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11/9/2015 7:46:17 PM
[quote][b]Weapons:[/b] You took away our favourite weapons from Y1. Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Black hammer and Gjallarhorn and gave us no choice of ascending the gear we have grown into. Instead, you gave us a bunch of new weapons that dont feel as powerful as Y1 weapons even remotely. You murdered Hand cannons and gave us Hand Cannon lovers no way of practising our trade.[/quote] "Our" favorite weapons? You can speak for yourself, not everyone. And besides that, releasing new weapons year 2 would be rather underwhelming if they kept overpowered year 1 stuff around. Gjallarhorn was ridiculous and easily the boss-killer weapon of PvE. Why would you use anything else? Icebreaker made you never have to worry about ammo, Black Hammer was ridiculous for killing bosses before the nerf. You neglect to mention, though, that Black Spindle is an exotic version of nerfed Black Hammer, Imago Loop is effectively year 2 Fatebringer with the exact same stats in every category and given the right rolls can get Outlaw and Firefly. Sleeper Sim is a contender for year 2 boss-slayer, being capable of scoring crits on bosses. Not to mention plenty of year one exotics have still made it over to year two that I'm sure people are fans of. [quote][b]Lvl 34-40:[/b] I went from 34-40 in a one day! In a game where you are forced to grind for gear you get the XP levels for free? XP levels are utterly useless. Just a number which rolls up too quickly. In my opinion this was a huge -blam!- up from bungie.. Levels should have meaning, Levels should be harder to get.[/quote] "XP levels for free", I can't say I understand what that means. I didn't just log into my Warlock and do absolutely nothing to get from 34 to 40, I got it the same way I've always gotten experience: missions, bounties, and fighting stuff. Beyond that, yes, levels don't matter except for determining what gear you can use; at the cap stop improving by levels but by access to new and powerful gear , because there needs to be another method of improvement. I don't see why this is an issue; did you not like it that once you were Level 20 your progress was only determined by gear? [quote][b]Sense of progression and old content:[/b] None! All the gear we have grinded was swept useless in a single blow! Bungie does it periodically to keep players grinding for gear. But for what? I dont see the carrot grinding items anymore. After the items have swept clean from our pockets, the old content get rendered useless. The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked.[/quote] News flash from someone who was Light Level 30 before the The Dark Below came out: This isn't something that happened with only the Taken King. Plenty of people could hit Light Level 30 once the Dark Below was out without needing to grind VoG Hard Mode; it didn't make that time meaningless, though, because I already had a head start. Yes, Taken King's new cap makes your old "requires Level 20" gear not as useful, but you have to be joking if you're telling me there's "no sense of progression" from 170 Light at Level 40 to 310 Light. Also, you can totally use your Y1 stuff in Crucible. Friend of mine likes rocking full VoG gear and his Mythoclast. [quote][b]Time Gated Items:[/b] Bungie please! Let ME decide when I play! As a father of a 6 year old girl and working 5 days a week I dont have time to play whenever RNG just happens to pop up the quest in the daily rotation. So no black spindle for me, as the days the quest is up I just dont have the time to play.[/quote] Uh...looking down further in your post you say you played nearly every single day or at least checked on the community, so...yeah. You could check the daily and if it comes up and try to get to it when it's out. [quote][b]Still no LFG system:[/b] As I said, I dont have time to spend hours visiting Facebook,, DestinyLFG or any other 3rd party LFG site to get a team together I have no proof of how it will perform in the raid. I have like 50 PSN friends on my list and that gets me a 1 raid per 2 weeks if I try really hard. Mainly because my working times are concidered to be different from normal in my country.[/quote] This is a valid point. [quote][b]Rewards:[/b] Last time I played, I was with a struggling with a team on Oryx. We played 4,5 hours and stopped on Daughters as the team scattered. 2 hours of putting the people together, 4,5 hours of raiding. Thats 6,5 hours of effort.. What was my rewards you may ask? 304 boots and a bunch of shards. RNG system can be so cruel and Bungie claimed they have improved it. Raid drops in general are pretty bad compared what we had in the previous raids. Raiding should be rewarding experience.[/quote] Loot is dropped based on the loot pool for the part of the raid you're at; that you didn't get good loot and that you had trouble finding a good group in a timely manner isn't really the game's fault. It can be a rewarding experience, but then in again, it's random loot. Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad, that's RNG. [quote][b]Microtransactions:[/b] This was just a last nail in the coffin for me. I always have been against games that try and pry more money out of their product by making the player addicted and then starting to cash that addiction in. In response Bungie havent announced anything about the next DLC. There are too much rumors going around. Will it be free? And if its free? Is it going to be cheap like free products are?[/quote] Lolwut? "Bungie haven't announced anything about the next DLC". As far as I've heard, it will be free and the microtransactions were brought in to pay for that. If you think these microtransactions for emotes are bad I can only imagine how you'd feel about it in other games where it gives far more significant things like gear and weapons or in games where it makes it pay to win. [quote][b]No point in light 310+:[/b] You released hard raid for us to get over light 310. But for what? to play Hard mode raid? If I land to the moon and kill some dregs as light 260 character, I do it as efficiently as I kill them with light 320 character.. Because the difficulty modifier system is just plain bad. I didnt kill atheon and crota.. Skolas and Oryx just to struggle in a starting area against low level monsters. Where is the sense of character developement here?[/quote] This is a complete non-sequitor. "So we get the the hard raid, but I kill Level 6 dregs in the same number of shots at 260 as I do at 320!" Is your point that just looking at them should make their heads explode? They're Level [b]6[/b], you're Level 40, does it really even matter at all? They're not a threat to you, you're way over their level. How you'd even claim that you "struggle" with them is asinine unless you're playing blind-folded and using your feet. [quote][b]Iron Banner[/b] I loved the way how House of Wolves iron banner offered you a new way of reaching the maximum level with the etheric light. It felt rewarding and fun way to get those etheric lights. With TTK iron banner you just murdered the illusion of the rewarding experience grinding a week in PvP tournament. Now you have light 280 legendary items as a reward for such a special event? I dont know what to say..[/quote] Bungie already addressed the poor loot drop rewards. But oh no, the really good weapons, like Nirwen's Mercy, don't drop at 320, how unfair for you, you have to infuse things into it to make it stronger, woe is you. Yeah, kinda lost my patience with these points at the end since only one was really valid and the last two were stupid. Go play other games, you don't have to dedicate all your time to one game or even one [i]hobby[/i] for crying out loud.

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