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10/10/2015 5:54:02 PM

Black Spindel Nerf? When? Why?

A while back I made a post trying to reason with the due-soon black spindel nerf. My logic was "Hey, they made a mistake, they are going to correct it. Plus we don't want this becoming a new G-Horn requirementesque for, enjoy the time in the raids, you'll get 310 stuff eventually! yay!". But now I'm 100% against it if it still comes out. Here's why: - The first Daily Heroic for Black Spindel introduced a slightly powerful weapon that could be used to ease the raid (it's not too difficult to being with, especially after 10+ runs, templar took longer the first time I ever did that fight than King's Fall). - An announcement was made that Spindel was going to be nerfed due to a bugged drop. Okay. Fine. They reccomended using it as infusion fuel. - No nerf happened immediately. - Another week passed, the raid was done, people obviously have used a 310 spindel in the raid at least once. What a fun time it was. - No nerf yet. - ANOTHER BLACK SPINDEL DAILY. Ok, so where's the nerf? So I got 2 more Black Spindels at 310. Bungie allowed me to do this with knowledge about a bug they had left alone and did nothing about. - If you obtained a 310 Black Spindel the second time the Dailly was available then this is on Bungie. Not us the gamers. It will be an undeserved punishment as Bungie ALLOWED the dailly to go a second round with knowledge of this bug. This is NOT our fault, we are NOT exploiting. They didn't do anything to fix it the first time and the second time they still did nothing. If it is nerfed it will be a direct slap in our face as loyal paying customers. And I hope that they realize this. If not, [b]I don't want to support another careless company. [/b] (Bold): I say that because I don't like companies that do stuff like that. Blizzard is notorious for it. Even knowing I'll most likely be logging onto the game anyways. Also a bigger point: If you [Bungie] think the Black Spindel needs to be nerfed please look at Touch of Malice and it's Magical-ness: When you stand in a brand you decimate the Daughters and Stagger Oryx in awe. I'm pretty sure no one even uses Black Spindel anymore. - Oh, I'm not saying nerf Touch of Malice, I'm just saying it makes the raid a joke. Please waddle up to your "destraney to due list" and scratch off "nerf bleck spendle". and add helm of krolok u lazy pri*ks. k thanks.

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