It would take away one of two abilities that don't rely on our super to be active... And kill us in PvE
you mean PvP
I'm saying you nerf to something in PvP it will negatively effect PvE players I tend to run Striker in PvP because its perks don't revolve around having a super to be active like the Sunbreaker. Which I will add is the balance that nobody sees, a Sunbreaker without his super doesn't get alot of perks to boost his overall PvP kit. a Bladedancer with out his AB charged has access to abilities like quick draw, invisibility, and blink ect that gives him an advantage over a Sunbreaker without his HoS charged The Sunbreaker tree is heavily focused on having HoS active or charged which is why HoS is so powerful I love Sunbreaker in PvE because when your overwhelmed like being the last guardian standing, you can pop a HoS and even the playing field with resistance and health while clearing pesky mobs,