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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/15/2015 12:20:52 PM
As my fingers flew up and down the two stems - I had four arms, so why not? - of my custom-synthesized guitar, I felt strangely at ease. As though this was simply... right, like how it was right that I was now one of Light instead of Darkness. It was a good thing I had soundproofed my room, though, because I had a feeling that not everyone in the tower would enjoy the music of an amateur. However, that was soon fading, as with every passing minute, I felt myself improve. I had moved on from the songs of others, and every once-in-a-while, I would stop for a minute, look over the notes I had taken last night, make a small adjustment according to whatever I found, and go back to playing. Now, though, as I stopped, I thought a bit longer than usual, an idea forming in my head. "I wonder..." I spoke, searching my chin, before shrugging. "Well, might as well give it a try." I readied, and with one great strum, poured a bit of my Light into the instrument. From the speakers I had set up came the usual sound of the guitar, as well as a sound like thunder - Before each and every one of them exploded in a flash of sparks. When I uncovered my face, I looked around at the destruction, then looked a my hands and my instrument. "Great," chirped Gamma with a sigh. "Give me a minute, I'll have them back together quick." At that, I held up a hand. "Not yet," I said, another idea forming in my head. "Look through the notes for me. Was there any mention of using electricity to produce sound?" After a moment, he replied in the affirmative. "Yes. But why-" he looked at me, and apparently saw something he didn't like, because he sighed again. "Never mind. I assume you're going to do whatever it is anyway. Just try not to blow anything [i]else[/i] up." Instead of replying, I focused, drawing on my Light further. Then, instead of pouring it in all at once, I let it flow in a steady stream. Starting with the lower stem, I started to play one tune, before playing an opposite one on the other. Before I knew it lightning was coursing between the two, and from it came the music I was playing. I felt the electricity flowing from one to the other, as though the two were positively and negatively charged - which they were, in all honesty. Just not like most people though of. With a final chord, I let the stream die. And looked to my Ghost, who was simply floating there. "Who needs speakers anyway?" I said with a smirk, before playing one last riff. Which promptly blew my door out of it's frame.

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