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11/9/2015 8:21:48 PM
Posted this on another thread and is the reason people have or are thinking of walking away. Bit long so my apologies guardians. I've noticed in the past couple of weeks people have dropped out a lot. Reasons 1) New games have come out. Even though people don't want to admit it Other games have dented the Destiny market. 2) Light Level Rewards for completing the "Top Dog End Game Missions" are pretty bad. Raid gear anything from 300-320. Iron Banner 280 upwards Trials of Osiris Non Flawless 260 upwards!!!! ToO Flawless Lighthouse 310-320 3) Grind in a lot of things are Really Really Long. Many also unnecessary like "You must wait till Armsday Reset for next Quest Mission" etc etc. You must do certain PVE or PVP quests to get certain stuff. If you don't like PVP or PVE, but want the item that's bad luck. YOU MUST DO IT. Armsday you must use 200LL guns to complete various tasks, wait till next armsday to get rewards which takes a spot in your weapon inventory slot, then have to have infuse them because the LL drop is so low. 4) Time gated Missions and Exotics. You can only get Black Spindle, NTTE and Sleeper Simulant on certain Missions when they are the daily to then have to wait until they open the next quest stage. Speaking to a lot of my friends and Randoms found on Lfg sites etc they are all saying the same thing. Destiny has turned from a fun Game where you could enjoy your game time with your friends to a near on Full Time Job. They must get the highest LL Possible. (Even though they know it will be worthless come next DLC, where you can go to a vendor and purchase higher LL Items). Tues is a scramble to finish the Raids, Heroics and Nightfall. Finding a competent team off 3rd party sites if your friends arent on for Raids and NF. Then when you do get to play its up to RNGESUS and it's % disciples to get a drop, let alone a better drop than what you already have). Time gated Exotic Daily missions has everybody stressing out because you have to get it done then, otherwise you have to wait till it comes round again & you need your friends on or go look for Randoms that want it also. (Specially Black Spindle Mission if you haven't got it yet). Fri ToO this is where the "Job Interview & CV" comes into full Glory. You must have Emblem, you must have Adept guns, You must have the right class, armour and weapon setup that suits the Party/Game Leader. You must have 6.2368 KD, or you will be kicked and ridiculed for the rest of your gaming life!!!!! I won't get started on the Nerfing of 3oC, weapons everytime another rises to the top because of previous nerf. Lets not forget Strange Coin Nerf, Motes Nerf, Weapon Part Nerf, Armour Part Nerf etc etc. You can hear by Sunday/Monday they have had the life drained out of them, because of all this and realising that by Tues it will all have to be done all over again. People need to realise we are only in yr 2 out of 10 and when you are getting like that and dont enjoy it anymore you have probably burnt yourself out on the game and its time to move on and come back at a later date.

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