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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/29/2015 1:21:39 AM
[b]Tower, Last City[/b] Lucky never touched the dark- Never modified his power to ruin the Crucible. Hell, he didn't even have a Graviton Forfeit! And yet, here he stood, being judged by Titans and Warlocks. He hated this. He hated his comrades who made him just another "douchebag" Hunter... Ever since the modification reached guardians, he soloed everything. An announcement comes on the tower intercom. IT HAS BEEN DISCOVERED THAT YET ANOTHER VOID EXPLOIT IS PLAGUING HUNTERS. Those damn guardians who spread the news to try and get it patched, but rather make it far too widespread. He hated them too. DPJ, the worst offender, was spreading this one. Lucky was sick of it. He forced his ghost, Codsworth, to hack through the Tower's no weapons transmat program. The knife he uses to clean his nails and kill aliens... It was soon to gave another guardian's blood on it.

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