And ive always wondered why ignorant -blam!-s keep on coming back
Because it's enjoyable for me to show up people like you.
Show me up? Explain? You are honestly embarrassing yourself, now answering your question, [i]yes[/i] it takes two tethers or [i]shadow shots[/i] to kill someone. While this is common knowledge you appear to not know what it is [u]even when the material is right in front of you[/u]. So which I had come to the conclusion that you are illiterate because once again, he states it clearly in his argument that it takes 2 golden gun shots, 2 swipes with a blade dancer, and 2 "tethers" otherwise known as shadow shot. So I am confused on how you think I am stupid when you are the one missing the material...?
So you are claiming that it takes two shadowshots to suppress a Sunbreaker?
He is saying shut down or kill, when you shoot him and lets say you don't have quiver. He is still there and he is still shooting...