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Edited by Believe Im Dope: 10/3/2015 4:17:26 AM


I want hammer of sol nerfed but before you say some bull about how op we use to be hear me out. Just A lot ppl think I want the whole super nerfed... I just want them to lose about 15 -25 health so snipers and golden gun bullets can kill him Almost 2,000 damn
#Destiny #PvP #Dope

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  • All I want is them to remove proximity detonation. I mean it already has tracking.

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    • I is a TadPaul

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      • Yes, yes you are

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        13 Replies
        • Throwing knife is easier than hammer to aim cause throwing knife makes no sound,people don't dodge and run, and you arent trying it at a distance. Titans skating can run fast, but straight line speed isnt the issue. Have you played a titan vs a hunter? I have. Hunters move much faster and smoother when running away or dodging. Titans feel bulky and slow. Ive been killed out of my HoS much more than out of golden gun. Because golden gun aims easy and straight and if I see them first, theyre dead. On a 1v1 hammer does have the advantage because of damage resist, but how often is it 1v1? Golden gun also has a HUGE advantage when dealing with defender bubbles. Hammer bro usually will die trying to defeat a bubble. Hunter can pop it fast and kill the defender and anyone grouped around him and still have 1 shot left if using helmet. Each has an advantage, and i can tell you from experience that if the health is reduced to a where 1 sniper shot can kill, hammer would be underpowered again. Theyd need to give it blink or a huge agility boost to balance it if the DR is reduced

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        • Well if that's what you think

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          • I have won one sniper bullet that all it took

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          • Ive 1 vs 1'd sunbreaker multiple times and won and im not even a pvp player

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          • Lol yes I can stand my ground and win against a Sunbreaker.

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            • And muted.

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              • 56 days in Hunter. Obviously hunters not dominating with new subclass so there is bound to be salt

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                5 Replies
                • Are you one of those retarded ppl who try to fight against a mobile super? Unless you can catch a mobile super like GG, AB, HoS or SS off-guard, there is no way youre going to take them out 1v1 anymore. Why the -blam!- would you waste your heavy on trying to kill something you know you cant...why would you give them the opportunity for free kills...if you wanna be a martyr for your team in trials then fine go ahead but you made that choice. As soon as you try to 1v1 a mobile super rather than running away as fast as you can and hiding behind shit, you are considered a -blam!-ing retard in pvp. They are supers, they are supposed to be OP dont let them get you with it. I hate little shits that whine and bitch about everything.

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                  9 Replies
                  • You do realize the entire sunbreaker subclass revolves around the super Look at the perks and tell me I'm wrong

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                    3 Replies
                    • When you see a GG, what should you do? You Run. When you see a hammer, what should you do? You Run as well. I can't tell you guys how many times I killed a hammer by running away, finding a corner and popped them with invective. It's a super for crying out loud. You won't win, so Run!! Guardians need to learn that you won't win every fight so pick your battles or keep complaining

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                      2 Replies
                      • I don't really mind that Titans now have something like Hammer of Sol. Something new and fun for them. The problem for me is that in close quarters, I can shut down every single super ( although I have not tried the warlock sparky shit yet) with a single shotgun blast. Golden gun? BOOM. Dead. Nova bomb? Boom. Dead again. Blade dancer ? Boom. Yup. All of the supers can be dealt with like this. The new Titan super? I have had them survive two direct, up close shotguns. To the face. Titans know their new toy is in need of adjustment. If I mained one, I would not want it touched either. We all want every advantage. But the nerf is coming... Hammer time.

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                      • Im a butt hurt hunter and I'm waiting patiently for the HoS nerf. Silly Titans actually think bungie will allow them to have a viable pvp class. Where have they been the last year? Just like everyone loving their zhalo supercell. It's great now but we all know auto rifles aren't allowed to be any good. A supercell nerf is coming as well.

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                      • Can hunters stop shadow shooting me in crucible There only good for one shot mostly and they are always used on me. The dodge is cool but it's still stupid in pvp so can you just shoot me instead with a golden gun. I feel like it's less personal. It's mostly like nova bomb or FoH and it hurts me in the feels.

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                        • Bump

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                        • Edited by nykaza27: 9/30/2015 9:43:18 PM
                          i agree.. the hammer of sol is all of the following combined: gjallarhorn black hammer thorn last word red death fatebringer nova bomb fist of havoc golden gun arc blade atheon, crota, and oryx nuclear bomb a rocket that can reach pluto and back grenades and horseshoes with tracking truth super good advice stormtrance thunderlord hawkmoon bad juju did i say gjallarhorn? i think it has all elements it would defeat chuck norris (is that to far) master chief has no chance avengers all in one justice league all in one scooby doo sponge bob rugrats power rangers hey Arnold NASA space ship army, navy, marines, air force the chicken from family guy (just wont die) tom cruise (maverick) brad pitt (Achilles) spartan army alexander the great all the kings of England great white shark lions, tigers, and bears (ohh my) cougars, panthers, wolfs the movie titanic added from replies ford F-150 Apache helicopter The imagination of a child S.W.A.T. Squad x20 Alliou Akbar It's also like hard light with the damn ammo before running out i give up thinking of things if anyone else can add please feel free to

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                          7 Replies
                          • Edited by hunterskull157: 9/30/2015 9:27:18 PM
                            You aren't a butthurt hunter your a [spoiler]butthunter you're that butthurt[/spoiler]

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                          • All u winey hunters can't stop complaining cuz hunters were always the most op in PvP and now that you have some one to compete with u go all crazy and just yell nerf. U need to stop yelling out ur butthole and face the fact hunters aren't gona always be number 1

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                            • Bungie should just nerf the armor a lil to shut up whiny little bitches like you, but if assholes like you who cry 24/7 get the super nerfed in pve you can go -blam!- yaself end of.

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                              6 Replies
                              • Hunter are the epitome of butthurt, so ur acting normal.

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                                10 Replies
                                • Here is a question for you, if GG can one shot them out of their super does this not put titans at a sever disadvantage? There is no travel time for GG so they would win every single encounter (if they are skilled) but with sunbreaker depending on the distance it will be much more difficult to get a hammer off and be able to hit the GS. What I would suggest is having dropoff damage with GG. If they are within a certain distnace (say 10 ft or so) it will kill the titan but any more distance than that it will be two shots of GG.

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Three sword slashes vs one hammer

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                                  • 1
                                    You are a idiot plenty of times I have been one shotted in hammer buy a golden gun Jut another butt hurt hunter that doesn't like to reply because he knows he doesn't have a valid point So let's se if you reply, I have posted to so many of these things I'm getting worn out so reply or you are a garbage piece of shit

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • It's sad seeing all these people disagree over bullshit. Titans subclass is op and needs to be nerfed, only the armor, that is all we -blam!-ing ask, but people be acting like we ruined the class

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