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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by Zalamiir: 9/30/2015 5:31:35 AM
Grixis was standing on an incline overlooking the excavation site below him; his Hive cleaver in both of his hands, it's edge-like tip touching the ground in front of him. The sharp edge of the cleaver shown a white light everytime he held it's hilt in his grasp. It was a dim light, but a light nonetheless. This pleased him, as it was a sign that this was no ordinary sword; that he and he alone was it's wielder. However, this also annoyed him as he had broken all ties with it and had sworn to snuff it out of existence. The site below him was teeming with the presence of the gray armored Hive of the Wrath of Sarkon sect. Thralls scurried about their tasks in the site, or patrolling the outskirts of it along with Acolytes. Acolytes and Knights were the main force of the excavation, using the techniques that they used when hollowing out Earth's Moon. And the Wizards overseeing the entire operation, giving out orders to those under their watch. What they were excavating was a skeleton. Not just any skeleton however, but a massive, intact Ahamkara skeleton. It was almost unbelievable. He knew that the Ahamkara could grow on a large scale, but this one was titanic. It's skull alone could take up the entire space of the Tower's hangar, only emphasizing how big the rest of it's body was. He had discovered it while clearing out a large amount of Fallen from the House of Devils' far out on the outskirts of the European Dead Zone. It was after he purged the Fallen did he hear the whispers at the corners of his mind. He used those whispers as a homing beacon. He found the skeleton ten miles out from where he was in a flatland area. The whispers only grew louder at that point, but in the end, he persevered and the whispers were silenced. He then sent a message to Sarkon's Dreadnaught orbiting Jupiter, detailing about what he found. When he did, well... It didn't take long for an armada of Tomb ships to arrive. Even one of the large Hive ships that [i]had[/i] accompanied Oryx's Dreadnaught and [i]still did[/i] accompany Sarkon's had come and was now hovering low in the sky, casting a shadow of it's large frame over the land. Tomb ships constantly came and left with parts of the Ahamkara skeleton. What parts of it were easy to remove from the earth were already aboard the Hive Cruiser, and parts that were still beneath the earth were being carefully carved out of the ground. It wouldn't matter if they did it carefully or not, the bones were very durable, a rocket detonation couldn't even leave a scratch on them. However, the Wizards would consider it a crime if they appeared to be damaged. Some Tomb ships were hovering low, patrolling above and around the site along with the foot patrols. He felt a presence coming up from behind him and approaching. He didn't need to look around to see who it was. It was none other than Molkir, a high ranking Wizard and second in command of this excavation sight. Her attire was that of a Watcher of Crota would wear colored gray. Grixis respected her for two reason. One, because she had been the death of many Guardians and was a remarkable leader. The other reason, she was one of the few Wizards here that managed to keep a calm demeanor. She floated up beside him. He turned his helmeted, Hive-like head slightly to the right, indicating that he was listening to what she had to say. [i]"The excavation is coming along well, my liege. The rest of the body will be aboard the ship before the next dawn,"[/i] she said in the Hive language. "Good," he responded in kind. Ever since he had been bonded to Sarkon, understanding and speaking the Hive language was as easy as walking or breathing. He actually preferred to speak in it. Speaking English; he might as well have been drinking poison, as that was what it felt like. To him at least. "[i]Soon, this beast will take to the skies once more, paving a way for our crusade,"[/i] Molkir said. "What a sight it will be." This was the reason why they were here: Dig up the Ahamkara skeleton, bring it back to the Dreadnaught, and possess the remains with an assortment of spells and incantations. It would be one step closer for what Sarkon was planning. Dusk had finally begun to set, and with that the final stages of the excavation. Just a few more hours until their return to Jupiter with their prize. [spoiler]I would like to note, this is on a 'to be continued notice' for a week until someone hops in. If no 'one does, then this will continue on to the next part.[/spoiler] (Open)

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/4/2015 5:28:23 AM
    Grixis was once again standing on the platform outside of the bridge at the front of the Cruiser in the open void of space. He couldn't wait to be back aboard the Dreadnaught again. The thoughts of returning the Ahamkara back into the realm of the living was at the forefront of his mind. The amount of devastation it would do was unfathomable. He glanced to his left to look at Molkir. She hid her emotions well, but he knew she was thinking about the same thing he was. Their thoughts were interrupted however at the sound of footsteps. Some that sounded small, and one that sounded large. He looked over his shoulder to look back at the interior of the bridge to see who approached them. He was pleased to see that it was his Blades. And this time [i]all[/i] of them. There was Men'kaar and Calvik on the left and right. In the middle of the two however, was Vôlik-Dal. He was an excellent swordsman and a remarkable leader. He could see weaknesses on both singular and multiple enemies that most would have missed. Grixis considered him to be a perfect balance of Men'kaar and Calvik. His speed was not as great as Men'kaar's, nor his strength as good as Calvik's. But he was still far superior to that of any Hive Knight. His sword's blade was made of pure Solar energy. And then at the back of the group, towering over them all, was Stronix, the Fanatic of Alak-Hul. As the name implied, he was the exact image of that traitor. He was the same size, he wore the same armor, and wielded the same ax as he once did. If Grixis didn't know any better, he would have sworn that the gear [i]did[/i] belong to the Dark Blade. Oh well. They all joined the two of them on the platform outside where they first kneeled and said their 'my liege' greetings. Vôlik-Dal was the first to break the silence. [i]"Is it time?"[/i] "It is time," he responded. He looked at Molkir, who was now anxiously looking at him. "Give the word," he said Without hesitance, she entered the bridge, and gave a shrieking call to the collection of Wizards. [i]"At last,"[/i] Men'kaar said. In no time at all, the space in front of them opened up into a massive black and green portal. The Cruiser accelerated it's speed and into the portal. The moment they passed through the threshold, the portal shut closed behind them.

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  • Just seconds after they left the Guardian's ship entered the same space the cruiser once was. "Dang it! We just missed them!" Frustrated he opened the com channel with the knight. "I just missed them. Any idea where they would go now?"

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  • "I think I know, there is another dreadnaught orbiting Jupiter, that might be where they went."

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  • "Great. Can I expect that you are trying to catch up to me?"

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  • "Yup, my sword is sharpened and ready for combat."

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  • "Good. I'll do the same then." With last minute calculations he disengaged the warp drive and was back in normal space. "I'll wait for you here."

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  • [b]xerox heads to orbit, her sword was sometimes pulsing with solar energy, ad if sending Morse code to her[/b]

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/5/2015 2:43:03 AM
    [b][i]HIVE FLEET ORBITING JUPITER, DREADNAUGHT[/i][/b] Grixis and his Blades waited in his chambers. Men'kaar, Calvik, Vôlik-Dal, Stronix, and Molkir all stood in silence, on the exception of Molkir who floated. Grixis stared out into space at the fleet of eighteen Cruisers and the gas giant in the background illuminating them all. They had arrived in the system a few hours ago. When their Cruiser had established itself with the rest of the fleet, Tomb ships from both their Cruiser and the Dreadnaught began relocating the skeleton into the Dreadnaught. And so they stood in silence, waiting. The silence was broken at the sound of the huge door creaking open. He looked to see a Deathsinger enter his chambers. All eyes were on her. [i]"My liege, the skeleton is in place, and my sisters are ready to begin the ceremony."[/i] Finally. "Then let's not keep you waiting." ------------------------------------------- Their bodies retook their physical form upon exiting the portal. The Deathsinger had placed them all outside the chamber where the ceremony would take place. They all entered the chamber. The chamber was massive. It easily held the skeleton and looked like it could hold two more just like it. It was insane how big the Dreadnaught looked on the inside. And there [i]he[/i] was, standing in front of the skeleton. The Blades halted in their tracks, but Grixis kept walking until he was by his side, the one he shared their soul with. Sarkon. [i]"You have been busy,"[/i] he said in a cool but firm voice. As much as that was possible with the Hive. "I have," Grixis responded. "[i]This is a magnificent find, I can already see the untold deaths it will bring.[/i] "Indeed, once it is resurrected-" [i]"We will be doing much more than that."[/i] Grixis knew what he meant by that. He looked to the lead Deathsinger. "Begin." With that, the Deathsingers began their song. The room darkened at their voices, and the area around the skeleton began to be shrouded in a green fog. He could see the bones begin to faintly pulse a ghastly green color, and sections of them began to regrow flesh. After each passing minute, the song seemed to be getting louder. The chamber was getting darker, and the fog grew thicker until it all but blocked the skeleton from view. Then he knew that it was time. He reached into his consciousness until all he could feel was darkness. He knew Sarkon was doing the same thing. A single white light shone over the frame of the Ahamkara, then it grew, and grew. After ten seconds, it exploded in size. Above them all was a massive black and white orb that nearly covered the ceiling. This orb however, was much more than what it seemed, and every Hive knew that. This, was Light and Darkness in the form of an Oversoul. [i]Their[/i] Oversoul. At the end of the song, the Oversoul exploded into a flash of light, blinding everyone in the chamber. When their sight came, the chamber returned to normal, and the Oversoul vanished back into their netherworld. But in the place of the skeleton, was an Ahamkara in the flesh. It's scales were as black as night. It's chest rose and fell with each intake of breath. Then it's eyes opened, revealing a pitch black eye with a white bladed pupil. Then it rose from it's prone position. If Grixis thought it looked huge before, then he was not prepared for what he saw. It easily towered over everyone in the room, as it's head looked like it would touch the ceiling even though it seemed like there was no end to it. It stretched out its black, leather wings, which was weird since Ahamkara usually had feathered wings. A side effect of being resurrected he assumed. They seemed large enough to block out any sun. Then it's bladed eye fixed on him. "You," it spoke in a deep masculine voice, confirming that it was male. It brought its head down to their level, which now obscured his view from everything if it hadn't before. "There were others of your kind that had submitted and fallen under the influence of even the weakest Ahamkara. But you managing to resist [i]me?[/i] That is impressive." He had his lips pulled back to form a toothy grin, revealing the row of massive teeth that could puncture the strongest of armor. "What is your name, Guardian?" "Grixis. And I know longer go by that accursed title," he told him. The Ahamkara looked around at the Hive present. "So it would seem." "Now, what is your name, if I may ask?" The Ahamkara raised his head back to stand at full height. "Before my death, I was known as Shovaroth!" He exclaimed to his onlookers. "Now for another question. Why have you resurrected me?" "Let me answer your question with a question. How would you like to take revenge on those who ended your life?" Shovaroth smiled and this time, a deep rumble came from his serpent like throat that sounded like he was chuckling. "You know just what to say to this Ahamkara."

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  • The Warlocks own sword was also pulsing with arc energy. Something was trying to get a hold of him. He quickly sat on the floor of his ship and began meditating.

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  • [b]xerox sets the coordinates for his ship, she then relaxes as she waits[/b]

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  • Suddenly loud whispers began to fill the void. The Warlock tried to pull his mind back from the void and to his own body. But it was too late. Harsh angry whispers consumed his mind and began to tear at his light.

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  • [b]xerox decides to check on him, making sure that he was ready[/b] "Hey, are you there?"

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  • There was static. Then text popped up on the screen. It was from his Ghost and it said. [i]My Guardian is in grave danger! He is being consumed by the darkness and is losing control of himself! COME QUICKLY!![/i]

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  • [b]xerox makes a beeline to his ship and connects to it, she runs aboard his ship, hoping to save him[/b]

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  • He was spasming on the ground and various elemental energies were being released. But his mind was being ripped apart and devoured by the Ahamkara as it's first victim. However he was resisting with everything he had. Different wards or meditative routines or even old memories, anything to prolong his life.

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  • [b]xerox runs to him and focuses on his light, trying to stop the creature from turning him[/b]

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  • The Hive and the Dark Guardian left Shovaroth to his own devices. It felt good to be back. For centuries he had laid in the ground, waiting for the last parts of him to wither away. For that entire time he thought about the past, when his kind roamed the earth. And then those, [i]Guardians[/i] came and brought the entire Ahamkara race to extinction, and for what? The results of [i]their[/i] lust for power and knowledge! Damn them, damn them all! They were the blight to the universe, not him! He would kill them all for what they did! But the Dark Guardian, Grixis. That one was different. When he was miraculously warded off from his mind, he managed to catch a glimpse of his memories. He fought for the Light just like the rest. But when he sought help to be rid of the Darkness that seeped into his being, they rejected him. Some with extreme prejudice. That's when he knew that everything he believed in was a lie. He saw the truth now. The Light was the real evil. It was humorous how much their motives were one in the same. They both wanted revenge. And revenge they would have. Then he felt it. The Light of a Guardian. This was an opportunity he was not going to pass up. He immediately drove his consciousness into it's mind, breaking down any and all defenses that it tried to defend itself with. He echoed everything he thought into the Light's mind. Every word would break it, every word was venom. '[i]Submit, oh prey of mine! You, and all of your kind are one light in a universe of shadow! You drove my kind into the void of extinction! Now you shall all pay the ultimate price of the Ahamkara!'[/i]

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  • The warlock suddenly for some unexplainable reason began remembering his Fireteam. He didn't know how they would think if he died too. If he did die would he be able to be with them. Images of them flashed in his mind and he looked into a bright light and find himself standing in the tower. He heard a voice and turned around to see his Fireteam. They all were smiling at him and there was a light behind them. "Is this real?" "Not yet. But if you don't fight it will." It was Allison. Just seeing her broke my heart again. "You need to find your fire and fight!" Blake. He was his mentor and motivator and all around bro. Tears pricked at his eyes and he shook his head. "But what if I want to be with you guys." John laughed. "You're not supposed to die now. Inside Traveller info." They all turned and walked into the light and vanished. He had to find his fire. With a sorrow filled scream he drove off the whispers. It was it's turn to be ripped and torn.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/6/2015 11:15:56 PM
    He could feel the Light in this thing increase tremendously because of the memories of his friends. Good. It would make killing it all the more sweeter. '[i]Do you think you can best me? You, are only one being out of many, who follow a lost hope, given to you by a long dead god! Your friends are dead, and you, will soon join them!'[/i] But instead of getting weaker, it only grew in strength. Then all of sudden the power hit him dead on, nearly driving him out of it's mind. That made his rage grow more intense. He was going to enjoy tearing it's mind asunder. [i]'Come then, oh prey of mine, give me a challenge!'[/i] He increased the attack on it's mind tenfold.

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  • The attacks became more violent and angry. He focused and ignored the pain. Again he found himself on the Tower but this time darkness and fire was eating away at everything including him. "I did not become a Guardian just to watch my friends die again!" With a shout he released the darkness and fire from him. It began to draw together to form something. It rose and took form. The warlock took a step back as the creature finally was recognizable. Ahamkara.

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  • Shovaroth saw the Ahamkara in the Guardians consciousness. He had to admit, it was stronger than it seemed. He couldn't help but laugh. He made sure that the Guardian could hear him. '[i]You are indeed strong, oh prey of mine. This, manifestation of my kind, is testament to that.'[/i] Then his anger boiled over again. '[i]But you weren't there when I was raised from the soil. You don't know what your dealing with.[/i] He drove further into his consciousness. Shadows began to form in front of the false Ahamkara, until they took the form of him. His titanic form towered over the Ahamkara and the Guardian. He gave them both a sadistic smile. "[i]Oh prey of mine. There are far worse things than death."[/i]

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  • With a sudden calm he simply shrugged and said. "You're right. There are worse things." He started taking slow steps with every statement. "And you know what I've seen them. What could be worse than knowing that you were only revived to fight and die over and over. What could be worse than knowing you're expendable. What could be worse than having friends who would gladly die for you. What could be worse than having each one of them die forever to save your life. What could be worse than being rejected by even my own kind. What could be worse than to live everyday with the knowledge that you killed your friends." Now he was directly in front of it. His whole being was trembling and glowing faintly, the stone beneath his feet cracked.

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  • Completely ignoring the false Ahamkara, Shovaroth lowered his head and turned it to where his right eye was in front of the Guardian. "[i]I vowed to drive your kind to extinction, to avenge those I lost because of your lust for power. But now? I realize death is too good for[/i] you." His voice seethed with hate, and a hint of sorrow. The thoughts of his kind dying one by one by the Guardians were teeming at the back of his mind. "[i]I will let you live, and you can watch just as I did as your people die one by one. Then you will know what it feels like to be truly alone."[/i] He lifted his head away from the Guardian, but he still kept his hate filled glare on it. "[i]I can't bring my kind back. You caused me to be alone for centuries to suffer that. And now I have been given a chance for vengeance. Just know,[/i] Guardian. [i]The coming storm that I bring; it is all because of you."[/i] His form dissipated and he returned his consciousness back into his mind, leaving the Guardian to it's own. He opened his eyes and looked out into the void of space. "You will be avenged. The Light will pay for what they did. They will [i]all[/i] pay."

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  • The warlock slipped back into his body and slumped against the wall of his ship. He weakly looked up at the frmale knight and saw worry. He smiled and fell asleep.

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  • [spoiler]Here?[/spoiler]

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