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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by Zalamiir: 11/9/2015 4:58:38 AM
With that, his decision was made. He looked back up at the ethereal Grixis. "I was blinded by my own ambition to see what it would sow. If I continue down your path, then all will suffer. I will no longer bow to your wishes." There was a long moment of silence. Then the shadow spoke. "[i]I understand."[/i] Not a second later, portals on the far wall appeared. Chains with barbs and hooks shot forth from them, all aimed at Shovoroth. He saw them, but wasn't fast enough. Each one found its mark. Some impaled his legs, his wings, or found purchase on his torso. He howled in pain at the sudden attack, but then they all implanted into the ground, keeping him in place. Once they did, a flash a light shot out above him, temporarily blinding him. When he recovered, he saw what had appeared. And saw that it was the black and white orb that was Grixis' and Sarkon's Oversoul, the one that gave him life. Immediately, surges of Light and Darkness radiated off of his body, going into the Oversoul. He tried to tear himself from the chains, but both ends of them didn't even budge. He was helpless. Slowly but surely he felt weaker and the edges of his vision began to darken. This Oversoul was taking his life. [i]"You are a disgrace to your own kind. What you fail to do; I will not."[/i] The ethereal form said before vanishing. One of the three cruisers broke off from the battle across the horizon, positioning itself until it's side was facing them. Then the large streaks along its side began to glow a bright yellow. It was about to fire on them, and he couldn't do anything about it. "Run! Get away from here!"

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  • He slowly stood up with the Hunter. Actually, she seemed familiar to him, but why- Then it hit him. She was one of the Guardians that went into the Vault and defeated the Reborn Atheon. He wondered where she went. But now wasn't the time to go down memory lane. There were other pressing matters. "Well for starters: what happened here, and two," he pointed at the two Ahamkara, "Why is there now [i]two[/i] giant Ahamkara?"

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  • Alice looked back at Shovoroth and Emaria, pointing to each one it turn. "That's Shovoroth." She says in mock amusement. "And that's an old friends of his, Emaria." Alice turns back to look at the Exo. "To answer your first, I'll tell it from the beginning." "Grixis had Shovoroth under his control, flooding him with Darkness so that Shovoroth had free will, but couldn't fight the urges to kill things. He proceeded to destroy Cabal, Vex and anything else that might have breathed. Then me and that Titan over there heard commotion in this Valley, so we came to check it out." "What we found was reborn scattered throughout the valley, tearing apart anything, and Shovoroth resting on this cliff top. Those Cabal war cruisers came to try and kill Shovoroth, so Shovoroth called the aid of Grixis and his three Hive Cruisers. As you saw, the Cabal got wrecked." "We arrived around that point, and Shovoroth noticed. He slid down the cliff, preparing himself to kill us. Then the Titan jumped off to fight the Reborn, leaving me with Shovoroth. But I honestly didn't want to fight, so I said the truth to Shovoroth, I didn't want to fight, that we could work together and such. He argued, I argued back. Grixis then appeared in the sky, saying to Shovoroth to kill us quickly." "Shovoroth declined since I convinced him that we meant no harm to him, Grixis got mad, launched barbed chains at Shovoroth, then turned one of the three Cruisers on us to blow us all up. Me and Garuud, the Titan, both leaped into action, cutting the chains to free him." Alice takes a moment to rest and the Exo to think.

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  • She convinced Shovoroth to betray Grixis? That was. Impressive. "That was a bold move, convincing someone like him that has hated us for centuries. But a move that paid off in the end." He continued to play what the Hunter- Alice, he thought- had told him. But things weren't adding up still. "I guess you're only telling me half of the story, because it doesn't explain why he's white," he pointed at Shovoroth, "Why there are two of them now," pointing at the black Ahamkara 'Emaria,' "Why there's a Hive Cruiser parked in the sand, and why it looks like all hell broke loose down there," waving his hand at the scarred rock where the Ahamkara were.

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  • Edited by MegaBeast42: 11/15/2015 7:53:13 AM
    "You be surprised what happen when you use reasoning." Alice says, but she quickly hops back into story teller mode. "After that, I prepared myself for the fire the Cruiser launched." Alice sees the question in his movement. Alice states what she means. "My sword can absorb large amounts of energy, so I absorb the three beams of energy. But as soon as the beams ran out, I began draining the energy from the Cruiser. That why it crashed." "A side effect of draining such a large amount of energy is that I have to empty it out soon or things get... Hairy." She says while wiggling her fingers. "So seeing Shovoroth injured, I emptied out the energy I had into him, channeling him with light, making him what he is now." "Due to that, him and me now have a link to each-other, one I want to cut and have him link with Emaria." Alice holds up her hand before the Exo starts. "I'm getting to that. Grixis came down from the crashing ship to fight us. He summoned Emaria to fight Shovoroth, Garuud dealt with Grixis' ship, and I fought Grixis himself head to head." Alice immediately skips over the darkened parts. "Eventually, we fought him off after a lot of damage, freeing Emaria of her bonds and forcing him to run." Alice sighs. "That's it. Any questions?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/15/2015 4:01:13 PM
    That. Was quite a bit to take in all at once. So, this Guardian, was now bonded with probably the most powerful Ahamkara to have ever walked the earth, she brought down a Cruiser single-handedly, and she survived going head to head with Grixis? She was definitely one tough cookie if she truly did all that. He didn't quite believe her that Emaria was separated from Grixis' grasp yet, but he would leave that for her to explain if she would. But there was still one more thing that didn't fit in with the picture, something that actually had him frightened. "You said Grixis retreated from battle? Why? The reason I ask is because he has always fought to the death when it comes to dueling Guardians. If he just 'left' then there is a reason. What happened at the end?"

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  • Alice shrugs. "Probably had to do something else, so he stopped fighting a battle he couldn't win. If you want, you can talk to Garuud abou-" Alice, looking towards Garuud, sees him still in dark state. "Oh no."

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  • Garuud still in the darkness state is searching for Grixis, hell anything that he can hurt and or destroy. " Hurt... feed..... destroy..." The a loud screech emitted from his mouth as he spotted prey. A Titan talking to a hunter. Garuud began sprinting towards them at top speed Screeching " Feeeeeassssttt! GRaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Garuud yelled in a high pitched voice. He jumped up to the Titan and Hunter with a massive chilling smile. Smoke running off of his now white armor with red markings. He opened his mouth and smoke escaped. His black irises following Anaxis-12 and Alice.

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  • "Hey Garuud, just come down. We're all friends here, remember? Grixis is gone, you can calm down now. Please." Alice leans over to the Exo. "Don't run, if he charges, I'll deal with him." She whispers.

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  • Garuud Twitches. Once. Twice. Then begins laughing hysterically. " He is not here anymore. I have his body now. He was not strong enough to keep it safe..... so I took over. Now.... I feeed." With that Garuud rushed Alice slashing at her with his remaining sol Edge and his clawed arm. Which grazed Alice. Each strike after that was going progressively slower. "Stop fighting me you fool! You were weak and lost control to me. Accept your fate!"

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  • Alice reaches up and grips Dark Garuud's wrist, twisting it and forcing him to his knees. He attempted to punch her with his free hand. She caught it. "By the looks of it, you can't keep it safe either." She smiles beneath her helmet. "At least Garuud was good for parties. Now give him his body back."

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  • Garuuds left eye began to clear slowly becoming the yellow receptor that was easily distinguished. "No! It is mine! Graaah!" Garuud reversed the grip on Alice with uncanny speed and strength and broke her grip on him and brought his leg up and kicked her in the stomach... hard. sending her flying back. When Alice landed Garuud was already upon her and about to claw her in the face when it stopped inches from her face trembling. "Stop it you fool. It is mine now, they all will die!" It said. "No! This is my body!" Garuuds clawed hand dashed to his face and he began screaming and clawing about eventually falling on the ground thrashing about making craters wherever his fists impacted. Then finally The other receptor began to gain the yellow color again. The darkness around him exploded inward in one final convulsion and drops onto the ground once more and stops moving.

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  • Well that was great. The Titan has traces of Darkness in him. Just what he needed. At least Alice was clean. "Well that was something." He said, walking over to knocked out Titan. He knelt down and felt at his neck. When he felt metal, he knew he was an Exo. Excellent. "Good thing he's an Exo [i]and[/i] a Titan." He raised a fist in the air, immediately surging with Arc energy. "This always wakes us up." He said before punching the Titan in the stomach.

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  • Garuud Woke up immediately with a start and then realized where he was and stretched and yawned. "So, what happened? Did I fall asleep again? I knew I shouldn't have drank so much bahahaha!" Garuud looked at Alice and Anaxis-12. "So did we win?"

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  • "Yeah, we won." Alice says. "You went kinda evil though, ever thought about removing that section of your hard drive?" She casts her gaze out at Shovoroth and Emaria, no doubt talking telepathically. Alice looks away quickly, stopping the tears from forming again.

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  • "Can't. It's a part of me. Maybe even the original. They can't wipe me... Trust me they've tried. I just heal back and gain those memories and personality as another voice in my nogin. Probably due to the testing they did on me. It sucks be got out though. He... Is not very nice." Garuud chuckled "so how is our scaley friend doing?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/16/2015 7:51:37 AM
    With that, Anaxis stood back up. He couldn't stop thinking about what Alice told him. It wasn't like Grixis to leave a fight unfinished. The one and [i]only[/i] reason he would, is if Sarkon called him. That only served to make him even more uneasy. He never called Grixis, so why now? Something was happening, and it was probably going to happen soon. He needed answers, and he needed them fast. He brought his attention back to the Guardians. "I have no idea how those two are doing." He responded to the Titan's question. Then looked over at Alice. "I'm sorry, but Grixis leaving throws up a really big red flag for me. I suggest you two try getting answers from Emaria while you still can." As for him, he was going to try and get a more direct source of information. His jumpship soared overhead, TRANSMATTING him up, before shooting off toward the downed Hive Cruiser.

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  • Before Anaxis transmitted into his ship, Alice quickly jumps onto his ship. The ship goes across the downed Hive Cruiser, and Alice taps on the roof of the ship. "If your going to investigate that ship," she says into the coms. "then I'm coming too. I want to see my handiwork." But secretly, Alice is glad for an excuse to be away from the others, and postpone the inevitable a little bit longer.

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  • While the others went up to the ship. Garuud moved towards Shovoroth While pondering... " Did he really get out and get out of control this time. I thought I buried him better.... " Another voice spoke up " You can only bury something for so long before... it resurfaces.... even angrier and hungrier." it said. "That's true..." Then began walking to Shovoroth to see what he knew about Grixis

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  • [i]...Alice?... Eyes up Alice. C'mon, I know you're in there.[/i] The gentle purr of the Ward of Dawn, alongside the soft boom of deflected projectiles are what wakes Alice up. Above her, Shovaroth breaths fire around the void wall to no avail, failing to break the barrier that Ginger had created. He stands next to you, anxiously pacing and staring at the looming shadow the last Ahamkara had cast upon the land. He looks over his shoulder to see Alice return to her bearings, and calmly speaks, "You ok princess? You weren't doing too well for a second there."

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 11/15/2015 7:28:49 PM
    [spoiler]Shovoroth is good now[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/13/2015 12:40:10 AM
    [spoiler]This doesn't belong here[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler] What do you mean?[/spoiler]

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