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originally posted in: Destiny and the Bible
10/13/2015 12:20:19 AM
Christians don't fight sin though, Christians promote it. They are one of the most hateful groups around still. I have no issue with what people believe. More power to you, and I'm sure YOU are a great person. Just because a 2,000 year old text says things, Christians promote violence, predjudice, and overall discrimination. They use Jesus as a scapegoat. Sort of how your defense/response towards people who don't share your view reads sort of like ; "don't be human and question things that you don't fully understand, because God/Jesus will abandon you for it." Although yours is not extreme, Christians use the bibles words to violently protest homosexuality or an opposing religion or view. I think if Jesus were to show up today, he'd be damn disappointed at a lot of things done in "his name" and a majority of Christians would really be the ones left out. Live a humble, honest life and the dude will like ya if he shows up. Don't know why this set me on a rant. I'm gonna stop lol. Religion has caused nearly every war, ever. I guess that the darkness started a war, so there's a correlation. This is why this topic shouldn't be put here. Go to #off-topic next time.

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  • Religion has caused nearly every war, ever. I guess that the darkness started a war, so there's a correlation. This is why this topic shouldn't be put here. Go to #off-topic next time.[/quote] Just the Facts According to the Encyclopedia of Wars (Phillips and Axelrod, Facts on File, December 2004) of the 1,763 major conflicts in recorded history, only 123 of them were classified as having been fought over religious differences. That’s just under 7 percent. The encyclopedia also explains that the number of people killed in these conflicts amounts to only 2 percent. What are most wars fought over? Religion is a powerful motivator, and thus is often invoked in wartime, but the real reasons most wars have been fought have nothing to do with it. Instead, they have to do with political control–either allowing certain political leaders to gain or remain in power (e.g., who is the rightful heir to the throne) or they have to do with gaining political control of resources (e.g., land, money, food supplies, transportation and trade routes) or they have to do with a particular leader’s ambitions (i.e., being remembered as a great man, or not being remembered as a weak man). When leaders aren’t being totally naked about those things, they dress them up with national pride or religion, but ultimately they are not at the root. Nice factless statement...

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  • But... Wait, they use religion as their reason. Their scapegoat, which was my point squirt.

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  • [quote]But... Wait, they use religion as their reason. Their scapegoat, which was my point squirt.[/quote] You said religion "caused". Do you even read bro?

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  • My main point is [spoiler]you all suck[/spoiler]

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  • Ah yes Tim Tebow such a hateful person with all his thanking people and stuff omg and those duck dynasty guys like building house for others with their own money o the hate and the daughter like respecting her father by not wearing slutty clothes on dancing with the stars omg lets not forget those mission trips were like they go to poor countries and like donate their time and money to helping people, such hate. Christians need to be more like the blacklivesmatter movement.. Yea they are doing a lot of good #sarcasm

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  • Hating sin is a sin? I may be reading that incorrectly. Also you clearly haven't read the bible. Homosexuality is a sin, [b]as well as lying, stealing, ect...[/b] meaning that all sins are just as bad as homosexuality. Christians are called to hate the sin but love the sinner. If christians are not following this then there is a real problem.

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  • Not all of us are like that #liveandletlive

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  • Except one! Ahhhh America.

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  • Ignorance is bliss

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  • I think you've been hanging out with the wrong group of Christians. Maybe they're not even christian. They could just be trying to make Christians look bad so people would join their own religion.

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  • Nobody would do that. That's just stupid beyond reason

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  • you would be really surprised what people would do.... its a sad thing really

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  • Oh here we go

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  • Don't bother trying to demote Christians when you clearly don't even know anything about them...

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  • Also don't mistake these people who claim to be Christians, but their actions says otherwise, those people are tempted to make Christians look bad...

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  • remember what you said when you go make comments about another religion and the people that make that one look bad purposely as well...

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  • No true scotsman...

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  • We are not hateful. We are not discriminatory. We do not violently protest. Have you ever seen a news cast about a Christian shooting up homosexuals? NO! Have you ever seen Christians rioting? NO! Have you ever heard of Christians denying certain groups of people non-marriage related service? NO! We know homosexuality is wrong, but we do [i]not[/i] riot/loot or go on rampages killing homosexuals because of that. All we're doing is telling you that homosexuality is incorrect in terms of marriage and sex. We don't take violent action. Our job is [i]not[/i] to remove homosexuals from this world, our job is to tell them they are wrong. I don't support gay marriage at all, call me a bigot all you want. If that means I'm right, then screw it, I'm the biggest bigot there ever was! You have no right to call my people hateful or discriminatory without proof of such actions. Even you do have "proof", that will only account a small percentage of a percent of Christians in the world. We do not hate people. We hate sin.

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  • actually ... there are people who claim to be christian who have done those things ... its just not going to get reported to the news because its not sensational enough. the papers and the tv channels would rather post about a black person who got killed by a cop and similar racial contents in a story

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  • True. That's why I don't watch the news. I hear about it later.

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  • Coming from a Christian, you've clearly never heard of Westboro Baptist Church.

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  • Well I don't live in Westboro

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  • It's pretty famous.

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  • For what?

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  • Being generally awful people, and very violet protesters. They give us a pretty bad name.

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