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11/9/2015 7:06:39 PM
Ok so I have been one of the biggest desticles ever. Check my play time. I've been a desticle. However. I think what speaks volumes here is that this post is number one trending. We have all seen these posts with a huge wall of bitching and complaining before. So what makes this one different that it's trending so high. It's different because it's right. Unfortunately. I love destiny. It's been a massive part of me. However like the op I left a little over a week ago. (My kid still plays from time to time I think) however I've not touched it. For all the same reasons. I logged in here tonighy for the first time hoping to see a cool patch or update. Maybe something worth the grind. But instead I found this post. And it makes me sad. I can't help but have love for this game but like so many the taken king has created more problems than it solved. And it solved a lot of issues. Could I make a better game. No. Do I understand the finer points of development. Hell no. But my advice is to stop the grind. This is why people are leaving and staying away. Stop the grind and people may max out a little quicker and fall away. But they will come back because it's worth coming back to. You know when u come back you will gain something. Rather than what it is just now. Doing a raid and getting gear lower than your light level or worse shards for the whole thing is unacceptable and I'm my opinion this is why folk are leaving. Just my wall of text and my opinion. Op for me is spot on though. Unfortunately.

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