Some of you people are annoying. A lot of you guys are making other guys look bad. So, if there's a girl gamer, you have to make sexual comments? And you think it'll get them to like you? Do you think its funny? Your an idiot if you answered yes to any of those questions. Girls are people. They're not here to make guys happy. Or to be your sex toys. You guys are horrible human beings. [spoiler]I'm a guy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not gay[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm glad I got this out. I just had to say all this.[/spoiler]
Edited by lefty famalam: 11/7/2015 8:23:05 AMWhiteknight alert
He is acting this way because he knows I've already taken a HUGE ARSE-LOAD of crap here on the forums; although at times I can handle it, it's always nice to have a little help and encouragement.
With a username like that I can see why It's like walking into a synagogue dressed as Hitler and wondering why everyone is looking at you in disgust
?????? I don't understand what you're saying....
Basically your username is asking for the attention of thirsty guys
Edited by KrayZGamerGirl: 11/7/2015 9:00:34 PMIt was my YouTube channel before it was my GT. And is a woman dressed in shorts and a tank-top asking to be assaulted? No. So I am not asking for attention with my gamer tag.
Someone getting -blam!- is different to someone getting messages from thirsty teen age boys
It was merely an example.
A bad one
By your standards.
I'm with you man. I see stupid sexual comments all the time. The other day I saw a girl post on a height thread and some guy was like 'perfect angle to see your cleavage'. I have no idea what's going on in their heads when they do that. Sure, it is natural for guys to act different around girls, but to this extent? To every single girl they see? Too far, man. Too far.
Feminist confirmed
Sounds like your 12
Do I? Or are you just trying to hide the fact that you're a perverted little boy living in his mother's basement?
Confirmed op is 12.
Keep telling yourself that.
He's not.
He has proven otherwise. Lol
By your low standards.
Shall I make mr.godly feel bad?
Meh. *shrug*
I won't then
Edited by Toffoo: 11/7/2015 4:32:03 AMI guess the comment section is no place for mercy, eh [i]Lord Shaxx[/i] ?