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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/15/2015 2:28:59 AM
Gr1mm3st was in his quarters reading up on the latest microtech light bonding phenomena written by Toland himself.. Inside the text Grim came across a passage that stuck in his head. It read " and to those who peer into the pitch black deep enough, they're eyes begin to sink inward deep and deeper until that darkness turns into a light of unparalleled brilliance, blinding its viewer and bending his will, ultimately consuming him and leading him to believe that he must do anything and everything in order to make sure that the light never fades... And so he does just that... If only I, Toland could grasp that soul and drag it back through the dark and into reality... But everywhere I look, I see only he... With so many of them and so few of me, who is to say this is not how it was meant to be... Am I lost or is he? Only he who survives the other can make that determination I suppose..." Grim sets down his book, he walks out to speak with his mentor Ikora about her thoughts on the subject...

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