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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/22/2015 3:39:51 AM
*Sheila walks out of the portal only to remove her helmet and trow it on the floor not carrying where she was. She begins gasping.* Ghost: "Are you alright?" Sheila: "My head nearly exploded, so yes I'm fine." Voice: "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." Sheila: *turns around immediately* "Who said that?" Voice: "I'll come out if you promise to not be freaked out and scream." Sheila: "Alright I promise, can you show your self now?" *A small transparent and young looking female appears on top of sheilas helmet.* Ghost: *In the background* "Great another female." Voice: "Um...I'm on your helmet." Sheila: *With a confused face she turns around only to be shocked.* "Um...who or what exactly are you?" Voice: "I'm an experimental A.I. created by the ones you call the "vex". Your not going to like the reason on why I was created." Sheila: *Jokingly* "I'm assuming it was to make my head feel like it was about to explode." Voice: *Looking at the ground* "Um...yes and no. I wasn't to make you feel like that kill you. To be more specific all of you." Sheila: "Well this is just amazing another thing that want to kill me can this day get-" Voice: *emotionally*"I won't kill you or any one. I just want to be friends. I learned much about what was happening around me. I know about the struggle of your people and how everyone wants you dead even my creators." *Starts to sob* Sheila: *getting closer* "I'm sorry I didn't mean... You look familiar, have I seen you before?" Voice/A.I.: *stops sobbing* "No we've never met before and if we had I would of remembered that." Sheila: " me when I was 15. How can you look like that if you don't know me." Voice/A.I.: "The only way that I could look like you would be if someone made me like this. Perhaps I was a memory of you?" Sheila: "The only one on this planet that had any memory of me father. He must of had something to do with your creation maybe that's why you don't want to kill us." Ghost: "Not to mention the crying." *Sheila gives a death stare at her ghost* Ghost: "What? Its true you're the only one that gets that emotional." *Sheila continues to stare at her ghost* Ghost: "I'll just go over here." *ghost goes where ever ghost go.* Voice/A.I.: "So you think that your father had something to do with my creation?" Sheila: "I'm positive of that. I don't think that you told me your name." Voice/A.I.: "Oh can call me Janet." Sheila: "Alright Janet I think we'll be good friends." Janet: "In that case I should probably warn you about the vex army thats going to invade the city." Sheila: *Surprised* "THE WHAT?" (Closed) [spoiler]How about that ending. Don't worry the calvary will arrive soon. It did take a while to make and I hope you're not disappointed.[/spoiler]

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