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11/4/2015 9:15:18 PM
3 Totally agree, been saying this for a while now. This community is so indignant and naive it could be incredibly frustrating, then I just have to remind myself that so is the majority of humanity. I generally love playing Destiny. I'm a day one player, bought all of the DLC when the gun was held to my head ( I could play Taken King). I criticized the TTK roll-out strategy. I've criticized the micro transactions. Mostly to be responded by ignorant, aggressive, defensive nonsense from folks on the forum. If you think any of these sales strategies have been put in game to improve the gamers experience in any way, you are all sadly misguided. The money you all are spending on micro transactions will never get anyone free anything. This is a secondary revenue stream, and you all have voted with your wallets, so stay tuned for more and more paid content. TL;DR Micro transactions won't get you all free anything. It got Activision Candy Crush (jk, but for real).

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  • Its a load of crap and i cant stand the fanboys that are defending the bullshit. I feel like bungie has been dishonest with the community sooooo many times, and every time they do some shiesty ass shit (yes, not telling the whole truth is also lying[spoiler]coughNoHouseofWolvesRaidcough[/spoiler]) the entire community goes and defends them and clears them of wrongdoing. Im tired of the pointless nerfs, the increased grind and lack of transparency.

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  • I'm not interested in microtansactions/emotes, but don't realy care if other people wan't to buy that crap. I'm not at a dissadvantage for not having it, so why would I care? If it were pay to win type stuff, I'd be more inclined to take issue with it and drop the game. Not being forced into anything. Microtansactions are here to stay. They've been around much longer than destiny, and will still be around long after. Let people spend their money how they wish, it has no bearing on what you choose to do.

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  • I don't think we are talking about the same thing here, other than micro transactions in general. I never told people how to spend their money or that their spending bothers me, nor did I say that the micro transactions provide anyone with an advantage. I was commenting on how people on the forum have shown a tendency to blindly accept incorporated paid content and new revenue models, and in turn (often brutally) rag on people for criticizing it. If it doesn't bother you, then great. I for one find these types of practices incorporated into a game that I already paid $120 for gross. If Destiny were free-to-play then I wouldn't gripe about micro transaction. If micro transactions replaced DLC, I'd probably be ok with that. Sadly neither of these are true, and like you mentioned, Destiny will continue to incorporate more and more of these types of systems going forward. And personally, I don't want to support this type of practice, and at the very least I want my voice to be heard that I don't support it. And most importantly, these types of systems just take me out of the game. Once I start getting asked to bring my real world finances into this fantasy world, it breaks my immersion, and honestly just ruins the fun a bit. I was super stoked to get on Destiny every night ever since TTK launched, now my motivation is just sapped, and I'm moving on, which bums me out because I like this game. And just lastly, of course micro transactions have been around longer than Destiny, but they've never been IN Destiny, and that's the point, and that's why some of us who know the gaming landscape and have been video game consumers for decades find this type of strategy repellent. For all of you that are happy floating along with whatever new revenue strategy Activision comes up with, then more power to you. Bobby Kotick will be thrilled I'm sure.

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