Greater freedom of play also goes into the removal of both elemental primary legendaries and year one weapons. Fatebringer, if you had it, was always the obvious choice for arc burn activities. VoC was generally the choice for solar burns. Why would you use anything else when those were the superior weapons. Now? Well now you actually have a choice. No need to put aside a favorite weapon just to use a vastly overpowered weapon for a burn activity.[/quote]
Tell that to the 95% of players using Hung Jury and 1000 Yard Stare. The weapon pool seems to have gotten smaller. Good job.
I don't know if I'm just getting different match-ups, but I see a slew of different weapons on my kill feed. I've seen several shotguns, a couple fusion rifles, varied snipers, and each kind of primary. That's a lot more than I can say about the Thorn Dynasty. All I saw then was handcannons and shotguns in my kill feed with the rare sniper, pulse, or scout.