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10/22/2015 5:58:45 PM
While I agree, I am starting to think that something else is going on. I am noticing that the folks that think we are nuts for asking for more do seem genuinely confused as to why we need them. Or think we are doing something wrong. What if there is an imbalance in light level drops. Follow me here, but I assume you and I are experiencing a similar situation: at some point we receive a legendary weapon we like, but at 290 or lower light level. We perk upgrade it just fine, then begin the slow process of creeping it up in light level. I tend to infuse for no less than a 4 or 5 light level difference, unless it is my highest for that slot. As we approach and start to surpass 290 overall light, we start to see less and less infusible drops for our highest level gear for each slot. Then we work on the backup weapons like the sniper for every damage type, ect. When a high level drops it gets fed to the current highest to boost overall light, but all the rest is so that when switching gear you don't drop 20 overall light. The point I am making here, is that the "keepers" are all sublight levels and the ones we infuse are rares that we wouldn't have kept anyways. But what if others are seeing the reverse, their "keepers" are dropping at high light levels, thereby negating a huge portion of the infusion costs. A friend of mine actually played that way in that he didn't infuse until he was 295. He used blues up until he got a purple that dropped over his blue gears light level. I got a few early purple drops, in the 250-270 range that I loved the perks and stats of so I spent the parts infusing those up. Now he can't understand how I burned through all my parts while he still has plenty to donate to factions.

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