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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/3/2015 7:13:10 PM
" I didn't.... not really" The figure said. "What happened to me was because of you, and you will pay for it." With that she removed her hood and vex tech could be seen worming its way through her face and neck and into her eye. "It repaired me, and made me see you for what you are. YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME." The receptors kicked on in her voice to up the volume to almost screeching. "But before that there is the matter of your payment." Athena said as she turned to the now appearing Garuud. "its on the table there." Indicating the table across the room. As garuud made his way over "Now for loose ends" She pulled a pistol out and shot Garuud in the back of the head. He muttered " ....uncool..." As he dropped to the ground.

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