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10/1/2015 2:16:28 AM


Compared to Hunters, Titans that run Sunbreaker all day need therapy. Hunters have an instant killing, flaming gun that runs out at 3 shots (4 if specific helmet is on). Titans? Well.... They get UNLIMITED ROCKETS FOR HAMMERS for 20 FULL SECONDS! And Titans are making fun of both Hunters and Warlocks because of it!? You f ucking Titans need to realize Warlocks AND Hunters are the most balanced out classes IN THE GAME! But you Titans still act like we're the bad guys, calling you out about how OVER POWERED your super is. I don't even see you guys using Striker or Defender anymore. What's the point of having other subclasses when one is being used!? As a Warlock DEFENDING Hunters and other Warlocks alike, you need to be the ones to grow up and know that your subclass is too powerful for these gametypes, ESPECIALLY Mayhem. Time to grow up Titans!

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  • I would like to apologize Titans. This huntlock got out of his cage again. We took him out for a walk and jerry didn't pay enough attention to the poor beast. If you see him please capture him and return him to us so we can put him back in his cage. Thank you, A normal person

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    24 Replies
    • #satire. [spoiler]I'm having to add these in a lot lately, why can't you guys remember your #'s? You don't want people to start taking these opinions seriously, you'll look like an idiot. [/spoiler]

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    • Its just a game bro you aren't actually a hunter... And I'm not a real titan lol you need to chill

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    • I am ashamed to see that you main a warlock, you let us down

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    • Shutup!!!!!!!!!! God I'm tired of everyone bitchin.

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    • I still use striker and always will. Striker beats all other classes. I even prefer defender to sunbreaker. I killed a sunbreaker with my bubble. I don't get why people think they are that powerful. Two shotguns and a punch killed one. It's a shotgun and punch to kill a blade dancer so its not bad considering titans are meant to have more powerful armor

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      8 Replies
      • Stfu..

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        2 Replies
        • Don't worry mate, the deserved nerf is coming. Hopefully in under 9 months :D

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          5 Replies
          • Maybe one day you can learn to get over it

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          • This community is filled with little kids who do nothing but get mad, cry and complain. They infest the forums and are toxic to this games community. I get on the forums a couple times a day to make sure I'm up to date with all the new happenings BUT every other post is complaining about Titans Sunbreakers. You people do realize that when you die in game you don't die in real life....right? Just take your deaths and move on like the rest of us. Why is it that you play, you die, then almost instantly come on the forums to start a thread about how you died and how it's OP? There's already 200 complaint threads about the exact same thing. Why can't you just comment in one of those threads instead of making a new one? I know that answer already and it's because you want to make sure everyone sees your post and that it gets the attention you think it I have been a gamer since the days of Mario Brothers and Mike Tyson Punchout and I can say with 100% certainty that game forums flat out ruin games. Wish we could go back to the days where they released a game and it stayed that way until the next game came out! Gamers these days worry so much about K/D and that one stat has ruined gaming in general. I can almost guarantee if K/D wasn't a stat that could be seen then no one would complain about anything being OP in PVP. No one would complain because others couldn't see their crappy K/D so why care about it. It's a stat kids, a stat that in real life doesn't matter at all unless you are trying to be a pro gamer..and if that's the case you're playing the wrong game!

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          • Your tears sustain me.

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          • I think it's obvious who needs therapy (OP). The reason Titans now-a-days don't use striker or defender is because those classes are terrible for pvp and have been for the past year. Get over it.

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            1 Reply
            • The only thing about the class that's good is its super. Grenades, melee, and passives all suck. By the way I main a warlock.

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              1 Reply
              • Sunbreaker titans need a buff.

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              • Edited by PHG Serpent: 10/1/2015 2:16:15 PM
                Hunters are balanced? Since when have hunters been balanced? When I made my hunter a few months ago my K/D was abysmal it then soared because I was getting at least three triple arc blade kills every match. Warlocks have the worst new subclass that can barely kill a thing. Titans though we were completely underpowered and suffered through every crucible match until now, now we rise from the ashes with out hammers raining fire upon the Huntards.

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                Op for about a month, tell me how long hunters and warlocks class was OP

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              • Why hasn't Butthurt been summoned yet?

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              • Looks like someone hasn't used his titan since last dlc.

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              • Guys, start the ritual. We need to summon... [b][i]HIM[/i][/b]

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                • Edited by GOAT Spartan: 10/1/2015 2:17:18 PM
                  Haha good luck with that! They aint gonna remove the super! Incase you havent noticed, if bungie does remove the super(which they wont), you can kiss the other two good bye as well cause bungie never does things half ass. Oh and by the way, you suck at this game. Your a pve player, unless you the marks from the daily crucible. So your argument has instantly lost all credibility cause if you had actually had some decent stats, people would be taking you seriously. Your probably one of those brainless kids that bum rushes ever super, dies and then screams and wonders why he cant get better. So in response, you cry nerf because thats the easiest solution to being a horrible gamer with no cognitive ability to adapt your play style and change tactics. As my saying goes " defeat comes from the failure to adapt!" And you have failed miserably! Good job dude! Oh and hunters were the most OP classes for a whole year retard. Grow up. You arent good at this game to begin with, so it shouldnt be a surprise to you. Stop acting like it is lol

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                • Is this scrub real or a machine programmed to make itself look like a dolt?

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                • Don't get unlimited hammers can throw about 7 pve and about 5-6 Pvp depending on how long your looking for enemies

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                • I always find posts of this nature rather asinine. Why is it that some insist on identifying as a certain class, then attack the other classes and stereotype the people who play them?

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                • 1
                  You can only throw a max of 6 hammers. They barely ever hit if your target is blinking and running

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                  5 Replies
                  • Just reduce the armor they have and it's good. Also give it the ability to damage the owner of they throw it right next to them

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                  • We also have to time our hammers hunters just shoot and its pretty much a guaranteed kill we have to time our hammers and by the time we get to our 4th hammer the super is about to run out

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