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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/23/2015 5:32:09 AM
Nora Sov/Quinn Warlock, mastered all 3 subclasses 5'8, is a half awoken/half human being, skin is a bit of a beige color and she has freckles. Her eyes are a deep blue, and she has long brown hair. Bio: After being pitted against seemingly impossible odds time and time again, 2 guardians, a warlock crucible champion and titan legend and cousin to the Awoken Queen Adara Sov, fall in love. They both ask thier closest friend, David Quinn, to be the biological farther for thier child. The three end up raising Nora, Xel as the father and David is more of an uncle. At a young age, she showed remarkable intelligence, often compared those to acclaimed warlocks. Years pass, Adara sacrifices herself in the face of sure destruction to save the city and she's immortalized, having a statue in the last city. Xel goes mad, and he desserts the tower. David was left with Nora, and looked after her as she made her way into adulthood. At the age of 21, she takes the first step into becoming a guardian, to follow the footsteps of her family. As she was reborn, she was born as a warlock, and a very powerful one too. Then, David leaves, and she's left alone. Harboring resentment towards her family, she now studies vex technology and plans to go back in time, to see them one last time. Personality: She's as well mannered, cold to strangers, but when she makes friends she'll be lighthearted and goofy. Armor in present time: Samsara Set Weapons in present time: Boolean Gemini Jingukodo-D Diluvian Is repost. Better detailed.

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