[u]Cause and Effect[/u]
1. Release [b]d[/b]lc/expansi[b]o[/b]n with everythi[b]n[/b]g = People obtain every[b]t[/b]hin[b]g[/b] [b]iv[/b]n about a w[b]e[/b]ek = People compl[b]a[/b]in about lack of content, etc.
2. Release [b]d[/b]lc/exp[b]a[/b]nsion with ti[b]m[/b]egates, additio[b]n[/b]al content through later patches, etc = People complain about waiting or missing their window of opportunity.
3. Temporarily remove content to fix issues = People complain for not being able to [b]play[/b] [b]the[/b]m.
4. Do not remove in [b]game[/b] issues (soon or at all) = People complain about excessive exploits, etc.
5. Exotic weapons/gear = People complain how over/under powered it is (mostly op)
There could be more. Meh
There will always be someone to complain and whine about something.
No matter where you are, there will be a butthurt player.