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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/23/2015 11:14:35 AM
In the Cosmodrome, snow falls from dark clouds, layering the ground with fresh snow. Fallen verse hive all around Russia, the Taken leaving this area be for a while, leaving the Fire-team Breaker standing alone in the middle of the Mothyard Plane wreckages. They stand in a line, waiting, each one preparing themselves for a fight. All three are Guardians, each one a different class. One a NightStalker, with a Dead Zone Revolution cloak blowing in the Snowy breeze. Her name is Alice Long. One a SunBreaker, with two Grenades being juggled in one hand. His name is Quinn-2. One a StormCaller, with lightning bouncing around her gloves. Her name is Tellio Taynt. They stand there, waiting for a challenge of three to approach for single combat. [spoiler] Open to anyone, but max of three (other than me). Be prepared for a long battle, and go off of the bottom reply please. See ya on the field, challenger. [/spoiler]

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  • Alice face palms, while Tellio looks over at Alice, a tear in her eye. She closes her eyes and looks away, wiping away the tear with the palm of her hand. Alice looks up at Max, and realises the best way to hurt him. "No." Alice says flatly.

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  • Edited by Life Aegis: 10/25/2015 7:43:27 AM
    Max looks at Alice. "Tell me then. Why are you making ne fight Tellio for your forgiveness. You know what. I don't care. Max walks up to Tellio. He puts a hand on his shoulder. "Listen..I may not [b]like[/b] like you, but your nice, kind, and sweet. We can be great friends. Whenever you need me where ever. Just gimme a call." Max looked back at Alice. "You barely know me. I barely know you. Let's change that. I am Max Deer. All my life I've been rejected by EVERYSINGLE person I've met so far. Now...I've been searching for The Enforcer. He made me. He calls me The Conduit. He said one day I'll be his ultimate weapon. I realized what that meant." Max looked up and saw 20 Ketches fly over him. "Listen. If any of you want to come with me to stop whatever's happening, come now. If not. Goodbye. All of this WILL be remembered. But lnow this. [spoiler]Only the Student can stop The Master.[/spoiler] And Alice. Friend or foe.....Good luck.

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  • "Righty'o." Alice says, admiring the Ketch's. "Contact me when you become smarter." Then she goes over to Tellio and comforts her. "Don't worry, there will be others." She looks up at Max. "You should go."

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  • Edited by Life Aegis: 10/25/2015 8:16:20 AM
    "What's that supposed to mean?" Max walks up to Tellio and kisses her on the lips. "That one's for good luck." He gave a quick grin and flew up into one of the ketch's. [i]Journal Entry #12 I met some cool people today. I figured out a ton of stuff. My ghost was actually a Taken Knight. I almost died again. And I met someone I liked. Alice Long. Boy was she pretty. But I don't think she likes me back. Who am I kidding. I'm horrible. Nobody would ever want to even be around me. Nobody ever does...... Going into a ketch to kill some Fallen. It helps me sleep. Thinking whether I should sleep in Venus or Mars.[/i]

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  • [spoiler] No. That's pushing it to far. I'm done here. [/spoiler]

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  • Oh geez sorry. I'm really sorry. I edited that out. I'm done too. O Sorry my bad.

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  • "Hey, nightstalker, remember me?" Shadow's voice came out from nowhere.

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  • "No way." She says in disbelief. "Where have you been all this time?" She asks.

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  • "Nowhere and everywhere." Shadow said with joking tone.

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  • Alice laughs. "Righty'o. So what brings you here from the everywhere and no-where region?"

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  • Edited by Alpha: 10/25/2015 2:33:33 AM
    "Because..Reasons! Ha!" Shadow said. "Oh, i am starting to talking like an idiotic Exo."

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  • "Yes, you saying idiot Exo truth, yes." Alice says in an impersonation of Shadow's unco-ordinated sentence.

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  • Edited by Alpha: 10/25/2015 2:35:50 AM
    "Sorry, english is not my first language." Shadow said. "By the way, what are you doing?"

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  • "Standing here with my two friends, Tellio and Quinn-2." She says, indicating at the female Warlock then the male Titan. "We put a message up that we were looking for anyone who wants a duel, they come here, pick one of us to duel with, and we all get a good laugh."

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  • Edited by Alpha: 10/25/2015 2:52:08 AM
    "Cool. Except that i'm not a fighter." Shadow said. "Ah, stupid influence."

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  • "That's okay. You don't need to if you don't want to." She throws her arms wide. "Just enjoy!"

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  • [i]"Besides, it's not an easy task not to kill you all permanently."[/i] Shadow said with Hive Language.

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  • "Yeah, I think you know that from las-" Alice realises what she was just replying to. "Uhh, I mean, what are you saying?"

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  • [i]"You know that my children seek to completely erase opponent."[/i] Shadow said.

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  • "You mind speaking English, or maybe at least a little better in your grammar and punctuation?" Alice says with a smile.

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  • [i]"Oh, okay."[/i] are you pleased now, Alice?" Shadow asked.

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  • Alice looks over her shoulder at her friends, then whispers at Shadow. "I thought you told me you had that under control, what happened?"

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  • "Oh, Alice. My children and my kinds are ontological parasite. We gave two choices those who dared to seek truth. Devour everything, or be devoured." Shadow whispered.

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  • Edited by MegaBeast42: 10/26/2015 1:41:03 PM
    "Right, well..." Alice holds up her sword. "Wanna fight? I've learnt a bit since our last encounter."

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  • "Alright then." Shadow said. Then he threw Vortex grenade, Scatter grenade, Axiom bolt in rapid succession.

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