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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/27/2015 4:45:25 AM
"...and we didn't come to kill anything, just to fight." Quinn states, lowering his guns. "Lower your guns." Alice and Tellio both lower their weapons. "So what is an Ahamkara doing on Earth?" Tellio asks Nightingale.

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  • [i]Gage continues his search, his Golden Gun maintaining its never ending flow of energy. He sheathes his knife and pulls out a small orb that radiates Void energy. He holds on to it as he continues searching for Tellio through the rubble of the ancient jet. He spots a large field of tall grass and heads toward it, firmly grasping the small grenade in his left hand.[/i] "I don't like these circumstances at all..." [i]Gage mutters to himself as he begins searching through the field.[/i]

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  • Seeing Gage walk completely past where she was hiding, she stands up slowly as he walks over to a large patch of grass. Lightly, she leans back, throws back her arm, then fastballs the grenade straight up into the air, aiming to land at Gage's position. As soon as the grenade leaves her hand, she ducks around a plane wreckage, getting into a close quarter advantage she can use.

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  • [i]Gage's HUD lights up and he turns and sees the grenade midair. He throws the small grenade in his hand at the ground and suddenly disappears amongst a cloud of smoke, his Golden Gun's fiery light becoming invisible amongst the smoke. As Gage vanishes, he fires a single fiery round in the direction that the grenade came from. The round fired from the Golden Gun pierced through everything it touched and melted it instantly. As Gage moved out of his cloud of smoke, the Arc grenade went off behind him and he rolled out of the way to avoid being hit by one of the stray bolts of lightning. As he rolled forward, he noticed a tiny orb of liquid Arc energy, and Gage recognized where it came from instantly. It must have leaked off of Tellio's Impossible Machine gauntlets. Gage aimed his Golden Gun ahead of him as he approached the drop of liquid Arc energy. [/i]

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  • Tellio watches as he approaches her position, waiting for the moment to spring her trap. Meanwhile... "Kinda unfair, don't ya think? He gets a golden gun that has unlimited duration, what does Tellio get?" "You saying she can't take him?" Quinn says, immediately bristling. "'Course not. What I'm is that if he hits her with even a single hit, he is going to be toast." Alice grins. "I hate your puns." Quinn mutters. "Aww, love ya too."

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  • [i]Gage lowers his Golden Gun and it extinguishes itself. The Golden Gun then vaporizes and Gage calls out to the Void, a bow constructed of Void energy appearing in his hands. He continues searching for Tellio, his Shadowshot radiating dark Void energy. [/i]

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  • "Huh." Tellio mumbles as she hears the bow form. She steps out from behind her cover and raises her hand cannon. She let's off three shots, not even attempting to hide.

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  • [i]Gage immediately warps to the side in a brilliant flash of Void energy. He draws back his Shadowshot and aim it at Tellio. After a moment he fires a bolt of Void energy that hits the rock right next to Tellio. The bolt lets loose a screech as it releases a string of dark Void energy that attaches to Tellio, siphoning her abilities and making her more weakened towards damage. Gage quickly straps his Shadowshot to his back and, in a matter of seconds, unsheathes one of his many throwing knives and spins it around in his fingers. He throws it towards Tellio and then draws his Hand Cannon, twirling it in his fingers before aiming it at Tellio.[/i]

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  • Tellio throws back her head and laughs. "Draw from the Void." She says with a smile, as she grips her hand around the tether, acting like it's almost a physical thing. Then, instead of the anchor draining her, she starts to drain the anchor, forcing the outward energy of Gage's anchor to fuse with Tellio, giving her extra energy donated by Gage. The anchor disappears shortly, leaving Tellio standing there with a faint purple glow. "My turn." She sings, then uses her Thunderstrike to send Gage staggering away.

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  • [i]Gage staggers back, his visor cracking. He throws off his helmet and looks back up, grinning. As he holsters his hand cannon, he stands back up with renewed strength as his eyes begin to glow red. Then he pulls out the relic from his pocket and grasps it firmly in his right hand. It appears to be some form of Vex orb, similar to an Incubation Shell. He presses his thumb into the core of the small Vex orb and it glows bright orange as it begins to transform into a huge broadsword. Gage lifts it to the sky and it fully constructs, the blade glowing with an aura of brilliant Light. He looks back to Tellio as the blade's color changes from bright white to orange. [/i]

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  • Tellio watches the new blade, unsure of whether she can take him on now, but she guessed she had to try. As her grenade finished recharging, she focused some of the Tether energy into her Melee, finishing that. She activates her Stormtrance, and holds out her hands to start firing, but instead, she disappears from view.

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  • [i]Gage looks around, searching for Tellio. His sword suddenly changes colors from orange to purple as he looks around.[/i]

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  • Tellio appears above him, sending down lightning from above, damaging him a little, then disappearing again before he has time to react.

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  • [i]Gage staggers a little and looks around again, expecting Tellio to use Landfall on him again. His sword's blade begins to change to a light blue color and he prepare himself for Tellio's second attack.[/i]

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  • Tellio appears right in front of him in a crouch and she quickly zaps him with a chest full of lightning. He staggers, but she disappears again, only to reappear behind him with another zap of lightning to his back, making him stagger forward. She disappears again. Meanwhile... "Scissors, paper, rock!" Alice and Quinn-2 say in unison. "Ahh, I win again." Alice cheers to herself. "If you wanna win, why not go something other than rock?" "But I wanna beat you." "With a rock?" "Yeah." "Then why not try scissors? In the right hands, even the smallest blades can be dangerous." "But I don't use blades." He says triumphantly. "I use my fists." "Well unfortunately for you, a good defense breaks fists. Just like how paper beats rock." Quinn growls and Alice grins.

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  • [i]Gage begins to grow agitated as Tellio blinks away just before he has time to attack. His sword begins to shine brighter as it absorbs energy from Tellio's attacks and Gage lifts it up into the air and then stabs it straight into the ground. The moment the blade touches the ground, a shockwaves of every elements erupts out of the blade and a cloud of every element surrounds Gage, feeding him energy as he waits for Tellio's next attack. [/i]

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  • Tellio appears on a nearby plane wreck, her StormTrance just running out. So she had the perfect view to see Gage spawn a cloud around him. Tellio crouches, and pulls out a rocket launcher, with tracking and cluster on it. She waits for the cloud to dissipate, or anything else that might happen.

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  • [i]Gage feels energy flow through him and pulls the sword out of the ground, looking around for Tellio. He spots her standing on top of a jet, a rocket launcher aimed at him. As the elemental clouds that surrounded Gage begin to dissipate, they release one last shockwave of every element in all directions. Gage begins to move quickly towards Tellio's position as the clouds completely fade from existence.[/i]

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  • "I think I was expect Mor-tar from you." She says after locking onto him and raising the launcher towards the sky. She pulls the trigger and three rockets spit out into air, going straight up into the sky. They activate after locking onto Gage properly and alter their course to hit him. Then, during midair, they all split in clusters of seven, each with their locked on target gunning straight. Meanwhile... "That pun was terrible!" Alice calls out to Tellio. "Shut-up and watch!" Tellio shouts back, chucking the Launcher to the ground and pulling out her shotgun to reload while Gage deals with the twenty-one homing clusters of changing elements.

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  • [i]Gage sprints forwards and then disappears out of thin air, the cluster rockets attempting to lock back on to him an spinning violently in the air. Gage reappears high up in the sky, his sword's blade extending further out as Gage splits through the sky towards the ground. The sword begins to radiate Spectral energy as he nears the ground. [/i]

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  • Edited by MegaBeast42: 11/9/2015 8:45:12 PM
    Tellio finishes reloading, pumping the shell into the gun. She stands there, shotgun ready, and waits for him to come to her while the rockets regain their target and launch back into chasing him. Meanwhile... "He has a sword..." Alice mutters. "No." Quinn replies. "He has a glowing sword..." Alice mutters again. "No." Quinn replies once more. "But..?" Alice tries to say. "No." Quinn continues. "This is Tellio's fight, you'll get a chance to verse Gage later." "Aww..." Alice whines as she sits on the ground, picking at the grass.

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  • [i]Gage raises his sword above his head and then slams it into the ground, sending a massive nova of every element in every direction. He then pulls it back out of the ground and turns to face Tellio, the nova of elements still spreading across the Mothyards in every direction. He raises the sword and aims it at Tellio as the shockwave of elements nears her position.[/i]

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  • Tellio raises her hands. "Okay. You've beaten me. I've got no more tricks up my sleeves." She says to Gage. "As much as I hate to admit, your better at fighting than me. Sooo, you win."

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  • [i]Gage lowers the sword and the blade slowly begins to retract back into the handle, the Vex machinery transforming the sword back into a small orb. As Gage puts the orb away, his eyes stop glowing red, but remain red due to that being their natural color. He picks his helmet up and examines the cracks in the visor, putting it back on the ground soon after looking at the damage. He begins having flashbacks once again to Twilight Gap. He attempts to push the thoughts back but struggles to keep the memories that are his battle-scars from his mind. Nightingale soars down from the sky and lands on his shoulder, speaking to him telepathically and helping ease the burden of his dreadful memories. He finally managed to push them away and Nightingale returns to his perch in a large tree on top of a cliff overlooking the Mothyards. Gage turns back to Tellio as Nightingale flies away.[/i] "That was a good fight, I've never had the chance to use the [i]Eternity's Eclipse[/i] in a battle yet. I may have been member of the Six Coyotes and have fought at Twilight Gap, the Battle of the Six Fronts, and countless other key battles, but I have battle scars. Particularly the events that transpired at Twilight Gap..." [i]Gage shudders as he thinks of Twilight Gap once again. [/i]

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  • "Eternities Eclipse?" Tellio says, walking down the planes wing. "You mean like Light's Conduit?" Meanwhile... Alice rushes straight down to Gage. "Sword... Sword sword swooorrd." "Excuse her." Quinn says. "She gets excited when she finds a new sword." "Sword!"

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  • [i]Gage smiles as Alice continues to repeat the word 'sword'. He pulls out the small Vex orb and presses the button in the center, causing the orb to transform into the Eternity's Eclipse once again. Gage ignites the blade with Arc electricity and swings it around, putting on a show for Alice. [/i] "This sword took me a long time to forge. I had to use many relics from Mercury and the Vault of Glass to complete the frame. It looks like the time I spent paid off very well."

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