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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 11/3/2015 9:51:34 PM

This community is a battered wife and Bungie is the abusive husband....

Before I get started for those of you who are not aware I regret to inform you that Gamespot released an article today covering the future of DLC content in Destiny. This is a direct quote from the article. [quote]Destiny's microtransactions and paid expansions are both selling well, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said on an earnings call today, November 3. [i][u]As such, Destiny players can expect to see more of both in the future[/u][/i].[/quote] So the microtransactions....the microtransactions that were supposedly implemented to fund future content is going to stay....but we will all still have to fork out money for DLC. Yet there is very little outrage over this prime example of consumer abuse. So that brings me back to my analogy. [b]The Kotaku article sheds light on the fact that Bungie and Activision cut up Vanilla Destiny to be sold separately. [/b] The forums barely bat an eye. The article shows that not only was the game cut up, but that it was cut up for the sole purpose of being sold separately at a premium just so they could squeeze more money out of us. Any normal community would have been up in arms over such a revelation. The torches and pitchforks would be lit and the forums would have burned to the ground. But no. Not this community. You all just shrugged and kept moving forward. Oh well. Its not [i][b]Bungie's[/b][/i] fault. Its all Activision. Bungie loves us and wants to be good to us they just can't. So I am just gonna keep playing and hope it gets better. I know Bungie can change. [i]I kry errytim. [/i] [b]Microtransactions are introduced into a game that most of us have paid over $120 for[/b] Once again mild outrage from a handful of players, but overall this community just rolls over and takes it in the ass with pleasure. Thank you Bungie senpai for this great gift. They cut content and set it aside to be sold separately at a premium [i][b]YET AGAIN[/b][/i] and no one seems to really care. Some even naively believe that the microtransactions would lead to free DLC in the future. The rest of you all just shrug and then say well its not [b][i]Bungie's[/i][/b] fault. Its cl;early just Activision. Bungie wants to love us and be good to us, but they just can't. So I am gonna keep playing and hope it gets better. I know Bungie can change. [i]I kry errytim[/i] Every misstep and every abuse is almost immediately forgiven and shoved aside in favor of blind hope and naive support. Each and every time they abuse or take advantage of the community you all just shrug and make excuses for them. You say its not their fault or that its just how the game business works. Or that they HAVE to make money somehow right? [b][u]NO OTHER GAME WORKS LIKE DESTINY DOES AND NO OTHER GAME HAS TROUBLE MAKING MONEY. PLENTY OF GAMES MAKE PLENTY OF MONEY AND STILL DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR PLAYERBASE.[/u] [/b] [u]Witcher 3 for example released over a dozen FREE DLC packs and their entire season pass was $25. The latest DLC called "Hearts of Stone" got a better review score than ANY of the Destiny content that has been released and yet it only costs $10. Bethesda is another prime example. They have released games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim all to critical and [i]FINANCIAL[/i] success. They released quality DLC for a fair price and they made a FORTUNE. Bioware released Mass Effect 3 with quality DLC for a fair price and even threw in FREE multiplayer DLC packs every month or so. Yet it was the most financially successful game in the franchise. [/u] You people need to wake the -blam!- up and look around you. Look at all the games that have been released since Destiny launched and look at how many have used the kind of underhanded tactics that has been used with Destiny. Stop using "Business" as an excuse as if it alleviates ALL abuses. Stop using your hours played as an excuse as if you are in too deep to be treated with respect. Stop shrugging your -blam!-ing shoulders as if there is nothing you can do. Stop acting like there is nothing wrong. Stop acting like Bungie owns your -blam!-ing dignity and self respect just because you happen to like the game. And for the love of god stop forgiving them every single time they decide to abuse your trust as a consumer. You are just like a battered wife that loves her husband too much to realize that he is a steaming pile of abusive shit and that you can do BETTER for yourself and that you DESERVE to be treated better. For -blam!- sake.

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  • Edited by x Auto Pilot x: 11/4/2015 9:53:14 AM
    Hell I'm not even mad anymore and am actually quite impressed. Bungie managed to chop up a game, sell it to people without the game itself making any sense at all, sell the half-baked DLC for a minimal amount of content, nerf any type of progression to give the illusion of content, AND introduce microtransactions, while still managing to keep the sheep defending the game at every corner. It really is impressive when you are back and look at the big picture.

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  • I think the better term is being a cycle of perpetration and apology. They screw up and the community calls them out on it. They do something somewhat reasonable and the community praises them for it and then they do something to screw it up again. It's a constant cycle of companies screwing up and then the devs offering half hearted apologies and 'incentives' to keep playing the game and the community falls for it, then it just gives the devs free pass to try and do something shady again. Seems to happen a lot when something off happens since I doubt many devs out there want to give an actual sincere apology and a proper make up for the mistakes they made. They just half ass it and a lot of people just accept it and the process just repeats in a cycle.

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  • You made a good post but Bungie's defenders will chase you now in the comments lol.

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  • Sadly this is the new norm for gaming... microtransactions. Anyone who buys into it even once supports microtransactions in the games we play. Some games you pay to win others start by selling Cosmetics. Sooner or later people will stop buying cosmetics and they will add the pay to win game style. Now teso is free to play it heavily relies on microtransactions to support its game. Other games like this one sees their success and jumps on board. Hence we have the community to support microtransactions.

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  • Edited by LgitBruceWillis: 11/4/2015 9:44:27 AM
    Destiny is a creature all of its own. Quit whining about something you get way over every penny's worth in play time plus some. Other games drop dlc, one time dlc most the time. The majority of this community has invested how many hours? Its kinda ridiculous. If it bothers you that bad, then quit playing. Destiny isn't like other games, it's an entity. I don't necessarily agree, would have wanted micro transactions to fuel future dlc, but I'm not bothered. Every destiny player has a right to decide when they've had enough though....get off your soapbox Truth is, they've given us enough content to keep interest or we wouldn't be playing it. Other games call that a series, a lot of games drop a new version annually. So in over a years time, some would say a sequel would have come out. 2 games at 60 plus a piece. 120! We're not doing to shabby. You could argue that is not new content, but that doesn't bother most enough to get all butthurt. Really though it's pretty simple. Just play the damn game or don't.

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  • Ok... Who told you Bungie intended to make all dlcs free with micro transaction cash I promise it wasn't Bungievision

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  • Edited by Househ0ld item: 11/4/2015 7:33:40 AM
    Bungie have also taken 1.7 billion dollars and seem to think that's not enough to pay for any DLC. The so-called 10 year plan is already paid for. 100 developers on $200,000 per year for 10 years is $200,000,000 which is a fraction of what they have taken.

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    3 Replies
    • Never did bungie say that the dlc was free. just that the mt's would help fund the live team.. which is the team that worked on things like the festival... not the dlc.....

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    • What a heartfelt rant that was so pointlessly wasted on the arrogant, ignorant and the trollish who inhabit this forum. You'd have been better off posting this on reddit. Still some humans lurking around on there.

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      9 Replies
      • Also -blam!- you Activision and Bungie

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      • Bump

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      • Edited by loonigus: 11/4/2015 8:32:36 AM
        [quote]Bethesda is another prime example. They have released games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim all to critical and FINANCIAL success. They released quality DLC for a fair price and they made a FORTUNE. [/quote] I beg to differ! The success of Fallout 3 and Skyrim came from the community itself and its modding. Go compare the vanilla versions of Skyrim / Fallout 3 and compare it with the gfx and content mods. Bethesda is a company that is actually building their success on their name and the history of the game franchise like Fallout. They build on old successfull aspects like the wast world, skill system and story, but their graphics are very behind tbh. While Fallout 4 is a big step forward it still is nowhere near to what is possible and is rather at Metro Last light level which is several years old. I know that gameplay is the main priority for a good game, but its going more and more towards good looks aswell. Locking the PS4 abd Xbone version at 30 fps is a step back and for their good I hope they wont repeat the ultimate fail of the last Batman and its PC 30 fps locked... I rather have 60 fps and abit less shadows, reflections and draw distance.

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      • I implore you to stop making offensive posts. Your analogy is mean-spirited. So, you're abusive in this post, and the abused are many people, ranging from fans to the developers. If you disagree, please be respectful. Thank you.

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      • Consumers have the power to walk away from anything they are unhappy with, by & large. There is no contract between us & Bungie. We pay for the content, like it, buy more, dislike it then play something else. No trust to abuse. It is that simple. I play because I enjoy it. That ends I will play something else. With the games on the horizon in 2016 I doubt I will be overly invested in Destiny anyway. I won't have the time. I will probably downsize to one char & run that in future, going forward. Whilst I get your point I can't help thinking you should let Destiny go & chill out playing a game you are happy with. How the hell do you relax if you get this agitated over this?

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      • Disgusted at the fact you compare a video game to domestic abuse.

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        7 Replies
        • I haven't bought anything except DLCs so far. The people who buy these stupid emotes and stuff are the cancer of the game! If no-one would've bought them, bungie eventually would stop this stupid shit. But as long as we pay them money for that, they're like "just let us add more stuff they can buy! They're buying anything for every price. lol"

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        • muted

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          1 Reply
          • I can't even find the GameSpot article of which you speak.

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            3 Replies
            • Okay.

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            • Bungie never said the silver transactions would replace paid dlc. That was kotaku. Maybe don't believe everything you read? It made no sense.

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              10 Replies
              • Nah, don't listen to this guy! He has no idea what he's talking about! Bungie will make it right, just wait and see how awesome the next DLC will be! It'll be so awesome that they'll have to raise the price by $10, to $30, and I'll definitely get it because I ride first class on the hype train!!!

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                • Edited by DidacticRhetoric: 11/4/2015 5:55:29 AM
                  The business model Bungie/Activision have used for Destiny is straight -blam!-ed. Actually, there's a perfect word for it: greedy. Some great points by the OP. As a PS4 user, there aren't a lot of alternatives for social gamers so I know at least part of the reason why I keep returning to Destiny. If there were more options, I would have probably left this game a long time ago. There's nothing in the game that is actually good: the content and story is garbage (or it was prior to TTK); the raids are glitched; PvP is a lagfest or infested with cheaters; PvE strikes actually feature a smaller and more repetitive playlist than the original game; AND everything you slaved and prayed to acquire in Y1 was swiftly locked away in Y2 and you were forced to get it again. I got friends who played the game way more than I do, and it took them ages to get some of their favourite Y1 stuff. Yet for some reason, people (including myself) still play this game. Honestly, who would put up with shit like this for any other game?

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                  5 Replies
                  • Blah blah blah blah BLAH

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                    3 Replies
                    • #needfallout4 #bringmidaback

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                    • " oh shiat the creators of halo made this!! Hype train WOoo WoooOoooo!!!" "Oh shiat we've been derailed guys, hang on guys I know this sucks buts it's better down there at the bottom of the cliff somewhere, hype train WoOooooo!!!"

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                    • Edited by Winter: 11/4/2015 7:50:14 AM

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