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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/21/2015 8:24:20 AM
"Don't know about that. Hideo tried, when I first got in trouble. But you know Zavala, he can be a bit of a tight-aas." He said with a grin on his face. "Besides, there's no use for me anymore. What was remaining of my fireteam was scattered. Last time I heard from Selina, she was part of an expedition to the Ishtar archives on Venus. Haven't heard anything from 16. Rumor was that she was doing business with the Reef born Awoken, but who knows." He continued as he had to sit down again.

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  • She stood there and listened, his words bringing a frown to her face. It could be just her, but if she were stuck on watch for the rest of her guardian days, she would non stop think of her teammates...too much time to think. "Have you tried to contact them?"She quarried.

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  • "Yeah of course. Selina and I talked every day when I was first posted on the wall" He said with a small smile. "I guess she felt bad for me, being the only one who went down." His words became heavy. "She was always the most caring of us". He took a deep breath as he continued. "Never heard from 16 again. I tried contacting her ships comms directly...but I think she blames me. Hell, I would too" He said as he got up.

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  • Her brows furrowed at this, but she was torn on whether to push forward with it. She had felt a sort of empathy towards him, her heart sinking with familiarity. "I know it's not my place to ask and you do not have to answer...but what happened?"

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  • Wade remained silent for a moment. "I was part of a fireteam, Athens. It was me, Selina, 16 and our leader, Gordy." He smiled, sadly. [i]Gordy... [/i] "He was an old school Hunter. One of the original Six Coyotes, before they were disbanded. The man took shit from nobody". He said, with a light laugh. "Needless to say, he didn't think much of the chain of command, but when it came to us, he was like a father. He would always put his team before himself." He paused, thinking if he should open up to her. "We were on standby, just hanging out in the comm-room. All of the sudden, a distress signal came through. It came from a settlement near Old Stockholm. So we gear up, we're all ready to leave and our ship is on the platfrom, ready to go. Then Zavala comes on, saying that the mission is scrubbed. '[b]Your duty is this city, that's your priority[/b]'. Gordy looks over to me, and says [i]you have the stick, it's your call[/i]. Turns out it was an ambush. Fallen over ran us, and he sacrificed himself to buy us enough time to get out. 16 never spoke to me again after that, after all I'm the one who decided to go".

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  • "Wade...I'm sorry..."She began after a moment, choosing words she deemed appropriate."...But you couldn't have predicted that ambush. You [i]were[/i] doing your duty, despite Zavala thought...there are things we just cannot control..."

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  • "Yeah..." he sighed as he had to sit down, again. [i]damn, how far can the watch tower be[/i] he mumbled in pain under his breath.

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  • "We're not too much further."She said, trying to sound reassuring. The huntress looked to him with a worried gaze, frowning. [i]mustave suffered a Hellava hit...[/i]she thought

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  • "Agh... so you say" he laughed as he forced himself up again. "You do realize that you're facing a full day shift when we get back right?" Wade said, partly teasing, partly worried. "I dragged you on a trip that was supposed be a done deal and home before 2am. Instead you ended up almost being crushed by a Captain, and have to look after me as well. What a night, huh?"

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  • "Not the worst."She replied with a laugh, giving him a sidelong glance and shrugging."Besides, I needed a little practice." She had hoped for a bigger skirmish, but knowing she had to work a double made her suddenly glad it was only a small trio.

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  • "Well, in that case: you're welcome" He said with a devilish smile. "So have you always been with Dead Orbit? Or was that just something you picked up?" He asked, trying to keep his mind off of the constant, throbbing pain.

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  • "It was actually a sort of bargain deal."She said, hesitating for a moment, debating. "I was In a bad place for a while, defected from the vanguard, worked for the wrong people. I was pretty lost...Finally Cayde sent a team after me and gave me a choice: find loyalty in a faction or spend the rest of my days hunted."

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  • "Cayde has a way of setting people straight, doesn't he?" Wade asked in a light matter. "So what happened?" [i]don't overstep, that's out of line[/i]. "I mean, I'm curious?" [i]yeah okay, you're done[/i]

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  • "Yes he does."She agreed with a small smile which dissappeared after he asked. It was painful to even think about the past events, but she tried to sound as if it didn't bother her. "I was recruited into this team, the Olympians shortly after my awakening. I trained under Pahanin for some time before we ventured into the vault. I led them in there and everything had been going great, but when we got to Atheon...I don't think any amount of training could prepare us for him."She looked ahead as she spoke."We crumbled and only I came out and when I returned home I discovered Pahanin had been murdered by Yor. I was angry and bitter and I revolted."

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  • "Wow..." he noticed that even though she tried to hide it, speaking about it bothered her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" he said with a reassuring smile. "A lot things have happened. Yor, Toland, Eriana and her team, Thalor, Ward... lot of good people, wasted." Now he realised what it was about her, her past. He saw that the weight of everything was heavy, and took a toll on her. She hid it well... but still. She made him feel like a lesser Guardian, a lesser man almost. Guardians have been fighting who knows what. Gods, super Vex minds, Entire houses of Fallen. Not to say he was wet behind the ears. He fought at the Twilight Cap and helped the Awoken when the wolves rebelled, but none of that came even close what she'd been through. He didn't know what to say...

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  • "It's alright. I've done what needed to be done and I've had my closure." She said with a small smile. They reached the watch not too long after, the girl suddenly relieved at the sight even though she had to finish the shift.

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  • "That... sounds almost scary" he joked, as he suddenly started to cough uncontrollably. "I'll have to catch a ride to the sick bay. You mind starting your shift a little earlier?" He laughed, and started coughing again. [i]goddamn, stop talking already[/i]

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  • "You so owe me."She said with a laugh"now go on before you fall over."

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  • Edited by WBU39: 10/22/2015 2:50:43 AM
    "I'm good for it" he joked as he took his bag from her. He climbed inside the drop ship and turned around, and said a big stupid smile on his face, "I'll let you know if they find anything interesting". The hangar bay doors closed, and he sat down. [i]...where the hell is my rifle...[/i] Wade woke up in the Tower hospital 24 hours later, with unbelievable pains. [i]This is worse than what I started with[/i] he thought as the doctor came by. "Oh, you're awake, that's great news." Wade looked outside [i]it's already morning[/i] he remembered that she had to stay, when he left on the transport. [i]Damn it[/i]. Pain shot through his entire body, waking him up on this moment again. "This is a quite a rep" the doctor said as he looked through Wade's data. "Level 2 concussion, fractured ribs, punctured lung, swelling in your brain..." the doctor looked the with an amused smile. "Someone really wanted you dead, Guardian". Wade was getting frustrated with the doctor, he was tired and in pain. "Yeah, comes with the territory" he said dryly. "Have you heard anything from the watch tower?" He asked the doctor. "No, should I have?" He answered, almost worried. "No, I just... promised something to a friend" [i] a friend... [/i]

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  • Through most of her shift she had worried over the Titan. It was dark so she couldn't really have had checked his wounds thoroughly, guilt setting in at the thought of her preventing more injuries on their trek back. She heard a knock on the door and went to answer it, a warlock garbed in dead orbit colors standing in the doorway. "Uh...Arach sent me to relieve you, said you had quite the night."He said with a little humor, the girl shooting him a tired look. "Life of a guardian."She sighed, packing her bag and grabbing Wades riffle he had forgotten. She left the watch and headed towards the sick bay, arguing with the receptionist for a solid 5 minutes before she finally directed her in wades direction. The girl approached the room and gave a few sharp knocks before entering.

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  • Wade had fallen a sleep again. Pain has a funny way of wearing you down, fast. A nurse was fumbling around the room, checking equipment and making sure everything was alright. "Oh, you must be the friend he was talking about?" The nurse asked in a cheerful tone, noticing the full-on-battle gear she was still wearing. "He's going to be waking up in a few hours. I'd suggest you get some sleep as well, you can stay on the couch if you'd like" the nurse said with a warm smile.

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  • Sleep. Now that actually had sounded like bliss, even if it were for a few hours. "Thank you."She said simply, with a tired smile. Artemis set her pack and the rifle down against the couch and made herself comfortable. She honestly hadn't realized how tired she had been until she closed her eyes, sleep taking her in moments.

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  • Wade woke up few hours later. The nurse was there again, doing whatever they do. He noticed the Huntress on the couch, sleeping. "When did she come here?" He asked the nurse, almost whispering. "Few hours ago, when you were still asleep" the nurse answered with a smile. His stomach dropped. [i]She actually came to see him, instead of going home[/i]. He didn't dare to wake her, after all she'd been up for, what, over 24 hours? He took his datapad from the table next to him. [i]hmph, one new message, from Executor Hideo[/i]. "Agh, he must have heard". The message said: [b]Hey brother, we heard about your ordeal. We hope you're fine. Come to the Faction room as soon as you can, we have something for you. May the peoples will remain as your guide. Regards, Executor Hideo[/b] "so sentimental" Wade chuckled as he closed the message. Artemis must have heard it, she was starting to wake up.

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  • She had always been a light sleeper courtesy of years on her own and having to watch her own back. She stirred and grumbled before opening her eyes, blinking away the last remnants of sleel. Her tired eyes landed on wade and she gave him a soft smile. "Well look who lived."She joked, swinging her legs over the side of the couch and stretching.

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  • "Yeah" he chuckled. "I feel like was run over by a god damn truck... or you know, a Fallen Captain." He said with a grin as he sit up on the bed. "You sleep well?"

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  • "Surpsingly yes, I think I was just too tired to care."She said with a laugh, rubbing the last of sleep away. "You forgot your rifle by the way."

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