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Edited by AwesomeLion: 10/9/2015 4:50:52 PM

I don't like PvP and apparently that is NOT okay

I know its a lot of fun for some, but PvP is always maddening and frustrating for me and I avoid it whenever I can. That's why I always let out a few choice words whenever I am in the middle of a quest step to get something super awesome that I'd like to have suddenly leads into forcing me to do stuff in PvP. I might be the only one that has issues with this, but my enjoyment just drops once I see that "oh, you gotta do PvP to finish that thingy you gotten halfway on". @Bungie - do you really need to bar everything awesome behind a PvP wall? I am doing the daily PvP stuff, do you REALLY need to force me to play something I don't like even more? FYI I can tell you that I'm not getting more fond of it the more I am playing it. There is super awesome gear locked to PvP exclusively so do you really need to have everything else awesome have to go through it as well? Chaperone, the exotic swords, the rank 5 gunsmith handcannon. I suppose I could chose not to do them naturally, but when just about every cool weapon is locked behind PvP that is really reducing my options of cool flashy stuff. I beg you Bungie, for the future - stop locking so much behind PvP all the time - Have PvP exclusive gear like Iron Banner and such, but stop making most of the items have to go through PvP. Makes me a sad lion =C All that negative stuff said, I have to say that I do thouroughly enjoy the changes to the Taken King and how some of the unique item quest like "Black Spindle" and "Sleeper Simulant" works. These kinda things I love, great work all around! Edit: Wooh! Big subject. Bigger then I thought. Having hard time reading everything coming inn. One player came with the suggestion of having two ways of unlocking items. One PvE and the other PvP. Then players could pick which to go for. I like that idea. I get that PvP'ers aren't happy having to do PvE, same as I'm not happy doing PvP. I know what I like, but as some have pointed out, I can't expect Bungie to cater only to me. Thanks for a lot of feedback, I'm going to have to mull this over for a bit.

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  • But aren't the perks in pvp events geared towards pvp? Just like pve gear has perks for pve activites?

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  • The issue is that pvp and PVE are mixed, which is the first mistake they made.

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  • Pvpers love to do pvp and pve but pvp just a little bit more

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  • I feel you there. I'm not a PvP player, just not my thing. For something that is NOT a PvP exclusive weapon it'd be nice to have a workaround step. Instead of killing 25 Guardians, how about one just ups it to 300 to headshot, or go play a heroic something to fill the requirement. Many creative workarounds they could probably come up with.

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  • I agree....they push way too much PvP, sick of it. Have completely separate bounties/quests that do not cross into each other for PvE and PvP.

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  • I don't like PvP anymore either. Every round is full of camping shotgunners so it is annoying. However, I started doing the rampage for the quest items. Just a ton of supers running around so it's not too bad....

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  • Find a RL friend who is good at Pvp to do it for you.

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  • $$$$$$$$$$$$ <-------- this is why you are forced to do the quests their way. The more hours you log onto destiny to grind out your stuff the more money they make.

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  • The most logical thing to do would have two ways to get an item, one through PvP and one through PvE so you can choose which way you want to get it. Then everyone wins

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  • You are correct. This started with the house of wolves and continues. I have tried to adapt. It isn't great. It also only gets worse ad those of us who are pve related most closely use the year two weapons. We have to to get things done in pve but take these pieces of junk into the crucible against the year one weapons that most crucible hounds cling to and you have even less of a chance. Their system is a complete disaster even though they are constantly trying to fix it. And all of those fixes of this broken pvp system are at the expense of what that is right the pve players.

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    3 Replies
    • Hopefully the flawless weapons are equivalent to the elemental primaries this time around. Lets face it, ToO adepts weps shit on the skolas weapons last time around. I think its a good thing PvPers get a chance at elemental primaries if they dont like PvE. I just don't want to get screwed over with shitty PvE drops compared to the flawless weapons. I'm not a fan of exotic weapons that require pvp objectives either but reality is, most weapons that are locked behind pvp walls are usually meant for pvp and usually don't work out in PvE too well. I'm sure there are a few out there that do but I can't think of any right now, if someone could name some I would appreciate it for my own knowledge.

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    • I feel the exact same way

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    • I do not enjoy the generic PvP either. However, I do enjoy it when IB comes around. Why? Couldn't tell you.

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      2 Replies
      • Do both or dont, its part of acquiring certain gear and bungie intends for that. If you arent willing to play some pvp for it you dont care enough to get it. I had these feelings early on and after playing my first ib i genuinely ejony pvp

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      • Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 10/9/2015 4:01:17 PM
        I understand your argument, but what about the other way around? PvP players who don't like PvE have far less content available to them if they only did PvP. They also need to do PvE to get things they want. Basically, if you want everything in the game, you need to play everything in the game. Doesn't that sound fair?

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        15 Replies
        • It's not necessarily that they need to cut out the pvp steps, it's that they need to make them a little for accessible for the casual player. I was able to do the chaperone quest but I suck at pvp and it took me FOREVER. Same with the exotic sword kills. I was able to do them sure but I barely pulled it off. So it's not that they need to be cut its hat they might need to have less emphasis put on them. Instead of forcing us to get sprees with hand cannons or whatever you have to do for the gunsmith quest it should just be kills in general. I'm here to tell you, i don't get sprees that often. Like I said, I suck at pvp, but I shouldn't be unable to get a gun if I can't manage to do well in pvp

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        • I am primarily a pve player that enjoys crucible for iron banner and to throw myself at trials when I'm feeling like it, but some of these quests are just busywork. Working on my subclass crucible quest lines and I'm dreading the void melee and grenade parts.

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        • Agreed, well put, and I'm in the same position. I managed to eke out what was a decent kd for me pre 2.0 without using thorn and tlw. I've tried a few games after a three month break from PvP and need to learn the new maps, but feel it's something I have to do, rather than doing it because I want to and enjoy it. My recent games have been awful and I know I need to get my eye back in, but only so that I can (like you) get the good stuff. I'm sure that giving some people a reason to get into PvP does convert them, but it's not for everyone. Conversely for PvP players that don't like PvE - there has to be a solution that caters to both.

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        • PvP got stupid after 2.0

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          4 Replies
          • I agree with the OP 100%

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          • I only do Crucible when I'm with my friends, its more fun when you're complaining to your buddies who are equally frustrated

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            2 Replies
            • not an avid PvP player (cant stand playing it sometimes), but im not bad at it.

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              1 Reply
              • I love pvp but I get that others hate it. My suggestion to Bungie would be to give quest options, so for example you can either get 500 points from void kills for the thorn bounty or complete a nightfall with 100 void kills and no deaths in your fireteam.

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              • There are pve quests we have to do and I don't enjoy them as much as PvP. Point being there are two sides to this

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              • Would rather that than bungie forcing me to do patrol

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              • I'm pretty good at PvP, it's just that I hate to play it because my connection is so bad. Same with the raids, I can barely finish them because I keep getting DC out the party. So I just mostly stick to doing strikes, patrol, and soloing PvE content.

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