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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Kharnex: 11/10/2015 5:45:01 AM

You did it Bungie! Im no longer addicted!

A week without playing Destiny has opened my eyes. With TTK destiny got a lot of [b]good[/b] things like the new questing system, more interesting bounties.. a whole new patrol area. Strikes that are fun to play and new subclasses that feel fun to play. But with those good things there came things that in the end ruined the game for me and many others I believe. [b]Weapons:[/b] You took away our favourite weapons from Y1. Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Black hammer and Gjallarhorn and gave us no choice of ascending the gear we have grown into. Instead, you gave us a bunch of new weapons that dont feel as powerful as Y1 weapons even remotely. You murdered Hand cannons and gave us Hand Cannon lovers no way of practising our trade. I personally have not found a set of new weapons I would feel home at. [b]Lvl 34-40:[/b] I went from 34-40 in a one day! In a game where you are forced to grind for gear you get the XP levels for free? XP levels are utterly useless. Just a number which rolls up too quickly. In my opinion this was a huge -blam!- up from bungie.. Levels should have meaning, Levels should be harder to get. [b]Sense of progression and old content:[/b] None! All the gear we have grinded was swept useless in a single blow! Bungie does it periodically to keep players grinding for gear. But for what? I dont see the carrot grinding items anymore. After the items have swept clean from our pockets, the old content get rendered useless. The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked. [b]Time Gated Items:[/b] Bungie please! Let ME decide when I play! As a father of a 6 year old girl and working 5 days a week I dont have time to play whenever RNG just happens to pop up the quest in the daily rotation. So no black spindle for me, as the days the quest is up I just dont have the time to play. [b]Still no LFG system:[/b] As I said, I dont have time to spend hours visiting Facebook,, DestinyLFG or any other 3rd party LFG site to get a team together I have no proof of how it will perform in the raid. I have like 50 PSN friends on my list and that gets me a 1 raid per 2 weeks if I try really hard. Mainly because my working times are concidered to be different from normal in my country. [b]Rewards:[/b] Last time I played, I was with a struggling team on Oryx. We played 4,5 hours and stopped on Daughters as the team scattered. 2 hours of putting the people together, 4,5 hours of raiding. Thats 6,5 hours of effort.. What was my rewards you may ask? 304 boots and a bunch of shards. RNG system can be so cruel and Bungie claimed they have improved it. Raid drops in general are pretty bad compared what we had in the previous raids. Raiding should be rewarding experience. [b]Microtransactions:[/b] This was just a last nail in the coffin for me. I always have been against games that try and pry more money out of their product by making the player addicted and then starting to cash that addiction in. In response Bungie havent announced anything about the next DLC. There are too much rumors going around. Will it be free? And if its free? Is it going to be cheap like free products are? [b]No point in light 310+:[/b] You released hard raid for us to get over light 310. But for what? to play Hard mode raid? If I land to the moon and kill some dregs as light 260 character, I do it as efficiently as I kill them with light 320 character.. Because the difficulty modifier system is just plain bad. I didnt kill atheon and crota.. Skolas and Oryx just to struggle in a starting area against low level monsters. Where is the sense of character developement here? [b]Iron Banner[/b] I loved the way how House of Wolves iron banner offered you a new way of reaching the maximum level with the etheric light. It felt rewarding and fun way to get those etheric lights. With TTK iron banner you just murdered the illusion of the rewarding experience grinding a week in PvP tournament. Now you have light 280 legendary items as a reward for such a special event? I dont know what to say.. [b]The addiction:[/b] From launch to TTK, I played every single day. And when I didnt play, I would pop up the destiny app and see what the forums had to say about daily missions or would they have a new cheese for the lamp section at crota. In general I had to drop a lot of activities to make time for my beloved new hobby, Destiny. When TTK launched I had a change in work schedule and I slowly started to realize I should probably give some time to the family and friends too. I made the decicion to slow down with destiny and at the same time not knowing about the time gated exotics. Now I keep destiny at bay. I keep prowling the forums and wait if they launch the next DLC.. And what are the major changes if any to the game. But with confidence I must say Destiny is done for me. It seemed like a game I would play trough the whole 10 year plan.. But it turns out its not. Without my addiction I have found a lot of things to do with my life! Its like my eyes would have been opened from a long sleep..

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  • Ehh when you have a job it normally opens your eyes to some of the lackluster games that are out there. Not really much to do on destiny TBH. Gunna pick up fallout 4 when I get paid this week. Been a while since I've sat down and played a single player game.

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  • I agree with OP. And Let me ask this, to the persons still defending bungie and destiny. Can you honestly tell me, the way the game is going right now. that it will last for 10 years? This game would be great. If bungie Just listenend to the community once in a while. You can have a great game. But if you shit on the fans to long. Your game will eventually fall apart.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Lump: 11/10/2015 12:37:25 PM
      Not even tying at this point

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      • Fallout 4 is a blast

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      • You stopped on daughters.. ? Well.. Well... Anyway you don't need to play everyday the same game, do a break.. And that's all..

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      • Nothing to do now. Tried a raid and lag is worse today than I've ever seen it. Time gates, micro transactions etc. You make a good point op

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      • Levels are paywalls.

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      • Well said man, well said.

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      • Just came back to check forums out of curiosity and you sum up very well why I stoped playing. It s a shame too, I really loved the game.

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      • [quote]The game gets an "expansion" But actually gets shrinked.[/quote] This is so true, and then they will put Y1 exotic (content already developed and PAID) on Y2 level including it in a nice DLC for $19.99

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      • Bump because of well reasoned and articulated post that summarizes all the issues with Destiny Couldn't agree more, most of the problems come from Bungie has too much emphasis on addiction mechanics and maximizing revenue

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      • I'm of a similar opinion to yourself, TTK made a lot of good changes and a lot of bad ones. I don't mind going on LFG for nightfall and raids but as primarily a single player guy there is too much time gated fire team stuff. I thought the grind for the exotic sword was woeful, I doubt I'll bother getting the other two. Conversely enough, the times I've been in the crucible while not doing some quest have been a blast. I think destiny will still be my PVP game but I've got zero incentive to grind anymore, still not done gta5, witcher3, MGS5 or fallout4.

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        4 Replies
        • I'm a father of a young girl too. It's funny to see who doesn't have kids. (It's always the ones critiquing the fact that fathers find time to play.) I've been on the end of that idiot-bazooka, pay them no mind; They (obviously) have very little reading comprehension. And as for your post- I pretty much hate this game now unless I'm helping someone get what they want, or screwing around with my buddies. I agree on just about everything you pointed out! I'm on ps4, im not terrible. ANYTIME i'm on you feel free to hit me up for a raid. I can usually get decent people off my list, we dont take too-too long, and we have a blast. Sounds like you need this in your life, bro. GT: skubasteven601

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          • totally agree, have to work 5 days a week a matchmaking for raids is a must, dont care if the team is bad still better then doing useless daily, nightfall etc

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          • the whole light system they implemented is bullshit there was nothing wrong with the old way of leveling up. The numbers doesn't even make sense I mean why 320.

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            5 Replies
            • Agree with your points but I don't get how you complain about things being time gated because you're a parent but then say you've played every day since launch

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              • You forgot to add the raid gear is pointless on its own, it's only good for infusion, and most of the time it drops at lower levels, while ToO gear it's not only easier to get than raid gear, it's most likely to be higher levels, and even with ToC, you have a better chance at getting exotics from the reward packages.

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                • I think after the Taken King launch people lost a lot of respect for Bungie and had thought of it worse but in this game will always be split people who likes this game and feels respected and people who dislikes the game and feels like they wasted there time.

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                • I totally agree with you man. It is a shame Bungie felt the need to invent the wheel again and again, making so many rookie mistakes that could have easily been avoided. And now with a lot of great games released or about to Destiny players will leave slowly but surely. I will check in once i a while though...

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                • I have to agree, the effort to get 320 raid gear and then see pvp folk coming over with theirs is just too much for me. I just think the two sets of weapons and gear should not be able to cross over, end of.

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                • I agree, i just think there are some new fun games to play ( and those games will never reach the gametime as i did with destiny ) and allmost everybody wants to take a break, qeustion is, how long? :) I dont think its gonna take long till most of the destinyplayers returns :D

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                • I feel much the same, and agree with your post.

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                • #bumpfortruth

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                • Good post upgrading to xbone this week and destiny is not coming with ! Going with fallout 4 and bo3

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                • Over the last few months this was the only game I played. Due to some of the things you mentioned I have moved on to other games. I hope Bungie addresses some of the issues so the game can be fun again. Until then Bo3 and Fallout will hold me over.

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                • Why are you steeling my thoughts!? :D nuff said! Totally agree with you! :) try fallout 4! This game is just great and it's offline! So you can grow and progress when you have time. In destiny I have the feeling I have to play and grind to be up to date with others etc. I think I still raid on Tuesday and play some Osiris on weekend, but that's it. Everything else is just useless and doesn't brings you forward.

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