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10/29/2015 4:29:19 AM
And that means what, exactly? That he can't possibly form an opinion about Halo?

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  • Exactly. Never played it? Can't judge it. He had no interest to begin with, so that's telling me he hasn't even touched it.

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  • Edited by Is__Endless: 10/31/2015 3:45:54 AM
    You don't have to play a game to know if you like it or not. I've never played World of Warcraft, but I can tell by looking at it that it's not my type of game. He never judged it. He simply said he has no interest in it. Also, you could play the majority of the futuristic FPS games and get a feel for Halo. He never said "Halo sucks!" He said he has no interest in it. Also, what makes you think that he's never played the game? I'm a PlayStation player now too and I've probably played more Halo than you have.

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  • "Also, what makes you think he hasn't played?" The fact that he blatantly stated he NEVER had any interest in Halo. That means he did not bother to play, especially 5. [quote]More time than you.[/quote] Ehh, doubt that. Your other points are right, but you can't talk smack about a game you spent no time in. [spoiler]Hint: Not everything relates to the main OP comment. And judging a game is different than stating your tastes.[/spoiler][u][/u]

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  • Again, he never judged the game, rendering your response pointless. It's idiotic that Halo fanboys think everybody has to like Halo. My brother is a straight up Xbox fanboy and he hates Halo. We're doing this thing where I buy a PlayStation exclusive he likes and he'll buy Halo 5. Not ever having interest =/= never touching it. I've played plenty of games I was never really interested in *cough* Black Ops 2 *cough*.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 10/31/2015 5:31:34 PM
    Sigh* You didn't even read all off previous comment. Good day. And? You've played them for a few measly hours. Not enough time to make a judgement. Why play if you have no interest at all? I feel like someone's lying. Someone's trying too hard to defend their point.

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  • Edited by Is__Endless: 10/31/2015 9:57:25 PM
    I read your whole post. I responded to it. You, on the other hand, can't seem to grasp the fact that nobody is judging Halo. Sometimes you play games you don't like because your friends like them. And, again - hopefully for the last time, but that's doubtful due to your obvious incompetence -, nobody has judged any games. Saying "I'm not interested" is not a judgement. In my opinion, however, Halo is not that great of a game. I understand why people wouldn't like it. I like it myself, but the whole futuristic FPS thing is kinda played out. That's why you see Call of Duty, Halo and even Destiny trying to add new customization features or really just anything to make them seem "unique". However, at least Destiny isn't "just a shooter". Please learn how to grasp these simple concepts.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/1/2015 1:27:30 AM
    [quote]Nobody is judging Halo.[/quote] Couldn't read past this point. There ARE people judging Halo, but did I say the original commenter was? No. I was speaking In general that if you don't play a game then you can't judge the whole game. Sure, you may never find interest in a game to begin with , then you don't play it, but your opinion on it means jack squat. That's why you can't have an opinion on it. I unfortunately haver never played Metroid, it hasn't appealed to me, I'm not interested. BUT; I cannot judge the game because I never played it. And yes, "I never had any interest in the game." Does translate to "I haven't played it", whether YOU like it or not. It's basic speech, in this comment he made he wasn't specific whatsoever.

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  • Halo has not been judged a single time in this subthread. Your comments are pointless. You lack comprehension skills. Good day, kiddo.

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  • And you lack the ability to understand a single concept that refers to things "in general". You joking? You're the one lacking reading comprehension. You're one of those forum kids that always thinks they are right. It's pretty obvious. Look at you, trying to get the last word. Lmao

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  • I don't care about getting the last word. I made my point and won this little argument. You're the one who keeps responding with worthless "No, you are!" types of rebuttals. Please, go read a book.

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  • You, see, you never say you win an argument when you can't even grasp the concept of what the other is giving you. You are bent on telling me something that is irrelevant. [spoiler]Just like how you won with Caboose, right? Oh wait, you didn't lmfao[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Is__Endless: 11/2/2015 5:50:36 AM
    I actually did win against Caboose. Please read my responses to him. He even admits to it. It's hilarious that you bring up something that happened in April because you're losing an argument in November... Not to mention that what happened in April was Caboose clearly misunderstanding the post. Caboose and I also came out of it on good terms because we accepted that their were flaws in both of our posts, but good job fishing for threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand. You're so desperate to "win" an argument that you dug up a ~7 month old thread. Haha. Try again, kiddo. Let's keep this going. Also, I should add that Caboose was an intelligent and worthy opponent. You, on the other hand, are just incompetent.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/2/2015 6:01:27 AM
    [quote]Try again.[/quote] You muted him. I didn't even have to dig it up, the old profile glitch kept it at the top of your activity feed. You didn't really win anything. You just say you did. "Daddy I won the championships!" "No you didn't. You're just saying that." I'm bringing up the fact that you misunderstood that my post was about people in general. I pointed that out yet you keep bringing the "no one in this sub-thread is judging halo" Argument. That's all I see, some person using big words to make his argument seem more sound than the other, as did Caboose. Both of your arguments were funny to read. You have a pretty big ego that is honestly pathetic. Edit: Just accept the fact that I'm speaking about things in general, I've been admitting that one or two of your points are fair and right, yet you disregard all of mine.

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  • Please, read the reply. I muted Caboose for around 2 days and then I unmuted him and responded to him. Obviously your digging didn't get you far, because you're one of those lazy kids who looks for one "gem" and doesn't realise that it's not a gem at all. Read the conversation Caboose and I had. You'll want to dedicated a few minutes out of your life to it and perhaps turn on you comprehension skills. We actually had a civilized conversation. Nobody misunderstood your post. You stated something that has nothing to do with the OP's sub-thread. It doesn't make sense to talk about how Halo is being judged in a sub-thread where Halo wasn't and isn't being judged. You also pulled some really pointless crap out of the past to try and jab at me on a personal level, even though it was ages ago... And, again, unrelated to this sub-thread. If anybody misunderstood the meaning behind your idiotic responses here, it's because you used to wrong venue to state your claims. Nobody who visits this subthread is going to look at your responses and think you were on point. You're talking about judgement in a place where no judgement was made. Furthermore, you said that Halo couldn't be judged if you hadn't played it. Well, yes it can. Halo belongs to a genre of video games that is heavily populated at that point. If you do not enjoy that kind of game, then you will not enjoy Halo and you can safely state that you don't like it. Why? You clearly don't. In any case, don't compare this situation to the conversation I had with Caboose or even try to put me down for that thread. My points were explained in detail in my response to Caboose AFTER I unmuted him. You would understand that if you actually went a little deeper. If you read Caboose's edit, you would see this; [quote]Edit: Please refrain from personal attacks on the OP. We have solved our differences in a mature manner, and I have come to the conclusion that he did not deserve such harshness, and should not continue to receive it for a few poorly worded sentences, and a vague misunderstanding. Let's be gentlemen here.[/quote] Caboose and I agreed that some of my points were of a different tone than I intended. So, if you wish to continue this discussion, get your crap straight before making a pointless personal attack.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/2/2015 6:37:29 AM
    Oh look. Another long reply. [quote]Dedicate a few minutes of your life.[/quote] No, sorry, I'm not ever going to dedicate more than a few minutes time of going back in time to re-skim a sub-thread with over 400 replies. The majority of which that agreed that Caboose's comment was "your wreckoning." And it indeed was. You admitted your main thread had many flaws. You see, you still haven't grabbed this concept of "in general." Yes, people are going to look at my comments and think it has some truth/meaning to it. Infact, it had received a like or two. Nothing much, but people are still definitely getting at what you're unable to see. Did I say that judgement was being made? No, I didn't. I didn't call him out on anything. I'm speaking about things In general, as I've stated again, and again, and again. All you are doing is saying that "Oh, you're wrong, nobody is judging Halo." Yes, I can see that, child, I already know. I know that nobody In The sub thread is judging Halo, I am simply stating that you shouldn't formulate an opinion on something that you haven't even tried. An example is, "this game sucks!" Yet the person never played it. At all. I can also safely assume that he hasn't played it, from the way he wrote his post, to what console he is on. The original commenter said "No interest in Halo. Never had any." And that is PERFECTLY okay. That is personal preference, he however cannot say it sucks, or that it is great, as it holds no weight whatsoever. Trust me, on this forum, opinion somehow translates to fact.. That's why a lot of people's opinions are "this sucks" or something like that. Now, onto your next point. Yes, people can make an opinion on a game. Yes, they can say they don't like it. Can they say it sucks? No, no they can't. Don't even give me that "but opinion is this" argument because, again, opinion on this forums often is stated as fact. Reading above you can see why I set out my other replies like that, and I apologize for the inconvienance. While I try to often stay away from going to the "fact" point, I saw your main reply that way. Again, apologize for that inconvienance as well, but shit happens. Your last paragraph? I'm not held back by Caboose. He had no authority over me. I don't take personal insults and get hurt by them, I brush them off. Trust me, it's easy to do.

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  • Edited by Is__Endless: 11/2/2015 6:56:37 AM
    [quote][i]No, sorry, I'm not ever going to dedicate more than a few minutes time of going back in time to re-skim a sub-thread[/i] with over 400 replies. [b]The majority of which that agreed that Caboose's comment was "your wreckoning." And it indeed was.[/b][/quote] [i]Italics[/i] If you're not going to dedicate time to getting your facts straight, why bother bringing something up from the past? Haha. I just don't get it. What was the point in bringing it up in the first place? Was that supposed to be your RKO OUT OF NOWHERE! moment? Was that supposed to be your big finish? Your John Cena? I don't understand why you would bring something like that up without actually looking into it. It's pointless and it speaks volumes about you. There's no validity to bringing it up, much like there's no validity to your response to the OP of this subthread. [b]Bold[/b] Of course his response is going to be received like that. I posted a Halo fanboy hate thread on a forum that is run by the developers of Halo. This site ( played host to the Halo community long before it was a Destiny community. Of course a thread about how idiotic Halo fanboys are is going to be received poorly and have that one White Knight take the vote of popularity. However, that thread brought out the people I was talking about. Read those responses. Halo fanboys told me to get cancer and kill myself. I even got several hundred messages. I'd say that the thread was spot-on. Those people are toxic. Elitists of that nature are toxic. They don't even read the whole post most of the time. It was funny reading some of the responses like "You're just mad that you've never played Halo" even though I clearly state that I have and actually do. You, much like those toxic kids in that thread, misunderstood the thread and what I was saying. As did Caboose (their White Knight, and yours). Caboose and I spoke calmly in his subthread and he admitted that he was too harsh and that he misunderstood the post. I could not edit my main post with my reply to Caboose because a moderator had moved it. In any case, it's not a matter of Caboose being right or me being right. It was a misunderstanding that ended up being cleared up.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/2/2015 7:07:42 AM
    Then a misunderstanding here can EASILY be cleaned up over a few comments. [quote]Was that supposed to be your John Cena.[/quote] Pretty funny, tbh. But.. [spoiler]I'm not going to dedicate more than a few minutes time to re-[b]skim.[/b] a sub-thread.[/spoiler] See that? I skimmed through that sub thread. I got the main stuff, I did not read paragraph over paragraph as that is a waste of my time. And there is a problem with skimming, that problem is that you don't get the whole story. I'm not going to dedicate time to re-skim that sub-thread after knowing the main stuff, especially since you told me even more about the said situations. So yes, it is valid. Whether you like it or not, lmao. It's 1 in the morning FFS. [quote]This speaks volumes about you.[/quote] Like I care? I act nothing like I do on here in IRL. And nothing about the main stuff. Okay then. Stick to the conversation. [spoiler]No, it was only your badly written post, use of term fanboys and such that created the misunderstanding. You couldn't edit it, shame.[/spoiler] [spoiler]BTW, brush off the insults. This is a Bungie forum, after all..[/spoiler]

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  • The post itself wasn't exactly poorly written so much as it was not exactly what I wanted to say, if that makes any sense. It did what it was intended to do. I did post it to anger the people I outlined in the thread, but a few of my phrasing choices were easy to take the wrong way. That thread was a good time for the most part. I had a great time reading the replies and laughing at the very people I was talking about. I came across Caboose's post and initially thought that responding to it would be a waste of time, so I responded aggressively and then muted him. After I started receiving "Caboose rekt you. Kill yourself" messages, I decided to go in and correct his mistakes and discuss it more peacefully and that's all she wrote. The thread died a couple of days later and now it's only ever brought up by people who look at my initial post and Caboose's response (up until the edit, of course, where he admits that he misunderstood my post) and hope to use it against me. I'm happy with how the thread turned out overall. I was trending for a few days and I had an intelligent conversation with a worthy adversary. Can't complain. The difference here is that you're not like Caboose. Caboose was right about a few things and I'm willing to admit that. However, you're just spewing venom in the name of spewing venom. And, yes, I do hope to bring this discussion to a peaceful close. I don't exactly like getting into these situations. It's a forum. I'm not at all offended by your personal attacks. I got pretty used to them after receiving close 500 of them because of one thread. ;) I'm just saying that the personal attacks are pointless. You know? Because, like... They are. Also, the John Cena thing was intended to be funny, so I'm glad you picked up on that.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/2/2015 7:26:37 AM
    I don't mean to spew venom, Infact I don't even thin I'm doing so. I'm just stating how these forums work, how opinions are on these forums, that my comments were made for general purpose, not just for EventHorizon, and how judgements on something can't be made if you haven't played it or even watched it. And to be honest, if you think I'm just spewing venom in my replies, I think you aren't reading them as you should. It "speaks volumes" about you. Personal attacks are quite normal, it's what I do in real life with my friends during arguments, and that's one of the few traits I bring to the forums. Soooo.. Yeah. I guess this is the peaceful closure? Why do I even do this?

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  • Man, we're just going to have to call this one. You know? We're making progress and all, but I'm too damn tired to even think of what to type at this point. The personal attacks are the venom, though. I'm flattered that you treat me like one of your friends. Really, I am. That's very kind of you. However, for the most part, it takes your "opponent" out of the conversation. It's like one second I'm reading your response and I'm like "Cool, cool" and then you're like "PLUS, YOU EAT S[b]H[/b]IT!" You know? Haha. That's obviously not a real example, but you get it. Sure, it can be. I'm too tired to continue. My eyes are like "nawh, bro. Go to bed." [quote]Why do I even do this?[/quote] We do it for some sort of excitement, I guess. This forum isn't really that interesting if two people aren't talking some smack. Well, I mean... That, and [spoiler]JOHN CENA[/spoiler]

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  • Would it hold much weight besides it being his own taste towards this type of game? No.

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  • What are you on about? He never said anything bad about the game. He said he had no interest in it. And, let's make this clear, he doesn't have to play the game to know if he likes it.

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  • He means that the Original Commenters weight or opinion on Halo is almost nonexistent because the guy doesn't have an interest to play it to begin with.

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  • That's not what he said. Haha. Oh, god. Stick to our conversation.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/2/2015 6:43:22 AM
    Actually, it wasn't exactly what he said, but it's probably what he meant. His opinion on Halo means nothing more than "Never had any interest." That's really it. Why do you deny everything? Did your momma tell you to "always be right, even when wrong"? Edit; This is the exact case of "opinion is different on the forums " that I am talking about.

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