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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Kharnex: 11/10/2015 5:45:01 AM

You did it Bungie! Im no longer addicted!

A week without playing Destiny has opened my eyes. With TTK destiny got a lot of [b]good[/b] things like the new questing system, more interesting bounties.. a whole new patrol area. Strikes that are fun to play and new subclasses that feel fun to play. But with those good things there came things that in the end ruined the game for me and many others I believe. [b]Weapons:[/b] You took away our favourite weapons from Y1. Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Black hammer and Gjallarhorn and gave us no choice of ascending the gear we have grown into. Instead, you gave us a bunch of new weapons that dont feel as powerful as Y1 weapons even remotely. You murdered Hand cannons and gave us Hand Cannon lovers no way of practising our trade. I personally have not found a set of new weapons I would feel home at. [b]Lvl 34-40:[/b] I went from 34-40 in a one day! In a game where you are forced to grind for gear you get the XP levels for free? XP levels are utterly useless. Just a number which rolls up too quickly. In my opinion this was a huge -blam!- up from bungie.. Levels should have meaning, Levels should be harder to get. [b]Sense of progression and old content:[/b] None! All the gear we have grinded was swept useless in a single blow! Bungie does it periodically to keep players grinding for gear. But for what? I dont see the carrot grinding items anymore. After the items have swept clean from our pockets, the old content get rendered useless. The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked. [b]Time Gated Items:[/b] Bungie please! Let ME decide when I play! As a father of a 6 year old girl and working 5 days a week I dont have time to play whenever RNG just happens to pop up the quest in the daily rotation. So no black spindle for me, as the days the quest is up I just dont have the time to play. [b]Still no LFG system:[/b] As I said, I dont have time to spend hours visiting Facebook,, DestinyLFG or any other 3rd party LFG site to get a team together I have no proof of how it will perform in the raid. I have like 50 PSN friends on my list and that gets me a 1 raid per 2 weeks if I try really hard. Mainly because my working times are concidered to be different from normal in my country. [b]Rewards:[/b] Last time I played, I was with a struggling team on Oryx. We played 4,5 hours and stopped on Daughters as the team scattered. 2 hours of putting the people together, 4,5 hours of raiding. Thats 6,5 hours of effort.. What was my rewards you may ask? 304 boots and a bunch of shards. RNG system can be so cruel and Bungie claimed they have improved it. Raid drops in general are pretty bad compared what we had in the previous raids. Raiding should be rewarding experience. [b]Microtransactions:[/b] This was just a last nail in the coffin for me. I always have been against games that try and pry more money out of their product by making the player addicted and then starting to cash that addiction in. In response Bungie havent announced anything about the next DLC. There are too much rumors going around. Will it be free? And if its free? Is it going to be cheap like free products are? [b]No point in light 310+:[/b] You released hard raid for us to get over light 310. But for what? to play Hard mode raid? If I land to the moon and kill some dregs as light 260 character, I do it as efficiently as I kill them with light 320 character.. Because the difficulty modifier system is just plain bad. I didnt kill atheon and crota.. Skolas and Oryx just to struggle in a starting area against low level monsters. Where is the sense of character developement here? [b]Iron Banner[/b] I loved the way how House of Wolves iron banner offered you a new way of reaching the maximum level with the etheric light. It felt rewarding and fun way to get those etheric lights. With TTK iron banner you just murdered the illusion of the rewarding experience grinding a week in PvP tournament. Now you have light 280 legendary items as a reward for such a special event? I dont know what to say.. [b]The addiction:[/b] From launch to TTK, I played every single day. And when I didnt play, I would pop up the destiny app and see what the forums had to say about daily missions or would they have a new cheese for the lamp section at crota. In general I had to drop a lot of activities to make time for my beloved new hobby, Destiny. When TTK launched I had a change in work schedule and I slowly started to realize I should probably give some time to the family and friends too. I made the decicion to slow down with destiny and at the same time not knowing about the time gated exotics. Now I keep destiny at bay. I keep prowling the forums and wait if they launch the next DLC.. And what are the major changes if any to the game. But with confidence I must say Destiny is done for me. It seemed like a game I would play trough the whole 10 year plan.. But it turns out its not. Without my addiction I have found a lot of things to do with my life! Its like my eyes would have been opened from a long sleep..

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  • We really have been paying for a beta game for over a year now. Good write up, very true in a lot of aspects. one that you listed is patrolling the moon or anywhere for that matter to still get 4 shot by any enemy and be red barred or even killed. You should be wiping your ass with these enemies at a rank 40 300 light level.. instead, your grinding areas you have already grinded a hundred times over. The missing content, the dlc releases we all have hoped for. To figure out in the end. Bungie in some way is f'n us over. .. Anyone get a raid hard mode ship yet? no? did you forget about that kickass ship too? Its two months into TTK and we still have content missing and it wont be put out until either later this month or next month. 'we are releasing challenge mode" and everyone cheers... think its going to really be anything different? Everyone should be pissed about this. New games are out now. we can all move on and wait to come back at a later date. Which is a good thing. I just hope on the next dlc we don't have to rebuy shit we already paid for and re-play the same f'n maps over and over again.

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  • Totally agree! The only thing that keeps me coming back is playing with the friends I've made. Raiding or some PVP. I even tried some trials this weekend for the first time since HoW came out. When I stopped playing for gear or weapons I enjoyed it a lot more. Brain cleansing by playing another game or taking a break also helps.

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  • You covered all the reasons I quit except I was smart enough to get out before ttk.

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    • "I don't have time to just pop on when RNG decides to pop up a quest..." "I played every single day for a whole year..." -OP 2015

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      7 Replies
      • I feel same way. And now with FO4 tomorrow I see myself straying away. Don't wrong I put a lot of hours and got my money out of the game but it's just hitting that point where it's like meh. I still support the game though it's come a long ways but I'm just not really motivated to continue to try and get a couple levels higher than 315 as the gear almost never drops to advance me.

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      • I'm actually considering stopping all together seeing as how Bungie are punishing people based on their internet connection. I know it's a 'controversial' topic. But I think it's in incredibly unfair, sometimes people literally cannot get a better service.

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        • Payday on friday and in getting fallout 4 this grindfest can gather dust rubbish nightfall drops, horrible rng in the raid, stupid light system that relys on rng for a decent light level and bungie messing with things that dont need changing instead of sorting out the existing problems

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        • They made the changes they did to artificially increase play time. Yes, in doing so they made some things better but it seems the primary focus was to pad the time played number, hence increase revenue. Think about it, no more OP PvE weapons, no guaranteed max light gear, and time-locked quests. All these thing we're put in place to artificially increase time played. The thing you have to understand is that Destiny's selling point is being a cooperative social shooter. Without a community of active players there is no Deatiny, they game is garbage without the community. Bungie knows it and the smarter member of the community know it too. Unfortunately for us it seems more cost effective to artificially inflate time played by making us grind for the same gear we already have but at a higher light just to reach max light. This is also why we have to grind the raid for crappy weapons just to infuse them into weapons we actually use. Bungie knows we are a community of completionist and they are capitalizing on it by making it more time consuming to get the final bit we need to complete our adventure.

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        • Hey Cosmo, this guy is spot on. Help us.

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        • I agree with most of what you said; micro transactions don't really bother me as long as others don't get an competitive advantage. Finding a group to raid with is just too much of a hassle. I don't want to have to go to 3 party sites. I don't want to spend time spamming people in the tower. All I want is match making; or hell, even a special social place only for people looking for raid groups. Anyway, I got Halo 5 and I'm enjoying the crap out of it. It's a nice change of pace from the disappointment of RNG and the daily frustration that is Destiny. I'll be back after some dlc drops but until then, I'm gonna play some Warzone.

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        • I Agree, Now Tuesday is the only day I touch destiny to do Kings Fall (Hard mode) the rest of the week I play something else

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        • I was such a destiny fan boy in all of year one and even a month and ahalf after ttk. I have about 60 days played on the game and have never been so addicted to anything in my entire life. But theres no denying the progression after 310 is pointless. And the rng system in the raid has me not wanting to come back a little bit more everytime hard oryx drops me a 310 item.

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        • Ohhhh the getting hit by low level characters is the worse!!! I find it ridiculous that I grind and grind to get high light level but a level 8 character can one hit me with a sniper and my health is half gone. At light level 304 I should be able to one hit anything under level 15 anywhere on the body, and barely take hits to my health. They need to modify the modifier!!!

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          • You hit the nail on the head, in y1 there were certain guns I just came to love and can't delete. Now I have y2 guns I could care less about and will shard if I ever buy the next DLC.

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          • I've never really found how anyone can be addicted to this game. It is fun and I have enjoyed my time playing since day one. But I've never seen how someone can throw thousands of hours into a game that is mostly a FPS. I'll give it some credit it does try to be more, and with TTK I've finally seen some difference in the weaponry. But so far most of the gear is still lackluster and doesn't really differ from each other then looks. As far as your problems, with the added leveling system it was just used to finally cut the coattails of the players that don't purchase the new expansion. I feel this should have happened at the beginning but better late then never. Light level will probably always be the actual leveling experience in destiny. I think the only real problem this game is having with the RNG drops is in the new raid. I think Bungie should have just made the gear all max level for each difficulty, then had the RNG similar to original VoG. This way your just fighting against RNG once and not twice hoping to get a drop and then hoping that drop is a useful light level. I don't really care for the old raids to be brought into year two. Would it have been nice? Sure, but then what would be the point of playing the new raid if I can get max light from a easier one? I like the time gated exotics. Though they probably could have done them differently, would it really be better? Who knows, it's always easy to say something is better when I don't have to do any work about it. I think it would have been fine to leave the exotics open without needing it to be the daily. If they really wanted to make it 'harder' then they could have just made the enemies a bit spongier and let everyone bitch about that. For an in-game LFG would be just as useful as the out-of game ones. It would just require a little less work since it's in game. Don't have a problem with microtransactions. It's just a way for the companies to get a little extra revenue. Making those graphics sucks, I hate when I spend a full day working on a sprite sheet for one character, I would hate to do it as a job. Hated etheric light, I really have nothing to talk about that besides I'm glad it's no longer useful. My hope for this game was that it'd be something more than an FPS. It has achieved that, but just barely. I have a bunch of ideas that could be good or bad with how I think somethings should have been that might have made destiny better or worse then it is. But I don't get paid to work on destiny and have already put several posts up through the year with how I saw things. I just play and enjoy the game for what it has and ignore what it doesn't.

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            • Over 3,500 hours in the game. Had an illness that kept me at home for a few months. Destiny was how i filled my time. Have a clan with a few members and we used to run raids a lot. Crota 3 times a week and VOG 3 times a week. Looked at my friends list yesterday and 70% were playing blops3 the rest were scattered over various other games. 2 guys on destiny. A couple of weeks ago those numbers would have been reversed. I myself have been playing blops 3 and assassin's Creed syndicate. Got a bunch of us in a party and asked if anyone wanted to raid. Universally the answer was no. So we had a discussion about why we didn't want to raid and what we thought. The biggest answer was why raid for no rewards. Why spend time in a raid to come out of the raid with rewards that were lower levels than the stuff we already had. The OP is spot on with his post. I for one will come back to Destiny when I see a change in the overall system. But not until then. Hopefully Bungie will see the numbers and actually do something to bring us back into the world of Destiny. Until then Fallout will be my main, with a lot of time spent on Tomb Raider

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              3 Replies
              • The game isn't even playable right now...connecting to just the game is a struggle. Hell it won't even let me fly to the tower half the time.

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              • I'm also burnt out here. No incentive to do trials as most weapons are poor. Also hard mode guns are reskinned normal mode guns. Lack of creativity is killing this game.

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              • 100% agree with everything, I am getting bored. Lfg is useless the grind is useless everything before ttk is useless.

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              • That is one of the best posts I've read on this forum, I agree with every point and it's very well written. Could be about me & Destiny.

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              • Bungie should have never go rid of the old leveling system yesterday I got invited to vog the people in the game only had destiny for a month said they have never played Vog Crota or Poe they all didn't know what to do so then one of them loaded Crota at Crota I told them what to do I'm going to hold the sword all you have to do is shoot Crota they couldn't take him down so Crota was at a point were he was about to go enraged this one kid sits down right were Crota was moving to Crota killed the noob and it was oversoul I used my sword to block it j quickly got my sleeper and then took Crota down and killed him at the end I got kicked because they thought they would get the exotic emblem and sparrow.right before the host kicked me he said your a noob the people in your fire team that die don't get the exotic emblem and

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              • I approve this message and OP is God for a day.

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              • Agreed. On top of that, Crucible rewards dropped very frequently pre-TTK in the post-match screen. But with Reforging we just salvaged all of em. Now without Reforging, they also took away the drop rate making it very difficult to get any decent crucible-only dropped guns. I bet most of their dev team plays Halo/COD/Fallout after work...please try to learn from them and make Destiny the best game again.

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              • I just want a year 2 mida. No stupid changes, simply the same gun with a higher attack

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              • I stopped reading in the level section. Level are now the way it's supposed to be, maybe it must be a little harder, it needs to be a bigger amount of xp to get to level 40, but it's better than before. I hated how I can't equip the gear I wanted because it makes me be level 33 or 32

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              • Ok first you lie. You play everyday yet don't have time for time gated gear... Ya um ya. Second you spent 2 hours putting together a team? Huh? How? It takes me at most 10 minutes to start fresh on hard with complete randoms. It's easy and you're basically a liar or retarded. However I play halo 5 now and it's PVP it way better so I get destiny is losing some of it luster!

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