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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Kharnex: 11/10/2015 5:45:01 AM

You did it Bungie! Im no longer addicted!

A week without playing Destiny has opened my eyes. With TTK destiny got a lot of [b]good[/b] things like the new questing system, more interesting bounties.. a whole new patrol area. Strikes that are fun to play and new subclasses that feel fun to play. But with those good things there came things that in the end ruined the game for me and many others I believe. [b]Weapons:[/b] You took away our favourite weapons from Y1. Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Black hammer and Gjallarhorn and gave us no choice of ascending the gear we have grown into. Instead, you gave us a bunch of new weapons that dont feel as powerful as Y1 weapons even remotely. You murdered Hand cannons and gave us Hand Cannon lovers no way of practising our trade. I personally have not found a set of new weapons I would feel home at. [b]Lvl 34-40:[/b] I went from 34-40 in a one day! In a game where you are forced to grind for gear you get the XP levels for free? XP levels are utterly useless. Just a number which rolls up too quickly. In my opinion this was a huge -blam!- up from bungie.. Levels should have meaning, Levels should be harder to get. [b]Sense of progression and old content:[/b] None! All the gear we have grinded was swept useless in a single blow! Bungie does it periodically to keep players grinding for gear. But for what? I dont see the carrot grinding items anymore. After the items have swept clean from our pockets, the old content get rendered useless. The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked. [b]Time Gated Items:[/b] Bungie please! Let ME decide when I play! As a father of a 6 year old girl and working 5 days a week I dont have time to play whenever RNG just happens to pop up the quest in the daily rotation. So no black spindle for me, as the days the quest is up I just dont have the time to play. [b]Still no LFG system:[/b] As I said, I dont have time to spend hours visiting Facebook,, DestinyLFG or any other 3rd party LFG site to get a team together I have no proof of how it will perform in the raid. I have like 50 PSN friends on my list and that gets me a 1 raid per 2 weeks if I try really hard. Mainly because my working times are concidered to be different from normal in my country. [b]Rewards:[/b] Last time I played, I was with a struggling team on Oryx. We played 4,5 hours and stopped on Daughters as the team scattered. 2 hours of putting the people together, 4,5 hours of raiding. Thats 6,5 hours of effort.. What was my rewards you may ask? 304 boots and a bunch of shards. RNG system can be so cruel and Bungie claimed they have improved it. Raid drops in general are pretty bad compared what we had in the previous raids. Raiding should be rewarding experience. [b]Microtransactions:[/b] This was just a last nail in the coffin for me. I always have been against games that try and pry more money out of their product by making the player addicted and then starting to cash that addiction in. In response Bungie havent announced anything about the next DLC. There are too much rumors going around. Will it be free? And if its free? Is it going to be cheap like free products are? [b]No point in light 310+:[/b] You released hard raid for us to get over light 310. But for what? to play Hard mode raid? If I land to the moon and kill some dregs as light 260 character, I do it as efficiently as I kill them with light 320 character.. Because the difficulty modifier system is just plain bad. I didnt kill atheon and crota.. Skolas and Oryx just to struggle in a starting area against low level monsters. Where is the sense of character developement here? [b]Iron Banner[/b] I loved the way how House of Wolves iron banner offered you a new way of reaching the maximum level with the etheric light. It felt rewarding and fun way to get those etheric lights. With TTK iron banner you just murdered the illusion of the rewarding experience grinding a week in PvP tournament. Now you have light 280 legendary items as a reward for such a special event? I dont know what to say.. [b]The addiction:[/b] From launch to TTK, I played every single day. And when I didnt play, I would pop up the destiny app and see what the forums had to say about daily missions or would they have a new cheese for the lamp section at crota. In general I had to drop a lot of activities to make time for my beloved new hobby, Destiny. When TTK launched I had a change in work schedule and I slowly started to realize I should probably give some time to the family and friends too. I made the decicion to slow down with destiny and at the same time not knowing about the time gated exotics. Now I keep destiny at bay. I keep prowling the forums and wait if they launch the next DLC.. And what are the major changes if any to the game. But with confidence I must say Destiny is done for me. It seemed like a game I would play trough the whole 10 year plan.. But it turns out its not. Without my addiction I have found a lot of things to do with my life! Its like my eyes would have been opened from a long sleep..

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  • Yea I'm slowly getting there. A few more raids and I'm probably done.

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by rocketFox: 11/9/2015 5:38:43 PM
      Only reason I've stopped playing so rabidly is I've done everything I want to do. I have decent light, decent equipment but there is no Fatebringer or Gally in TTK that I'm hunting down. Heck if they brought back Icebreaker or MIDA I'd come back to try and find it....... but its ok. TTK has been a blast and I've got a lot of playtime out of it, I'll be back when a decent slab of content is dropped on Destiny.

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    • "Hand cannon lovers" you mean those crucible assholes that used nothing but thorn and last word?

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      4 Replies
      • Agree with almost everything you say especially about the quest related guns, the light level and my beloved iron banner. Destiny is good in every area pve/pvp/endgame but is brilliant at nothing. There's no emotional attachment to the destiny world and no motivation to reach the peak and be all powerful just to wipe and start over at the end of each year. I will still play but I was never addicted and love to play pvp (which is the ultimate dissapointment for me because well halo 3)

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      • This pretty much sums up my experience too. I played everyday from day 1. Now I play Tues and Fri only and even then it feels like a job rather than fun. Rewards are just plain terrible. There's nothing to aim for. Unless new content, new gear or challenge mode comes within the next week or so I can see myself stopping playing altogether.

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      • Bump

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      • Yeah I quit too been about 2 weeks fallout 4 tomorrow can't wait. The biggest nail in the coffin for me is getting rid of elemental primaries in hardmode raid if they had some I would have bothered trying but to use the excuse that it makes the other weapons useless is crap. Also the fact that you now get double RNG in the raid RNG on if your getting anything at all and RNG on the -blam!-ing light level are you freaking serious that's a horrible way to extend the raid I would have much rather be playing the raid to get shards to max out my weapons and armor than that bullshit at least you were guaranteed shards this new RNG for raids is horrible. Too top it off you have a normal, hardmode and challenge mode f that.

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      • Warning walls of text inbound

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      • Hit the nail on the head!

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      • 5
        Havnt picked it up in 5 days now I believe. Something like that. Everyone is absolutely right. There is no direction anymore. You hard raid to do better in your next hard raid run. It doesn't even make sense so wtf was I doing even playing this game?

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        2 Replies
        • I sorta TLDR this post but I agreed with your first sentence. I took 2 weeks off of Destiny and that addiction is broken! I'm not done with it but certainly no longer my go to game at the moment.

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        • First thing on non-destiny list: complain about destiny on the forums.... lol

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        • I'm not interested in the reasons why Destiny is no more fun to me. It is no more fun. My fault.

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        • I don't know why people complain about micro's. They are not new. Next they are not going away because people keep buying them. They're a fact of gaming now. For the most part they are all cosmetic so just be strong and don't buy in to it. It's like bitching about a happy meal. A little extra for cosmetic BS but really the same food. I also don't have an issue with them leaving some yr1 weapons behind. There was almost no variety in yr1 because it was not balanced. The game still isn't, but it's come a long way. Everyone used the same stuff. When looking for games if you didn't posses a handful of weapons it was GTFO. You want to go back to that? I mean you said you don't have a lot of time so I don't see how that works for you as a fellow adult. I'll agree on the leveling, time gates, lfg, etc. But those two I countered are getting really old around here and I don't understand how more can't see it. It's plain as day. Yes a lot of the balance and features should have been there at launch then we wouldn't be here. But we all know that this game has been fraught with issues on the dev side. And yes one of the most glaring issues is the lack of more end game stuff to do and terrible rewards and RNG system.

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        • [quote] [b]Weapons:[/b] You took away our favourite weapons from Y1. Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Black hammer and Gjallarhorn and gave us no choice of ascending the gear we have grown into. Instead, you gave us a bunch of new weapons that dont feel as powerful as Y1 weapons even remotely. You murdered Hand cannons and gave us Hand Cannon lovers no way of practising our trade. I personally have not found a set of new weapons I would feel home at. [/quote] Do you honestly want to be playing with the same damn weapons 3 years from now? Really? This is one of the best things Bungie did, although i think they could've made all the DLC weapons a Y2 version off the bat. A Queensbreaker Bow would have been fun to use a little longer. [quote][b]Sense of progression and old content:[/b] None! All the gear we have grinded was swept useless in a single blow! Bungie does it periodically to keep players grinding for gear. But for what? I dont see the carrot grinding items anymore. After the items have swept clean from our pockets, the old content get rendered useless. The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked.[/quote] Tied to above: no one wants to be playing with and using the same gear 2 years later. Expand your horizons and try something new. And if you really want to use that older gear and weapons, do it in the cruciable or throw it on and go do the older content. Every single other game on the market does this exact thing. No one in WOW is still wearing the same gear they had During the Burning Crusade, and Black Ops 2 weapons are not available in the current release, why would they be here....? [quote] [b]Still no LFG system:[/b] As I said, I dont have time to spend hours visiting Facebook,, DestinyLFG or any other 3rd party LFG site to get a team together I have no proof of how it will perform in the raid. I have like 50 PSN friends on my list and that gets me a 1 raid per 2 weeks if I try really hard. Mainly because my working times are concidered to be different from normal in my country. [b]Rewards:[/b] Last time I played, I was with a struggling with a team on Oryx. We played 4,5 hours and stopped on Daughters as the team scattered. 2 hours of putting the people together, 4,5 hours of raiding. Thats 6,5 hours of effort.. What was my rewards you may ask? 304 boots and a bunch of shards. RNG system can be so cruel and Bungie claimed they have improved it. Raid drops in general are pretty bad compared what we had in the previous raids. Raiding should be rewarding experience.[/quote] If you have 50 friends on your list and spend 2 hours on LFG and still havn't beaten Oryx then you need to add me and our crew, we will WALK you through it. You are either full of it, or have the worst luck on the interwebs. On 2 characters I had a group with LFG within 10 minutes of logging in, and I have a ton of friends who do the same thing. [quote][b]Microtransactions:[/b] This was just a last nail in the coffin for me. I always have been against games that try and pry more money out of their product by making the player addicted and then starting to cash that addiction in. In response Bungie havent announced anything about the next DLC. There are too much rumors going around. Will it be free? And if its free? Is it going to be cheap like free products are?[/quote] Simple solution: don't like them, don't buy them, and if things change then cross that bridge when it comes up, no point freaking out over speculation. [quote][b]The addiction:[/b] From launch to TTK, I played every single day. And when I didnt play, I would pop up the destiny app and see what the forums had to say about daily missions or would they have a new cheese for the lamp section at crota. In general I had to drop a lot of activities to make time for my beloved new hobby, Destiny. [/quote] In one section you talk about being a Dad and not having time to play Destiny or spend it learning the raid but here you talk about addiction and how much you played..... not sure whats up but here is some advice: If you don't like it, put down the controller and walk away, it's a game and meant for entertainment. If you are no longer getting that entertainment then it's a pretty obvious what to do. I find it tough to believe a lot of what you are saying, looks more like saltiness boiling over and a re-hashing of every complaint that people have had over the last 3 months. My Thoughts: I too am done with Destiny, for the moment(Fallout 4 at 10 pm tonight!!!!). I hate the time gated stuff and the grind but I managed to get a NTTE, a Sleeper, a First Curse and Black Spindle, plus finish the raid playing late nights with a group of other fathers. I hit 305 light on one of my toons finally and am prtetty happy reaching that point. I have a toddler at home as well and feel your pain with finding groups but I just can't believe you spend 2 hours LFG only to spend 4.5 wiping, like I said, send me a message and we will run you through it. I hope to meet you and you can prove me wrong.

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        • Edited by THUNDERCHILD: 11/9/2015 4:59:56 PM
          it's hard not to agree with much of this. i play 90 percent crucible only and since TTK i haven't seen even one exotic drop in pvp. and on the rare occasion a legendary drops now its [u]never[/u] anything to get excited about, just another 3 marks worth. i could get onboard with micro transactions if they pay for [u]everyone's[/u] future dlc because this silent quarterly subscription model is despicable, but i suspect in a few months we're gonna be forced to pay another 20-30 again just to keep playing. i guess if the content was half as good as anything in skyrim it would be worth it but that's not happening at all, they're simply holding the game as i play it hostage until i pay the ransom. i remember back when i was excited to buy dlc for games, but when i paid for ttk i felt as if i was a little kid who just got shaken down for his lunch money. i followed this game for about 2 years before launch and anyone who pre ordered and has been a part of this community anywhere near that long would have a hard time saying we got anything at all like the destiny that we fell in love with in those old vidocs. bungie used to be one of the very best. however, that bungie died when joe and marty left, and today pure corporate greed is wearing its face as a mask. it might be time for a break.

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          • Fallout 4 tomorrow!

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            5 Replies
            • Bravo man. No game is worth spending all your free time on. The dangling carrot plays off of basic human compulsion. It's a race to nothing. Once the drops dry up, the fun stops. What's left is resentment.

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            • I think bungie knows and I think they are purposefully screwing with us and then they are gonna drop something like a DLC...and if they don't know and aren't reading the past month of people bashing the game then they are in it for the money and don't care about the community...the game is really boring at grindy now and I find my self doing things that I don't even enjoy..

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            • I feel you. I've recently become laid off for a month and have a limited amount of funds I've saved up (spent most on Christmas gifts) so lately just laying around the house and sleeping has felt way more rewarding that playing destiny for me.

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            • S'alright buddy, you're by no means alone. I bought Far Cry 4 and have been enjoying that for a little while.. Until the true game launches tomorrow. Destiny, boys, if you're reading this, do [i]not[/i] launch an Iron Banner this week or next. People won't be playing it.

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            • This was a joy to read. We have had very similar experiences and are currently in the same situation. By rendering old gear useless Bungie has completely evaporated my motivation to grind for anything in this game. It has made me look at the amount of worthwhile content in a different light, and as a result I play [u]A LOT[/u] less than I used to. I actually enjoy the game more now because I only log on to play actual content. Hopefully they make some great expansions in the future.

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            • Glad you said it man. I'm also about 2 weeks out and life is much better. I had no idea how addicted and unhappy I was grinding into oblivion. This isn't a game anymore, it's a job. I don't work 8 hours a day to come home and work more. No wonder I was always tired! Fu k destiny, Bungie, and Activision. I'm still pissed they ruined it, there was so much potential there

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            • Feels great getting away from destiny. Glad you see it the same way!

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            • Yea, honestly. People on the forums are still doing the stfu crap but destiny [i]is[/i] dieing. I go on my friends list, have about 20 friends i met playing destiny or play destiny a lot with and [u]three[/u] of them have been on in the past week.

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            • I agree with much of what you have said. However, if you were able to play everyday from launch to TTK why can't you play almost everyday to get items that come up on the daily play list? You invalidated your own statement. I do like getting away from Destiny too.

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