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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/27/2015 1:27:55 AM
The aftermath of a duel on the Dreadnaught. Dante was nailed to a wall, impaled through the chest by his own sword. The last thing he saw before he passed out was his brother, walking away with his father's journal. [b][i]Yet another fine situation you've gotten yourself into.[/i][/b] Dante couldn't even respond, mostly due to the flaming hadium puncturing his left lung. He simply coughed up some blood in response to his inner demon. He attempted to push himself off of the wall, but the blade seemed pretty stuck. He eventually gave up, deciding to try and get some rest. (Open.)

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  • [b]You hear swords clash nearby[/b]

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  • Sans! My hero/eat shit!

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  • Ayyy/Get dunked on!

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  • [i]The Dreadnaught. It floated calmly on Saturn's rings. Or at least what's around it. David had been inside, long before it reached Saturn. He witnessed Oryx's power firsthand, and was forced to kill a taken guardian. Nothing has really changed, aside from the giant hull breach and legions of cabal fighting hive. The atmosphere was different however. Instead of seein the Dreadnaught as an intimidating frontier, he saw it welcoming now that it had a giant hole through it. He set down on the transmat zone and kept on with his day. After some time of just walking and walking and walking and walking, he found Dante pierced onto the wall. David is taken back a bit at the sight, regains his senses and tries to keep his lunch in his stomach. [/i] D: Jesus Christ! Oh, shit that's nasty! Oh! Oooohhhhhh...! Uughh, uh, I'm ok. I am ok. Aahh... You, wh-what's your name? I see you're in an uncomfortable situation. Are you even alive?

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  • Dante groans in response, then reaches back and pushes against the wall. With one final effort he manages to dislodge the blade from the wall. He falls and collapses on his side, the sword still lodged in his chest. "Ohhh... Ohhhhh man.... Arrrgh.... Augh...."

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  • [i]David panics a little, but tries to get a hold of himself as he sees Dante on the ground with a sword through his chest. He goes to him and tries to help as he can.[/i] D: Shit, uuuhh, I see you're still breathing, you need a help with... The sword? And getting up?

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  • Dante pushes himself up and slumps against some rubble. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and winced slightly as he tried to take a deep breath. "... Ok.... Heeere we go...."

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  • [i]David grabbed Dante arm and put it over his shoulder. He holstered his weapon and grabs Dante's sword as well and keeps walking with him.[/i] D: Hey hey hey, I'll help you here. I got 2 questions. What's your name? And what happened to you? You were nailed to the wall like a voodoo doll.

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  • "Urrgh... My name Dante.... And this..." He suddenly tightened his grip on the sword and jerked it out of his chest, a foot at a time. "Aaarh... Aaaagh... This... Was a present from my brother..."

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  • D: That's a caring brother you have there. So, what's brings you to the Dreadnaught? Normally I'd sarcastically name some virtues of this place but I despise this pale with a burning passion.

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  • Alpha, an Exo Titan found Dante while patroling Dreadnaught. He had his ghost cure him while he pulled the sword from Dante's chest.

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  • Dante yelled as the sword was pulled from his chest. "Aaugh!... Careful with that thing! This isn't Operation!"

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  • "Sorry." Alpha said. "Ugh! There you go. Who the hell impale somebody with sword?"

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  • "Heh... Yeah, that's Vergil for you... Probably thought it was 'poetic' or something...."

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  • "That's crazy. Man, you are now qualified as a special one." Alpha said with joking tone.

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  • "Ok... Cool, I guess..."

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  • "Just kidding. Do you have any plan?" Alpha asked.

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  • [b]A human female Sunbreaker walks by. She has no guns,or a helmet,she has golden duskrender armor and boots,as well as 2 belts of yellow and red shot gun shells that make an "X" across her chest, she also has 2 more around her waist. But her gauntlets seem to be modified,there yellow and bulky,reaching up to her shoulders and seem to have barrels at the top of each wrist. She's quite pretty as well,she has very long curly golden hair with orange eyes. She doesn't seem to notice you,maybe if you can get her attention... [/b]

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  • Dante had already lost consciousness by the time the Titan arrived. His arms hung limply at his sides as he awkwardly slumped over the sword in his chest.

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  • [b]She notices the impaled warlock on the wall. She's stunned for a moment at the gore, bits she quickly recovers, she's seen worse.[/b] "Jesus Christ! Alright nerd boy, let's get you out of here!" [b]She takes out the sword with ease and you collapse to the ground. She shakes you awake.[/b] "Hey, you ok?"

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  • He coughs for a few seconds. Some blood ran down the corner of his mouth. "Rrgh... Oh... Ohhh man.... That sucked..."

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  • "It seems so. Who did this to you? And might I ask,who,are you?"

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  • "My brother... He ran off.... Took the journal...... Hehe... Always was a punk...."

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  • "One hell of a sibling rivalry. Anyway I'm Gold."

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  • "Dante..."

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