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Edited by Bruhda: 10/9/2015 12:44:16 PM

Deserter debuff needs to be added!

How many times have you entered a heroic strike and almost instantly has someone departed? Well I know for me it's almost every time I enter a strike if not all the time. It's not only me that has noticed this as well though, some of my friends I play with say it happens to them constantly. Fortunately for me I have a few friends that play Destiny so I make a fireteam with them - but a lot of people like to play on their own or just don't have a lot of friends that play Destiny. This makes strikes almost impossible to play, it just seems unfair and frustrating. With all the new strike specific gear up for grabs as well, seems a shame that you can't go on a run without people constantly leaving just because they don't like a certain strike. I suggest that if someone leaves a strike without completion that they should receive a debuff that doesn't allow them to queue for another strike for 10 minutes. If they then join another strike after their timer and leave again timer should increase to 20 minutes and finally on the third a 30 minute debuff should be active. I think this is fair, as if you didn't like a certain strike you could still leave at least once and would only have a small amount of time to wait. It would make people think twice before quitting every strike they enter. This will also help people that struggle to find other players to play with or just the casual gamers. I also think this should be added to PvP as well but that's for a another day. Thanks for reading, if you liked make sure to spread the word [b]EDIT 1:[/b] This just adds a little more proof. This was my last: As you can see a total of 6 different people came into the strike after people didn't like the look of it and left, only one that I know disconnected which I haven't counted. If you have any suggestions leave them below, its just an idea. [b]EDIT 2:[/b] Sounds like a very popular idea is the vote to skip a strike and also an idea of having a choice to untick certain strikes so you don't get queued for them. Another idea, If your in a strike only the first person to leave will get the debuff ([u]debuff won't be active if it's an error etc.) [/u]If match making doesn't find anyone, the remaining 2 can either finish or leave without being effected. A lot of great ideas though.

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  • People do that because they're farming certain strikes for the strike only gear... Its not a crime

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  • Or maybe just add more strikes to the playlist? So what if its year 1 stuff...its better than running one of the like 5 available in it over and over and over until you want to leave.

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    • Edited by StiviX: 10/9/2015 2:43:14 PM
      As soon as time locking punishments are thrown in afking will increase and people just won't do strikes anymore.

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    • How about a buff if you complete a strike with less than a full fireteam? Too many animal errors in this game to penalize people when they drop. I was babooned at the beginning of a strike and got hate mail for it.

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      • You probably just afk the whole strike like a bitch.... -blam!- off

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      • Agreed. If they have a reason to leave, they'd turn the game off and it would not affect them. If they were just being stupid, they can sit in orbit or go twiddle their thumbs on patrol

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      • I do a ton of strikes 1000's on PS4 and XB1. I understand your frustration as it happens to me all the time. However, I don't think there is an effective way to implement it. I say this because there have been many times my system froze, destiny kicked me or I was with a terrible team. Worse yet 1 person leaves or even 2 which often happens then I have to compete it solo or leave. Penalize me for this scenario? Finally, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will only do strikes with 1 or 2 other fireteam members. This way if someone quits there are 2 of us to finish.

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        • No, they will not implement a "punishment system" that's going to have a negative impact on playtime statistics.

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        • If I'm in a three man fireteam and we leave a strike would it differentiate and not apply the debuff? Because I could see that being a problem.

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          • Maybe bungie should add someone of the old strikes back in.

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          • Alright I read the first sentence of this but I have to say at this point I have turned into the person that leaves straight away..... I've done the dust palace over 130 times and received no flayer mantle.... I could not give a -blam!- what anyone thinks Ive done that single strike more then any other strike available for me and I'm on Xbox so I only had access to it when ttk came out that means I have done this one strike more then I have the original game content that I could play when the game was released. I'm not going to sit through how ever many strikes it takes me to get the dust palace for a chance to get what I've been grinding for

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            • Me they leave almost to be replaced right away

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            • Edited by LordofChaos: 10/9/2015 8:57:27 AM
              Wont ever happen they will never add such a thing to the game ever. No punishment system will ever stop players from leaving strikes they do not like ever. Nor do those players ever have to care if YOU like it or not either. No one has to care if YOU are having fun or not. so get over yourself and realize this is a game and not life and death.

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              • Restrict them from queueing up for anything besides going to the tower. Go to your room and think about what you've done, jackass.

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                • Edited by OminousGryphen: 10/9/2015 2:07:12 AM
                  no what should be added is something that tells you what strike is about to be started so we can leave before starting the mission

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                  • Wow, you're a douche. I don't usually leave a strike once I've started but if I do, it's either because something is going on in my life and I have to stop playing Xbox for a little bit, or I get an invite from someone on my friends list for an activity. So just because I leave YOUR strike, I'm not allowed to play strikes with MY FRIENDS? You're a -blam!-ing retard. Especially if you can't handle a strike on your own and you have to whine and penalize other players if the game isn't made easy for you. You're probably one of those mother -blam!-ers who go into a strike and get 90 kills, while I get 400 something. And I have a screen shot of the score after an Omnigul strike of a guy who did that to me. And he was with me the entire mission. So -blam!- off and keep your shitty opinion to yourself.

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                    24 Replies
                    • You can't have a drop-in drop-out system in matchmaking and also have a penalty for deserters, it doesn't work that way bud.

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                    • This is stupid. I will continue to leave the undying sponge and tandicks whenever i please.

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                    • Edited by Mayor_Quimby: 10/9/2015 6:48:34 AM
                      So basically you want everyone to be unhappy or not play the game wow also what about dropouts my Internet does it alot recently so I should suffer Also what happens if you need to leave after you started for personal reasons Your basically promoting sitting in spawn with your controller propped up so you don't get kicked which is even worse

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                      2 Replies
                      • You know what I do when someone leaves a strike I'm on? I keep going. I get over it. Try it sometime.

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                      • As far as I'm concerned I paid a total of $140 for this game and the Restorative Mind strike sucks balls. No I will not play it. After doing it three times with randoms and dying due to no cover fire while carrying the relic, I give up, back to orbit every time.

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                      • What about a debuff that negates youre vanguard streak until you finish 3-5 strikes without leaving

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                        • A lot of people are doing strikes for strike specific gear..they want taniks cloak and shield brothers loads up, they will just back out and try again until taniks pops up.

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                        • Agreed ... Ad it to PvP as well

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                        • Yes. The deserter debuff needs to be a thing.

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                        • Or maybe they can add a vote system or crucible and strike playlists like they should have had all along...

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