Brush have you seen hammer of sol its not op but it's definitely more powerful than shadow shot and the aim assist is only useful at mid to long range other than that is just skill and tethering to get the kill and by the way night stalkers can't use blink
[quote]Brush have you seen hammer of sol its not op but it's definitely more powerful than shadow shot and the aim assist is only useful at mid to long range other than that is just skill and tethering to get the kill and by the way night stalkers can't use blink[/quote] I think what the little man means is the double O perk that makes you disappear then reappear. Hmm. I know this one. Oh yes. SHADOWSTEP. Cant touch this. Dun dun-dun-dun dun-dun ⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺ We be rollin. They hatin. Tried to catch me white n nerday. 😎
Thanks and shade step is pretty good
Shade step. Dammit. I dont have it yet so it didnt come to mind. Lmao