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Edited by ajshutt: 10/17/2015 12:04:10 AM
Lol what does school have to do with a forum? And no it's still fair for bladedancers if you would've put some commen sense into your thought, its way easier to kill a blade than a hammer. Blades just kill hammers first. Have you finished elementary school yet. Bc you can't read...

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  • HAHAHAHAHA! I can, and clearly you are in fifth grade or so because kid you can't read or wright. Which results in you being unable to make me mad kiddo. You're focused so hard on shit talk you can't put a coherent sentence together. Please keep responding, you're making my room mates and I laugh harder than we did from the last stand up special we all watched together. Also, side note, if you are such a badass, and hunters were that powerful still, why are you defending someone who was bitching about titans? Your words are smoke and hot air, your argument is now unrelated to the topic originally at hand, making the foundation of every point you make, made of quick sand, and you're trying to argue personal skill to me, when the overall discussion was about whether titans new subclass is broken. So if we're not, then turn around and tell dude bro op to shut up and master his respective subclass. Oh wait that's right, unless you still share op's opinion and you are intimidated by us titans. Also, heads up, each and every one of your responses, just proves me right more and more. Because you can't tell when to pack it in, you can't articulate any kind of actual argument, and you can't even find the side you belong on in an argument. I'll let you know now, if I stop messaging you, it's because I'll be either going to sleep, or I've gotten bored. Either way I get to repost some comedy gold tomorrow amongst my friends. So I'm just going to thank you now. The greater online debate community is going to get a kick out of this.

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