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11/4/2015 10:50:16 PM
Goku wins. By several miles. Atheon teleports him? Instant Transmission allows Goku to teleport outside of time, then back in at pretty much the time of his choosing. As long as he has a target to focus on. Crota being invulnerable? Goku has the power to destroy the very plane of existance that Crotas oversoul inhabits. Oryx? Easy mode. Destroy the Dreadnaught, destroy Oryx. The Traveler? Being that the Traveler is essentially dormant at the moment, it wouldn't even be a fight. Guardians would fall in waves, barely able to comprehend the speed and force with which Goku tears them apart. And the very worst case scenario, Goku destroys the Earth and everything on it. Same with the Moon, Venus, Mars, the whole Reef... pretty much every square foot of Sol. Goku is overwhelming in Strength os basically all Im trying to say.

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