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originally posted in:SILVER99
Edited by ALDxbl: 10/25/2015 3:26:16 PM

Transmission RAS-12

A transmission found in Rasputin's Bunker regarding the heavy fusion rifle. X9- It's almost finished. R6- I know. It will be of great use to our cause. X9- Lets test it shall we? Test it in the... (Cut off by R6) R6- No, the core is not yet stable. Besides, we could not test in the... *ahem* We could not test it there. -END OF TRANSMISSION 1- R6- We need to hide it! If it falls into the wrong hands the bunker project is doomed! The planet is doomed! (Fallen captains banging on door) X9- We must use it to save our selves! It's the only way! R6- And if we don't succeed? X9-... R6- Exactly. The fate of the planet, the fate of the system rests on our shoulders! (Vandal sword slits through door) (X9 grabs the fusion rifle and shoots the vandal's sword.) (The core shoots out the side of the gun and the door explodes. The core rolls next to failed test guns. Core separates into several pieces.) (X9 runs to the ship and gets ready to fly away to the district of the Nine) R6- What have you done?! (X9's ship flys away) (The Fallen enter the base and search for R6 and the fusion rifle) (R6 quickly gets inside the escape pod) (R6 wipes his memory for the sake of the system) -END OF TRANSMISSION 2- R6's last words before memory wipe: If any one is listening, find the parts to the Sleeper rifle. Crack the code. Ghost, wipe my memory. Hunter Vanguard- I am getting old and I must find a replacement. The rest of the vanguard is young. I am leaving to find a young hunter. He will be the Hunter Vanguard. I will not return. I will send the replacement back. Ikora- I agree, it is time. Zavala- It has been an honor to serve with you. ( Hunter Vanguard travels to wilderness earth and finds a young man living in a metal pod. He has the cloak of a hunter. He is the one) Hunter Vanguard- Are you not a hunter? R6- I am. I don't have many memories beside that. Hunter Vanguard- You, my son, are the new Hunter Vanguard! R6- How can you make such a decision so hastily? Hunter Vanguard- I have chosen. Ghost, transport him to the Tower! By the way, I have told the Vanguard to call you Cayde-6. Goodbye Raspu.... I mean Cayde-6. (Cayde-6 is transported via ghost teleportation to the tower) -END OF TRANSMISSION 3-

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