Lol orxy doesn't die from old age but that's it. His puny ship and saturn would get one shotted from earth. He can't become raid boss if his sword's core is incinerated
Are we really going to argue about a theoretical? Oryx's ship took 7 shots from space magic and took no damage, so I assume that the dreadnaught can handle some hits. Regardless we aren't talking about raid bosses or a battle of gods, we are talking about a theoretical about fictional characters.
If a cabal ship can impale itself in the dreadnaught then i'm positive that a planet destroying beam can oneshot the ship.
You do understand I'm trying to end this conversation right? I don't care I was just trying to end the conversation. Goku can win, oryx can win, regardless they aren't real so it doesn't matter.
How was your day?
It was great, how was yours?
It was alright, my gf wants to bring her best friend on our trip to disney world but she's the type that hits on everything that walks so it bums me out abit in expectations.