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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/2/2015 2:52:12 PM
Hunter-0 comes out behind the rock. He was only listening. "You got me." As he approaches, he crack's his knuckles. He passes Echo-9, and steps on the other side of the wizard. As he does so, you see that his only weapon is a Dark-Drinker. "Would you like to see a few areas that work MUCH better than the effective, and more well known and easier, cavity?"

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  • E:" If you like swords you should take a look at the sakobato I found, it's the most incredible thing I have ever come across, the steel was folded by hand! They had no magic to get the heat right, it blows me away every time I think about it" She gestures toward a slender curved blade about 38" long, most noticeably the blade is on the reverse side. Echo takes back her sight and sets up the sniper. E:" How's your aim? I think I need to go down there but I could do with someone watching my back ."

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  • Hunter was staring at the swords when she asked about his aim. "Decent. I'm good enough to keep heads down. If all else fails, I'll hurry down myself."

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  • E:" Armour up" as soon as she has finished speaking her gear forms around her, she gives Hunter a smile and a wink just before her visor forms. E:" I am going out the way we came in so I'll be coming from your left." She picks up her pulse rifle and disappears. Moments later she's up by the metal bar they used to get to her place. She drops and glides to the walk way sprinting once her feet touch down, glides up the other side and heads toward the entrance to the archives. As she gets close to the poster boards she sees the two vandals she saw earlier. E:" Xilix are you there," she asks in broken elinksi. There is no reply, she keeps her weapon holstered. E:" name yourself" she tries again. There is hushed conversation that she can't make out, she goes to step forward when it's like the sun went out. Dark mist surrounds everything. E: " run,hide" she barks at the two in the doorway. She unholsters her gun and boosts backwards and high to get a better look around, taken psions materialise, she lands shoots first one in the head sending it squealing back to where it came from, then the 2nd, the third duplicates just as she takes it out. E:" man I hate these things, loop patch me through to Hunter". As she says that the unmistakable howl of a taken captains black orb comes from behind her and everything goes black.

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  • Hunter, seeing the trouble, uses the sniper as fast as he can, before finally saying "Ghost, airstrike. Now." In an instant, a Little Light comes down, exiting a warp very low before raining machine gun fire with frightening accuracy down on the Taken. Hunter uses the opportunity to rush to Echo's position, picking her up again in the chaos

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  • She puts her arms around Hunters neck :"Hope that's you Hunter otherwise I'm in more trouble than I thought" She smiles under her visor shaking her head at her own stupidity,. E:"There is a small alcove near by if you can find it.

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  • "I think I see it. 100 meters up." He starts speeding up. In a rushed attempt to hold back the Taken following them, he drops a wall grenade, and kicks it towards them, stumbling slightly. After another 30 seconds, he retreats into the alcove, going in as far inside as he can before setting Echo down. "There we go."

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/4/2015 7:50:07 PM
    E:" thanks again, sorry about that ,I couldn't think of any other way to draw them out other than use bait, me." She's standing now L:" you can put him down now you know" Echo confused for a second til she realises she still has her arms around his neck, E:" are you jealous? " she teases back and let's go. L:" euh! You are insufferable, the zombie is ready if you need it" E:" OK transmat it down " An old but very well looked after machine gun appears on the floor. E:" my last resort "she indicates " let's see who's left" She steps toward the doorway past Hunter, she looks out and sees three separate groups of three, spread out in different locations. E:" I have a plan, i am going to blink bomb all three groups if anyone is left they will be stunned and wounded. She turns to him serious for a second, they are less than a foot apart, and lowers her voice, E:" we finish this now , this is my home, they are not welcome here. If any are left, end them."

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  • Hunter gets his void bow ready. The faint outline of where it should be is there. "Let's make sure they can't do anything about it." His ship has retreated. "I'll tether the groups first." He straightens his posture, as he moves closer to the exit.

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  • [spoiler]sorry time for me to check out again, damn it I was psyched for the next bit,l8r[/spoiler]

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  • She nods and exhales, and walks calmly outside,gun holstered. When she thinks she positioned right she turns and nods to Hunter.

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  • Edited by The Arxfiend: 11/4/2015 10:13:45 PM
    [spoiler]Allright, cya later.[/spoiler] As soon as she nods, Hunter turns the corner and does a triple jump, tethering the three groups with 1 arrow each in rapid succession, anchoring them in place."go!" He yells to Echo.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/5/2015 9:17:54 AM
    As Hunter takes off she vanishes, the sound of her blink causes most of the enemies to turn towards it. She twists as she releases a shatter bomb sending each of the three orbs in a different direction, every one hits it's mark. Finally there is silence and Echo drops to the ground landing in a crouch. Standing up and smoothing off her robes she turns to Hunter, E:" nice, very nice actually," She strides over to the alcove where they had hidden , out grabs the chain that holds the zombie apocalypse , slings it across her back. E:" you happy to head back to the den for a bit ,and we can go look for your lab at first light."

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  • "Okay." He pauses for a moment, thinking of something to say, but decides against it. "Uh, good job, we make a great team," he says awkwardly before turning and walking. "Stupid, stupid, Stupid," can be heard under his breath with enough concentration.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/5/2015 12:51:56 PM
    Echo watches him turn away and smiles beneath her helmet. She finds she's growing fond of his company,they work well together. And for her that is rare. E:" Hey! You ok? Come on let's get inside."

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  • "Yeah, I'm fine." He walks back and stands at her side. "I bet I can beat you back," he challenges, confidently, getting himself into a racing position.

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  • E:" go for it," She blinks forward and drops an axion bolt hoping they'll chase him the other way E:"see you there,ha!"

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  • He just runs like hell, jumping over anything in his way. "-blam!- you, -blam!- you, -blam!- you..." He says quickly as he sprints away from the bolt.

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  • She's laughing hard as she hits the embankment and slides down misses the walkway and into the acidic ocean. E:"S**T! Loop revive ! Revive!Revive!

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  • He attempts the same jump. "Ha, karma! Eat it ya-" In a very ironic moment, he lands flat on his face, making the jump, but killing him from the impact to his head. "Damnit. C'mon ghost, hurry up."

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/5/2015 2:34:57 PM
    Loop bobs about looking at Hunters ghost. L:" you really going to encourage this type of behaviour?" Then worried that he might Rez Hunter first begins the spawn.

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  • Hunter's ghost looks at Loop, saying "I just go with it." And as soon as Hunter's timer is up, starts to revive him. It's going slower due to the magnitude of the injury.

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  • Echo,only just seeing what happened laughs even more, E:"see you at the top, I'll give you a prize if you can stop me or beat me" She skips past his ghost and runs along the walkway.

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  • He revives, and responds with "Deal," before throwing a wall grenade in front of her. He then picks up his pace, closing the distance between them.

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  • She sees the flames spring up and slides to a stop. Regaining her footing she gets ready to blink up to the pole. E:" he's good " she grins to herself.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/5/2015 8:40:12 PM
    She slides to a stop as flames leap up in front of her, regains her footing, she can hear him closing the gap as she readies to blink up to the pole.

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