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10/5/2015 1:13:08 PM
"I'm not sure what they think of me, but I hate them." [b]Warren pops out Toland's journal and continues to read it. [/b]

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  • Jarah laughed gravely. "Hey, hey. No need," he assured, grimacing as he moved his arm off the other, thankfully his helmet concealed his face well. "Worst comes to worst, we do a mercy killing and Quince and revive me." He insisted, continuing on his own. [spoiler]Tip: Use quotation marks when Eclipse is speaking, it helps to differentiate between his talk and his actions. c: [/spoiler]

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  • Eclipse Alright, Eclipse drew his red death again and dropped the empty mag and put in a fresh one, his armor was torn open by the thralls claws, he could see the human skin In one of the gashes of his armor, his mark was now nearly fully torn away.

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  • As they continued deeper into the chambers, an ogre, a knight, and a few more cursed thralls scattered in the room they entered next. The Awoken eyed the other's wounds, worried now about his friend. However, they had to continue... He pulled the pin on his fusion gernade, and threw it. His aim was pretty impressive, it stuck onto s cursed thrall, causing it to explode and take out the other two. Now the ogre and knight jumped into action, heading towards the two.

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/6/2015 10:55:07 AM
    Eclipse Has his red death ready, He aimed it at the knight Hitting each round into the nights head, When the knight put up its sheild Eclipse jumped into the air landed on the k ight and drove the knife of red death into its head

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  • "Nice," Jarah chuckled as he cocked his shotgun, dodging the massive beam the ogre shot out. When the ogre took a moment to recharge, the titan jumped into action, quite literally hopping once, in mid air he fired. He landed, but not as smoothly as he planned. He fell to his knees, but continued popping shotgun shells until he emptied the magazine. The ogre fell over, quivering as it tried hanging onto life.

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  • Eclipse dropped the knight and took the knife out And walked over to the ogre And put his rifle on his back and drew a hunters knife from his side and he looked at jarah "May I?" He spoke softly

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  • "Yes, you may. But don't let him suffer too much," Jarah replied mellowly, looking down at the ogre as he rolled his shoulders, his muscles tensing up. He reloaded Invective, carefully, and sighed. "I hope the other two catch up soon..." He murmured. His head was pounding, his stomach twisted and turned, and his eyes strained to keep open. His entire body ached, and burned with every shallow breath he took. However, he showed none of this, standing up straighter and convincing himself, he was fine. These taken were doing a number on him...

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  • Eclipse looked over at him "Jarah He won't suffer but I owe it to someone special", he grips the knife tightly. But you should rest Maybe go back to orbit or somthing You look like hell and it's not worth pushing yourself to far

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  • "Alright... And no, I may look like hell, but I can pull through for the rest of the mission." Jarah nodded to himself, watching with upmost curiosity. He wanted to ask, however he didn't, for it probably was a bit personal. "Who's it for?" Quince cut in, Jarah eyeing him, and the ghost merely doing a small shrug. He didn't see anything wrong with his question, after all.

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  • Eclipse sits down in front of the ogres body and kills it quickly with the knife before Putting it back on his side "I lost someone very special to me to the taken the knife is all I have left" he grips his fists "I couldn't save her before it happened" Eclipse by his place of his helmet he is starring into nothing. "I tried but she was gone, I reached for her hand But she was taken And her knife dropped softly to the ground"

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  • Jarah looked over Eclipse, behind his helmet he frowned, and his eyes teared up, though they never left. He walked over and sat beside him, hugging his legs closely into his chest, his gaze never leaving Eclipse's. "I'm sorry for your loss," The awoken cooed softly, turning his head to the left as he thought. "It... It really is a shame. I bet she was great." He looked at the other titan once more, his breath hitched for a moment as a sharp pain hit him suddenly, his fists clenched up. "Maybe you and her will cross paths in another life. Maybe even in this one. But hopefully she is happy, wherever she is," Jarah finished, fumbling with his fingers as he continued to think back.

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/6/2015 1:21:18 PM
    Eclipse spoke, "She was a hunter, she was a Rouge like me but she was loyal to dead orbit, I met her on my way to the queen". "And I appreciate your sympathy but I'll never see her again she's gone, I've accepted that". And I just keep her knife to Show her that I haven't given up and that she's still a killer after death. Or well...taken"

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  • Jarah nodded in understanding. "I see...." he perked up and smiled. "Maybe there's a way to reverse the Taken effect? I bet Warren knows... Or would be able to find out." He suggested. "There has to be a way..." he said, determined. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

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  • Eclipse looked at jarah and shakes his head "Jarah you have a big heart and you want to help but I don't want it to happen" I've accepted My loss and if you wanna help you'll respect my decision."

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  • Silence fell over them for a bit. He wanted to rebutle, however, he knew that it wouldn't change either of their views on the subject. "Okay," he finally said, briefly hugging Eclipse before staggering up to his feet, offering a hand to help the fellow guardian up.

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/6/2015 2:35:18 PM
    Eclipse took his hand, "Don't take it the wrong way I appreciate it really I do but I have my mind accepted to what's happened And if she is gone I wouldn't want her back in this place"

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  • "I understand." Jarah confirmed, continuing forward. "Now let's go. Hopefully the other two will be joining us soon."

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/6/2015 2:46:40 PM
    Eclipse followed close behind him. "Yeah hopefully and I hope they won't freak out about my pulse rife" he laughed nervously

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  • "I doubt it.... And if they do, then I have your back," Jarah chuckled. He grumbled at the sight of more thralls, though easily clearing through them since he had his fiery shotgun in hand. "Guardian... Take care of yourself," Quince warned, aware of his titan's current state.

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  • Eclipse Walked following Jarah "Honestly we should sit down and have a break" He said. Dency appears near him and landed in his hands his light dim once more. "I got ya little buddy" He grips his ghost and a few shock waves flow out of his palm and into the ghost The titans health depleting A good bit as Dency sparked back to life and Happily Flew next to him. "He loves the fact he can fly"

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  • Jarah nodded and plopped down, sighing in relief as he leaned back on the wall. "That sounds amazing, actually." He agreed, huffing a bit in exhaustion. He watched with a small smile as Dency floated about, chuckling. "Your ghost is adorable." He commented, looking at Quince, who seemed utterly jealous. "Yes, you too," The titan hummed softly, his ghost settling in his palms. "So what is under your helmet, if I can ask again?"

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/6/2015 5:14:22 PM
    Eclipse looked at Jarah, "He is adorable isn't he" I keep him alive so when I'm gone he will carry my legacy I bascially give my life to him" . Dency floated happily above Eclipse's helmet. "Dency remove my helmet but keep somthing around my head so I can still breath" Dency happily made a robotic chirp and Eclipse's helmet vanished Reveling a young human male face, black lines across it his right eye blue as the old world oceans his left eye white as snow

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  • Jarah smiled simply, before his mouth opened slightly in surprise. "Oh.. I see. How did that happen?" He questioned, curious more than anything. He didn't seem to think of Eclipse any differently, nor did he mind.

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  • Eclipse thought for a moment before speaking. "Well I'm honestly unsure When Dency here brought me back and I first saw my face it was like this no left eye, maybe I lost it way back before all this happened" My before life is just little shards of memory"

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  • "Ah. I see. Well, you look pretty either way, with or without your eye." He complimented with a small smile. Quince groaned, turning over in the guardian's palm, before being gently pet. "Thank you for sharing."

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