep rumbling sound escaped from Emaria. She was chuckling. "You already know the answer to that, oh prey of mine." She said with an amused tone. What? "What did those two do to you?" He asked Emaria. What she said; the way she said it. This wasn't like her at all. "Just like they did to you; they set me free." "Enough talk. Emaria, you know what you have to do." Grixis said. With toothy smile, she lowered herself to the ground and launched herself at Shovoroth. He did not expect the attack to happen so fast, and she crashed into him. In that moment it became a shroud of scale, claw, and sand. "As for you two," Grixis reached behind his back and grasped the hilt of his cleaver and drew it. The bladed edge became engulfed in bright, shimmering light, while his entire body immediately surged with Dark Arc energy as black electricity danced on and around him, "I'm going to enjoy snuffing out your Light."

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  • "Sorry, I don't get snuffed! Except that one time... but I was paid to be in that film! You however will not take me down easy. Ready Alice?" Another voice spoke up from within him. " I don't know about this, he looks rough." Another voice spoke up as well. " how many rockets do you think we will need to take down someone of that size?" the other voice spoke up. " Ummmm carry the 7 to account for hi.." Garuud interrupted. Screw the metric system! Use all of it!" Garuud pulled out his rocket launcher and began launching rocket after rocket at Grixis and at the ground at his feet.

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  • Alice looks over at Shovoroth battling Emaria, then back at Grixis getting peppered with rockets. She reaches over her shoulder to grip one of her swords. "Tier one." She mutters, as she pulls out a blade glowing with Arc energy. "You wanna duel Grixis, then let's." She sets her stance, with the blade pointed at the ground.

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