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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/25/2015 6:39:21 PM
(Written by Thrax, copied/pasted by me for easier access) [b]Meanwhile, deep inside the Vault of Glass[/b] Grixis and his Blades entered huge expanse that once belonged to the mighty Axis Mind, Atheon. Now only the broken machines of past, present, and future lay here. Men'kaar and Calvik broke off and went to the left of the room, while Vôlik-Dal and Stronix went right. But he went forward, jumping across to the small platform and onto the other side. He landed on the stone ground. He looked up at the two collections of crystals that arched upwards to make, along with the floor, a triangle shape while he walked up the steps. They seemed to have lost their glow over the year. But that would change. The Blades came and took their places at his sides. All the while, they looked at the giant, broken frame before them. "[i]This is the Times Conflux[/i]?" Spoke Calvik, breaking the absolute silence of the chamber. "Indeed, it [i]was."[/i] Grixis responded. Then he walked forward toward the broken Vex. He ran his clawed hand down the arm of it's glistening white body. He continued until he was standing where it's head was. Such a shame, a once mighty being, brought down so low. His train of thought was interrupted when Vôlik-Dal spoke. "[i]My liege, the guard that we placed at the entrance are speaking of four Guardians forcing their way into the Vault."[/i] He was quick to respond. "I know. But they cannot stop what happens next." He knelt down and placed a hand on the white chassis, before his entire arm took on an ghastly shimmer of Light and Darkness. "Let us begin, shall we?" At his touch, the Vault responded. It knew what he was trying to do. And surprisingly, it did not resist. All around, Vex units that resisted the Hive now took their side with them. The crystals above him now glowed with the energies of Light and Darkness. "[i][b]You were once a force to be reckoned with. You once held the title of Times Conflux, and kept the balance of time in check. Now you lie broken, shattered, destroyed by the warriors of Light. Take back your mantle. Rise from your slumber, claim the Vault of Glass as yours once more, take your revenge on the world!"[/b][/i] At his words, the giant frame began shift, it's left arm that was no longer there, now replaced with Light and Darkness in the shape of its original appendage. It grasped it's weapon, and rose to it's full height. It looked down at him, and bowed. "[i][b]Welcome to the world once more, Atheon, Bane of Time[/b][/i]." (Open to Max, Alice, Garuud, Thrax's Hive Characters, and me)

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  • (Awwwww... Y u no invite me?)

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  • " Oh crap, its like someone hopped in and was like yo dawg I heard you like space robots. So I put a space robot on a space robot and put another one on top of it and then super powered it, because I love you." *another voice in Garuud's head.* " You know the thing is looking at you right?" To that Garuud smiles and flips it the bird. * Same voice* "Classy!" It says. * different voice* "That was so BA nice job, I am sure he will remember that forever and ever." Garuud smiled and pulled out his Fabian Strategy and got ready for the long fight ahead.

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  • Alice stands on the cliff side above them all, switching the mid scope for a long scope on her sniper rifle. "(Comm switches on) Hey, uh, might wanna take cover Garuud. Over." Alice takes a knee and puts the stock to her shoulder, lining up the sights.

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  • "Sounds like a plan!" Already running to the lip of a platform where a vex gate stood. Dodging vex fire as he ran. He then took out a rocket and fired it into a group of silver vex. "Boosh!"

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  • Alice sighs. "That's not taking cover..." Then she begins to take out the Minotaurs in two shots, one for the shield, one for the eye. After four shots, she reloads quietly and hears footsteps behind her.

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  • Ginger runs up, barely managing to catch his breath. "I made the jump. I totally freaking made the j-." He realizes where he is with a start, and in a blur of motion has a fusion rifle out, with the stock braced up against his shoulder. "Alice, I'll take point. Clear out some of the smaller Vex while I take out that mean looking Minotaur."

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  • " Oh you made it Pumpkin!" Garuud yells from below as he throws a grenade from behind cover and it takes out a group of Vex. coming out of the portal behind him. Just as the portal on the right hand side opens and starts spewing out hive. They swarmed across the room and started attacking Garuud. "They like me! They really like me!" Garuud punches one.. killing instantly and creating a sunspot as he gained a over shield. Thrall kept coming, more and more out of the portals. As The Taken Aetheon was firing at the Guardians. They wore down Garuuds over shield and then a hive knight came up behind him and slashed him with its blade. Cutting him nearly in half. " Ouch! My freaking legs. I kinda need tho..." He didn't finish the sentence as another one rushed up and stabbed him through the chest.

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  • With a shout, Ginger gathers Arc Light around his body, and for a second his Light eclipses all of the brightness in the Vault. Then, he shoots down towards the group of Hive like a fallen angel, releasing the light in a violent maelstrom of energy. One of the Knights, judging by his height Ginger guessed that he was Grixis, managed to survive the blast, but he was more concerned about Garuud. Running over to his Ghost, he gave him some of his light and was able to revive him. Wasting no time, he turns around and begins firing at the Hive and Vex forces with an Auto Rifle, using a portal as cover.

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  • To Gingers surprise The light had no effect on Garuud. In fact no ghost came out to revive him, he was already healing and pulling the sword out of his chest and the cut in his mid section was gone. " That smarts! Every freaking time! bahahaha ouch! Thanks for the back up!" Garuud said as he stood up. He then Said " Play time is over! Time to bring out the big guns." He Activated his hammer and threw two at each portal creating a chain reaction that kept happening as more and more enemies came from them. "Lets deal with Aetheon while we can."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/26/2015 12:07:37 AM

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  • [spoiler] Nope?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/26/2015 12:10:06 AM
    [spoiler]Posted, then saw that it went further down[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh! haha yeah I definitely don't want it to end just yet, we have lot more fight to do first.[/spoiler]

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  • Alice Shadow shot the Taken Atheon, meaning that her friends could deal a ton more damage while she snipes from afar. That's when the a Ruptures activate. "Guys!? To your sides!" She says through the comms as Captains and Knights come flooding out.

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  • The captains and knights overrun Garuud and Ginger They are fighting for their lives. The Garuud pulls out a odd helm. One that was obviously Ahamkara in origin. "Remember those Ahamkara we killed on another trip to Venus? Theyrrrreee! Baaaaaack!" He put on the helm that consisted of a Red gem in the center with teeth surrounding it that began to move independently as soon as the helm was on his head and the spines on the helmet became longer and sharper. "O' bearer mine... let us feast...." Garuud laughed " No thanks I have a taco in my armo... oh crap! That knight broke it!" Garuud said as he pulled out crumbs. " My .. my taco..." He obviously became very upset and popped hammer time once more and each hammer had tracking. Each hammer hit theyre mark destroying entire groups of the enemies. " Why my Taco.... Why!? " He began moving faster and faster destroying enemies. He then threw a few hammers at Aetheon waiting for his team mates to do there damage to Aetheon.

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  • Ginger surrounds himself with Light once more, but instead of using a Fist of Havoc and releasing the energy he maintains it, slamming into the Taken Captain with extreme force and speed.

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  • "Do they even need me?" Alice questions thin air. "I mean, what's the point? They're perfect-" Alice raises her hand, her three swords floating free of their sheaths, then she flings them forward, the swords cutting through any and every enemy around them. Alice then raises her other hand and slides it onto the other hands palm. Then she splits her hands and at the exact same time, the three swords duplicate into copies of themselves, and she gets back to work sending one group to the enemy's and one to Atheon.

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  • As the fight between Vex and Hive against Guardians raged below, a Hive Tomb Ship tore through space underneath the surging arched crystals. Atheon remained on the incline, while the Blades turned to ash and were transported in the ship. But Grixis stayed where he was. While the battle raged on, Grixis' left arm became the ethereal energies of Light and Darkness. He instantly shot his hand the air, sending a shockwave of the two energies across the chamber. The battle stilled for a moment, as he too was transported into the Tomb ship, before it passed through its portal once more, leaving the Guardians to their demise. ------------------------------------------ Anaxis was watching through the Guardians helmet cams. He was having to use an old Vex mind core to get a decent signal while they were in the Vault. And what he saw Grixis do before he left, left him in silent horror. He had seen that before. That raw power that he used, was only used for one thing. He quickly patched through the Guardians. "Guardians, you need to end this fight now!" As he spoke, he watched as all of the Vex constructs that had been destroyed and Hive that had been reduced to ash, got back up. The entirety of the Hive's bodies glowed a combination of bright Light, and black Darkness, while the same energies took form of an lost appendages on the Vex. They all looked to the Guardinas. "Careful Guardians, this is not the Taken you're fighting! Quickly, destroy Atheon before time is torn asunder!"

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  • Alice looked at Atheon, eyes glowing white, as she slammed three swords in a triangle around Atheon. Then, she spins a finger in a circle lazily, as each sword starts to spin around Atheon, increasing in speed. Each Element leaves a trail which begin to fuse together, creating pure light energy. Soon after, Atheon was standing in a pool of Liquid Light, only contained by the spinning blades.

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  • Alice looked at Atheon, eyes glowing white, as she slammed three swords in a triangle around Atheon. Then, she spins a finger in a circle lazily, as each sword starts to spin around Atheon, increasing in speed. Each Element leaves a trail which begin to fuse together, creating pure light energy. Soon after, Atheon was standing in a pool of Liquid Light, only contained by the spinning blades.

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  • As Alice begins combating Atheon with her swords, Ginger fends off the waves of Hive forces with nothing but his fists. Next to his feet and the piles of dead Hive lie the shattered remains of his Multi-Tool, and his Fusion rifle had long since run out of ammo. He ducked under the sword of a Hive Knight, punching and shattering its knee-plate, and then melting its brains with a storm fist underneath its chin. He picks up its fallen sword and begins combating the other Knights while Grixis circles around, like a hawk observing its prey before a strike. Alice realizes that she has to finish her fight soon, or Ginger, and by extension she, will be overrun.

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  • "Quickly! Lets hit him with everything we have! " Garuud yelled as he jumped up into the air and fired 2 rockets into Aetheon and one into the group of massing enemies. He then Threw a thermite grenade in front of the right portal keeping them at bay... for a time. Garuud pulled out his 1000 yard stare and emptied round after round into Aetheon Each hitting the sac in his middle. " Bang BANG BANG!" Garuud said with a giant smile the whole time. Because while this was life and death, this was the most alive he has ever felt.

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  • "Fine." Alice says from her location above. She raises her hands, beginning to bring the pool of light up to Atheons head. It screams in agony as it begins to melt away, it's legs disappearing into molten light. Alice smiles, glad at her skills in sword pl- Something heavy hits her head from behind, knocking her forwards. She turns quickly, trying to see who hit her, but then something comes into her view, hits her jaw, and knocks her out cold. The swords stop fighting, dropping to the ground. The second set around Atheon disappear, leaving the molten light flickering off in flakes. Alice is dragged away by the unknown entity that knocked her out.

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 10/26/2015 10:42:36 PM
    Once Garuud noticed that the fancy sword light show stopped he knew that he had to act. he jumps up and yells " For Asgard!" Then summons his hammers again and keep hitting Aetheon over and over again. Hammers flying by raining death upon it and hitting enemies next to him starting chain reactions. "Die you tin can!" The red gem on his helm glowing brighter and brighter. "Yes, o bearer mine' feed us." Garuud threw one last hammer that brought Aetheon to its knee. Garuud looked up completely out of power. " I need him dead, I need more.... power.."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/27/2015 12:46:08 AM
    Anaxis watched the Guardians' barrage on the resurrected Atheon. Parts of it's chassis were blown into non-existence. But something wasn't right. The only times it attacked were with its main cannon, but what was- Suddenly the arched crystals that overlooked the chamber began to pulse large amounts of energy. That's when he saw it, all of Atheon's destroyed chassis sections were being replaced with the Light and Dark energies, taking shape into whatever was lost. The entire left side of it's torso and head, parts of its legs, everything. It was as if he didn't take any damage whatsoever. Then Atheon raised it's white and black ethereal arm into the air. The air shimmered, and the chamber seemed to be 'warping' in on itself. And he knew what Atheon was doing. "By the Traveller," he said in whisper like, horror filled voice, "he's tearing time itself apart." His ship's screens that had been monitoring the Vault of Glass were going haywire at the events that were happening. But he looked at one screen in particular. It showed a Light still inside the time space. But it showed no signs of life, what was this- That's when it hit him. It was the Aegis Shield. But according to the monitors, it was splitting apart. "Wait a second."An idea came to him. He put all the pieces of his idea together... Yes, it was absolutely crazy, but if done correctly, they could end this once and for all. He boosted the Mind Core to it's limits, giving him a clear signal to the Guardian's through the chaos in the Vault. "Guardians, listen to me and listen well. Atheon is tearing time apart, and is in a state where normal means of destroying it will have no effect. But there is a way to stop it: The Aegis Shield. Only problem is it's been torn into two halves, one piece in the Past, the other in the Future. You need to collect both halves, and pour your Light into it to reconstruct it. Once that is done, fire it at Atheon. That will put Atheon into a phase where time inside the Vault will have no meaning, your weapons and Supers will have no limit. But be warned, the Aegis Shield will only have one charge, so you will only have one chance to kill Atheon. Hurry, end The Bane of Time!"

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