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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 11/3/2015 9:51:34 PM

This community is a battered wife and Bungie is the abusive husband....

Before I get started for those of you who are not aware I regret to inform you that Gamespot released an article today covering the future of DLC content in Destiny. This is a direct quote from the article. [quote]Destiny's microtransactions and paid expansions are both selling well, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said on an earnings call today, November 3. [i][u]As such, Destiny players can expect to see more of both in the future[/u][/i].[/quote] So the microtransactions....the microtransactions that were supposedly implemented to fund future content is going to stay....but we will all still have to fork out money for DLC. Yet there is very little outrage over this prime example of consumer abuse. So that brings me back to my analogy. [b]The Kotaku article sheds light on the fact that Bungie and Activision cut up Vanilla Destiny to be sold separately. [/b] The forums barely bat an eye. The article shows that not only was the game cut up, but that it was cut up for the sole purpose of being sold separately at a premium just so they could squeeze more money out of us. Any normal community would have been up in arms over such a revelation. The torches and pitchforks would be lit and the forums would have burned to the ground. But no. Not this community. You all just shrugged and kept moving forward. Oh well. Its not [i][b]Bungie's[/b][/i] fault. Its all Activision. Bungie loves us and wants to be good to us they just can't. So I am just gonna keep playing and hope it gets better. I know Bungie can change. [i]I kry errytim. [/i] [b]Microtransactions are introduced into a game that most of us have paid over $120 for[/b] Once again mild outrage from a handful of players, but overall this community just rolls over and takes it in the ass with pleasure. Thank you Bungie senpai for this great gift. They cut content and set it aside to be sold separately at a premium [i][b]YET AGAIN[/b][/i] and no one seems to really care. Some even naively believe that the microtransactions would lead to free DLC in the future. The rest of you all just shrug and then say well its not [b][i]Bungie's[/i][/b] fault. Its cl;early just Activision. Bungie wants to love us and be good to us, but they just can't. So I am gonna keep playing and hope it gets better. I know Bungie can change. [i]I kry errytim[/i] Every misstep and every abuse is almost immediately forgiven and shoved aside in favor of blind hope and naive support. Each and every time they abuse or take advantage of the community you all just shrug and make excuses for them. You say its not their fault or that its just how the game business works. Or that they HAVE to make money somehow right? [b][u]NO OTHER GAME WORKS LIKE DESTINY DOES AND NO OTHER GAME HAS TROUBLE MAKING MONEY. PLENTY OF GAMES MAKE PLENTY OF MONEY AND STILL DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR PLAYERBASE.[/u] [/b] [u]Witcher 3 for example released over a dozen FREE DLC packs and their entire season pass was $25. The latest DLC called "Hearts of Stone" got a better review score than ANY of the Destiny content that has been released and yet it only costs $10. Bethesda is another prime example. They have released games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim all to critical and [i]FINANCIAL[/i] success. They released quality DLC for a fair price and they made a FORTUNE. Bioware released Mass Effect 3 with quality DLC for a fair price and even threw in FREE multiplayer DLC packs every month or so. Yet it was the most financially successful game in the franchise. [/u] You people need to wake the -blam!- up and look around you. Look at all the games that have been released since Destiny launched and look at how many have used the kind of underhanded tactics that has been used with Destiny. Stop using "Business" as an excuse as if it alleviates ALL abuses. Stop using your hours played as an excuse as if you are in too deep to be treated with respect. Stop shrugging your -blam!-ing shoulders as if there is nothing you can do. Stop acting like there is nothing wrong. Stop acting like Bungie owns your -blam!-ing dignity and self respect just because you happen to like the game. And for the love of god stop forgiving them every single time they decide to abuse your trust as a consumer. You are just like a battered wife that loves her husband too much to realize that he is a steaming pile of abusive shit and that you can do BETTER for yourself and that you DESERVE to be treated better. For -blam!- sake.

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  • Edited by Tempo Delta: 11/4/2015 5:55:46 PM
    Activision spent 5.9 billion dollars on buying the rights to Candy Crush. That's where your money went.

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    2 Replies
    • You forget the part that it is all optional tho. If this were to happen while on a subscription then I would see forum riots

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    • Get cover soldier! Desticles approaching! They don't look very friendly!

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    • HAha ha hahaha haha ha....

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      4 Replies
      • Destiny is an addiction.Like all other addictions,the addict knows what theyre doing isnt good for them,yet they continue and will make any excuse to defend their actions,all the while refusing to admit they are addicted.

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      • shut your filthy mouth telling people what to do! who do you think you are? If you don't like the game anymore move on, gtfo. I decide what i want to play and if i buy more dlc yes or no!! AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!! i'm actually saving money, this game keeps me busy, sometimes ill play another game if im bored with destiny.. but these dlc are cheaper then buying like 5 other games that you play for like what? 1 month till you are done with it... yeah im not happy with all the choices bungie makes, still i want to play destiny and if i want to play I WILL PLAY! SO WHAT IF PEOPLE LIKE THIS GAME AND DECIDE TO BUY DLC OR THE TRANSACTIONS!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU DON'T BUY IT. AND SHUT UP ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE BUYING STUFF THEY WANT TO BUY!!!! IT'S NOT YOUR CALL!!!

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        14 Replies
        • I've been likening Destiny to Stockholm Syndrome for a while now and keep telling my friends that unless D2 shows significant improvements across the board at E3 I'm out. Not because I hate Destiny, far from it - The Grimoire is some of the best lore I've ever seen. But I can't in my right mind/conscious keep supporting this bullcrap. Thankfully there are lots of good alternatives finally starting to make their way out. Destiny has been getting a free pass due to lack of serious competition (and an insane marketing campaign) but that's about to change rapidly. Fallout 4 is only days away, along with Black Ops 3 (which is still activision so bleh) and Star Wars Battlefront. I myself jhave to wait a bit longer for Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) in December but it'll be worth it omg (and then Deus Ex Mankind Divided in Februrary!!! :D ) At least half my friends list is going to be exclusively on Fallout 4 lol so I'm gonna have to find somethign else. Oh yeah, Star Craft 2 Legacy of the Void is also due out very soon though I still need a new PC 1st >< And then there's all kinds of stuff next year as well, like Uncharted 4 etc. (Forgot to mention I'm sure Halo 5's already taken a big chunk out of Destiny and rightly so). As much as I love this franchise, Bungie seems to be either very stubborn or extremely incompetent as they keep taking steps to drive people away rather than keep us interested (those of us with a brain anyway). - They say they want to make the game less of a grind, yet we're forced to grind the same 5 strikes repeatedly for gear and then the raid/trials as the only way to go get over 300 light AND they added yet another layer of RNG to it that no on easked for. - They removed reforging but then also dramatically reduced the availability of weapon parts so upgrading is more expensive. Oh and exotic shards for infusing is ridiclous Bungie. - Speaking of exotics, they can't drop at 320 - multiplayer is still ruled by people running dial-up connections across the world - Weapon and class balance still sucks with the meta always revolving around 1-3 stupidly OP weapons I could go on forever tl;dr the best thing we could do for this franchise is to NOT buy Destiny 2 and demand better from Bungie.

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        • Not to mention GTA offers free DLC too. And they made a fortune

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          8 Replies
          • I agree.

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          • BLACK OPS 3 all i have to say

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          • The thing is... what else are we going to go play? I played Rainbow 6 beta, currently playing BattleBorn ctt, but after those are over, what else is there? I even went back and played Borderlands handsome collection. It was fun, but only for a bit. Games like Witcher and Fallout are awesome, but many gamers need multi-player to hold their interest. Plus, Destiny is fun to play. I can play casually and have a great time with my buddies... isn't that the point? If you're really into fighting against the injustice found in this world, there are so many more worthwhile pursuits that actually matter. Fighting and raging over greedy game developers and their tactics is such a waste of your passion. #firstworldproblems

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            2 Replies
            • Comparing Destiny to a bunch of single-player games that don't need to maintain servers? Destiny might not be an MMO, but they do need to keep up enough servers up for an MMO amount of players. I can name a few games with expensive, $25 DLC every 2-3 months AND micro transactions(even less-than-cosmetic ones) ESO is one such. I've seen people spend $25 on a horse. Granted, ESO has dedicated servers that hold many more players each, they also charge a considerable amount more for each item in the crown store than Tess Everis does in her store. Destiny charges right about in the middle of a single-player game and a large MMO with their DLC and micro transactions, and that's exactly the size of game it is. I think they're charging right where they should based on the type of game they are honestly.

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            • [quote]The torches and pitchforks would be lit[/quote] I want a lit pitchfork. Where can I get one?

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            • Your comparison is highly offensive and your post is very likely to be removed because of it. It's great to spread this information to the community but insulting a business on their own forum and using an analogy that offends the consumer isn't the way to do it.

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            • bump

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            • Edited by GatorLaw1984: 11/4/2015 4:58:51 PM
              First of all.... I can't stand when other people tell me how to spend my hard earned money... If I want to spend money on vanity microtransactions, I damn sure am going to spend it on that (as of today I've spent only $15 on microtransactions, which is well below the apparent $120 average).... If I want to buy DLC because I enjoy Destiny and the franchise that exists within it, I damn sure am going to spend it on that... Second of all... If you can't afford to spend money on microtransactions, don't spend money on it. If you can't afford to spend $100 a year on a video game, then you shouldn't own a PS4 to begin with and need to prioritize your spending habits better. I mean, honestly, even if you work a minimum wage job (not saying you do) ask to pick up an extra 15 hours over the course of a year's worth of work and save for every DLC they offer... Lastly... Your comparison to an abusive relationship is atrocious and serves only to demonstrate the ignorance and trollish levels that these forums have descended into. So if you don't like the way Destiny is being handle gtfo or stfu.... Signed, A customer who sincerely doesn't care what you think about how I spend my money....

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              5 Replies
              • Bump for later please

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              • Just move on to something else, nothing is going to change until everyone leaves they won't change. Btw, I already left unless someone begs for help then immediately after I get out of Destiny.

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              • Edited by cypherhalo: 11/4/2015 5:08:46 PM
                Wow, this community is something else. Your whole comparison to an abusive husband is over the top OP, beyond that, you're on the money. This is greed, pure and simple. I had fully intended to buy some silver and I will not be doing so now. Why bother if I'm still going to have to shell out for expansions? There are other games that I can play which are not nearly so exploitative and don't ask for so much of my money. Seriously, either go with the micro-transaction model like an F2P game or go with paid expansions like a traditional. game. Trying to mix both is just being greedy. People are free to spend their money as they see fit, I'm free to point out that this is a ridiculous move by Bungie/Activision. Also, to be fair you're being too harsh on the Kotaku article. Games get changed during the development process and often times the scope has to be trimmed. That was all they detailed in that article.

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              • If Activision and Bungie ran congress, the U.S. Would be out of debt mad quick.

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              • This^^

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              • do me a favor stop worrieing about what i spend my hard earned money on. i dont care a bit if it's "blaming" bungie or activation, i enjoy playing this gem it is fun. you dont like it sorry for your luck bud. Stop playing it, if you don't want to pay for stuff VIA micro transaction's then. jet do us all a favor and BLAM'ING shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhush.

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              • [quote]Witcher 3 for example released over a dozen FREE DLC packs and their entire season pass was $25. The latest DLC called "Hearts of Stone" got a better review score than ANY of the Destiny content that has been released and yet it only costs $10. [/quote] This. Bungie is a -blam!-ing TERRIBLE company in comparison to some places... All you idiots saying "It will help make free DLC" -blam!- you are dumb if you really thought that....

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                5 Replies
                • A wildly offensive comparison. In no way is a bunch of people playing a video game comparable to an abusive relationship. You choose to keep playing, keep bitching, and keep paying. Get over it.

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                • Let's take a serious look at this. There are so many factors involved. First point, the american dollar isn't worth crap. Second, technology, studios, and top of the line equipment is rising in price. Used games are a problem. The industry wanted GameStop to go away to get their money but gamers wanted it to stay. MS and Sony both wanted DRM restrictions, but gamers crucified X1 and Sony knees got wobbly while backtracking on a idea both companies shared. Remember EA with their online gamer pass to combat used game buying? So how do developers and publishers get their money now? DLCs. Before Destiny, there was Call of Duty and Battlefield. The console gaming community spoke with their dollars and it said loudly "we will buy DLCs". So instead of strict DRM, instead of losing money, publishers and companies sell you DLCs. Destiny is not a culprit, nor are the other companies that sell DLCs. This is simply the results of a mutated industry shaped by the hands of developers AND consumers. This is gaming. Gaming is expensive. If you can't keep up, stick to board games or don't buy. 60 dollar games don't generate the revenue anymore. Hell, most games are 100 dollars now. You buy them. They call em collectibles. Then you trade them into GameStop a month later for 20 bucks credit.

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