Cauterize is an active regen you get a kill with an ability and you start regen while unbreakable is passive they cant be compared.
I think cauterize is ok as it gives the whole class the tools to stay in the fray for longer and be active if you are getting kills with your abilities.
But its by far the most ridiculous regen perk. It's like life steal, claws of ahkahamara(?), and apothesis veil in one but only for health.
Hunters have hungering blade, warlocks have the RAM and the solar shield. The only tweck i would do is give cauterize a cooldown time or the trigger as warlock with life steal, display a timer when cauterize is active so you cant stack it in multiple rapid kills, i doesnt matter since in rapid killing sprees you dont need regen but it will shut people saying its OP.