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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
9/29/2015 7:14:34 PM
"Aye, and you." I said with a smile. Then I walked through the door and closed it behind me. I looked around the sparse quarters, before my eyes fell on the bed. I felt my expression harden at the sight. "Let's see what you have to tell me this time." [spoiler]Gonna skip the dreams again, not very interesting stuff, just the whole "come back from a loss stronger" shpeal.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/30/2015 12:55:08 AM
    I made my way towards the Hall of Guardians, my steps echoing loudly off the walls as I descended the staircase. Awaiting me was the sight I had grown to miss over the years, the exo staring down at his map. He looked up upon my arrival, opening his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Ah, if it's not my favorite Huntress."He had said as I leaned up against the table. Zavala had been watching with his piercing blue eyes but I purposely avoided his gaze. "You say that to all your hunters."I said, a hint of humor returning to my voice. "Now, what would you like to discuss?" He stared at me, folding his lanky mechanical hands together. "Well, I wanted to know if you were staying this time." I froze, a whole array of emotions coursing through me, no doubt readable to the quartermasters who awaited my answer. I hadn't realized how much of an impact I had on the houses, instead being blinded by the pain I had felt. The rage. The fire. "I've made many mistakes in my life as a guardian, but I assure you, that my loyalty is yours." I responded after I found my voice again. The answer had seemed to please the exo and just like that I had been accepted...but I felt the uncertainty. "I have to put you on house arrest, meaning no bounties and no time spent outside the City walls...hey it could be worse."He said to me, my shoulders sagging with defeat. With no further questions and an unwavering gaze from Zavala, I turned on my heel and left. The night air was crisp as I walked back to my quarters, staring at my cot as I entered the room. Time to dream of the Vault.

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  • Edited by Kell in a Cell: 9/30/2015 9:14:45 PM
    As the ship landed, my ghost transmatted us out, and I took a look around. Either my teacher had some very good connections, or the Vanguard really wanted me to succeed: the location for my first training session was one of the locations used for Crucible matches. Specifically, one of the newer ones, Sector 618. "Ah, welcome, Invictus!" I turned to see my mentor holding his arms out in greeting; an Exo warlock with an excited look on his face, such that I could not imagine another. I chuckled at the gesture before replying. "Good morning, sir." He waved a hand at that. "Oh, none of that, my friend, we're both Guardians. Here, however, we are both students." When he saw my questioning stare, he chuckled back at me. "What, never heard that a teacher learns just as much from the student as the student does from them?" "Well, then, I hope not to disappoint." I said with a smile. He nodded in response. "Well, I believe I should introduce myself: my name is Samuel-12, but most simply call me Sam." "It is good to meet you, Sam," I said, extending my hand in greeting. He shook it without hestation, which slightly surprised me. "And you, Invictus. Now, on to business." He took a step back and clapped his hands together. "Most guardians take a little while to attune themselves to an element naturally. Some attune very quickly, with rare cases showing attunement immediately after resuection. In cases where we would like the process to complete fast than it naturally is, or the guardian wishes to go ahead and attune to a different element, we tend to give them a... jumpstart, if you will. A taste of the element, so that they have a model to go off of. Thankfully, arc is the simplest if the three to accomplish this with." He then held his hands in front of himself, and an orb appeared between them. With a moment's concentration, it soon filled with crackling lightning. "Here, take this," he said, handing the object to me. I took it, immediately feeling the energy within. I looked to him, then back to the orb, closing my eyes and concentrating. I quickly felt the orb drain into me, the energy traveling throughout me. I quickly responded, giving it purchase in my light, letting it bind to my light. Once it had done that, I grabbed hold of it and fed it, letting it grow again. Sam was apparently impressed. "Nice job! Now, focus that, and aim for that target, and let's see some fireworks!" I opened my eyes, my sight immediately finding the target he was talking about. Then, with an outbreath, I let it fly. And with a bright flash and a great clap of thunder, the target promptly exploded into hundreds of tiny pieces. For a moment, Sam simply stood there in surprise, before turning to me. "I... I'll be honest, I did not expect something so impressive from such a new Guardian." I scoffed a bit at that. "What, did you think it would just fizzle out and do nothing?" "Yes." At that, I chuckled a bit. "Well, I believe that is simply the beginning." With that his smile returned and he shook his head. "So it would seem, my friend, so it would seem."

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  • It had been nearly two hours into the start of my "house arrest" and already I was growing restless. I had been so used to being on edge and battle ready, but all was quite. The silence was deafening. Since I would find no use wearing my armor, I dressed in simple civilian clothes and helped around the tower. Master Rahool had a mass amount of engrams needing decryption, Banshee some weapons that needed repairs, I even helped Eva with her shading options. I had once glanced at Shaxx but earned a very disapproved look from Cayde. Apparently the crucible was included in the house arrest, my mood dampening immensely. It hadn't helped that darkness plagued my dreams the night prior, dark circles ringed beneath my eyes. I didn't have much of an option once I finished the tasks, so I opted to tend to my courtyard. I added a few new things to the training grounds itself and moved on to the garden afterwards. New plants to improve balance and to add a soothing atmosphere. I sat there after my handiwork and breathed slowly. Perhaps this house arrest had been for the better although I hated to admit it. Both my mind and body had been battered with moving nonstop, the peace almost...relieving. I closed my eyes and sat still, wind picking up and rustling the branches above me. Yes, perhaps this was better for me as of right now, just peace and tranquility. I wondered how my friend faired in his training, worried of not knowing if his mentor would treat him as an equal. I abandoned the negative thought immediately. Guardians treated their own in acceptance, a smile forming on my face as I left it at that and began my meditation.

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  • "Perhaps we should take a break, before you blow up the entire wall." I nodded, exhausted and leaning on my staff, before taking a seat against a wall. I had been practicing Thunderstrike, one of the most simple Stormcaller abilities, since the morning. As Sam had quoted when we started, "It is better to master a single kick than to know of a thousand." So I practiced. I had gotten to the point where I could hit a target half a meter across accurately from 50 to 60 meters away. That alone had impressed Sam a great deal. Then I started to do it less than four seconds, then three, and so on, until I could fire a bolt off quicker than I could aim. So far, I had gone through hundreds of targets, both of our Ghosts struggling to make targets quick enough for me to destroy, forced to use the dust of old targets to make new ones. As I sat and caught my breath, I looked around at my handiwork. "At this rate, I'm not sure you'll even need a gun. Any idea how you're doing this, though?" Sam said, interrupting my reprieve. "I have a theory, yes." I leaned back and looked at him. "Two points: one, that ether is an artificial substitute for the Light the Eliksni once wielded; two, that ether is effectively our lifeblood, keeping us alive and strong. From this, a question emerges: what would happen if an Eliksni were given Light again?" Sam's eyes widened at the implications. "That... is an absurd amount of potential, if it's true." I nodded to that. "Aye, it is. And considering we can likely use my performance as a baseline for a starting point." "Damn. Remind me to never piss you off." I chuckled at that, waving the fear off. Then, with a grunt, I stood back up. "Hold it. I think that's plenty of training for today." He spoke with a mild amount of concern in his voice. "Come on, Sam, I'm just getting started." I said with humor. He shook his head away that, chuckling. "You are one crazy sonuvabitch, you know that?" He sobered. "Seriously, though, you need some rest. Besides, being a Warlock isn't just about blowing shit up with you mind. It's about being smart enough to know what to blow up, where, and when. Besides, I think you'll like what I've got to show you back at the archives." I raised a brow at that. "Is that so? Well, then, I'll trust you to lead the way."

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  • I sat perfectly still, my meditation session taking a dark turn. I had cleared my mind completely, but now that I had time to think, I couldn't help but relive my past. Soon after my resurrection I sought the guidance from the legendary Hunter Pahanin himself. Under his wing were five others who held the same interest in learning his knowledge of the Vault. From him we learned of the Trials of Kabr, starting from the shield of Aegis made from his own light, to Atheon himself. He deemed us ready to go into the Vault, to avenge his team, but we were not ready. No. Nothing could prepare us for the dark abyss that swallowed and suffocated us as we pushed forward. We were brave, yet also ignorant of the raw power that surged through the very air. It was Atheons home, his territory and we [i]invaded[/i] it, we sought his end and he retaliated with great vigorousity. Even with our knowledge we weren't ready. I remember the sickening crack I heard from Adrestia's bones as a Preatorean smacked her into the wall. I remember the look of fear on Apollo's face as a neat stream fired from a line rifle sliced through the back of his heart. The screams from Athena and Atlas as she yelled for us to move through the portal, the oracles trapping her forever in the corners of time. We struggled to bring the relic to the center, Aries and I, but even the light was not enough to protect us. Atheons torch hammer blasted with arcane force against our shield, deteriating it. I fell to the ground as the shield gave away and I watched as the one I loved hovered above me, taking the devestating void damage. His smile was one I would never forget, for it haunted me each night since I escaped that vault. When I returned, I sought my mentor, so I could confide in his comfort and support. Only then did I realize that he had been murdered by another Guardian. I remembered feeling nothing but pain each day and I grew cold from it. I strayed from the vanguard and became a mercenary for hire. I was in a bad place with no family, no ghost and no light. I walked in darkness and carried the weight of the world on my shoulders...people grew afraid of me, whispered my fate as I walked by.. I opened my eyes from my somber thoughts, my mood that of grief and frustration. Even though I had come back to the light, I felt as if part of me was still in the was only then I had realized I was crying. Only then I had realized I had not changed.

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  • Curiosity - and more than a little bit of excitement - filled me as we approached the Tower. I had always enjoyed Old Earth literature, and had not read any in quite a while. Whatever Sam had in mind, I trusted to be high-quality. Once we landed, I met up with Sam next to the hangar exit. We nodded to each other, and started for the Tower Archives. As we walked, I passively sensed the emotions of those around me with my Light. There was quite the variety: happyness, anger, curiosity, frustration, fear, grief. I stopped at that last on, reaching out a bit further, before I realized who it was. When Sam noticed I wasn't following him any more, I waved him on ahead. "I'll be there in a minute, I need to go check something." At that, he paused, and I felt his light reach out much as mine had, before it withdrew and he nodded. "Just try not to get lost, Invictus." He said with a slight smirk. Then he laughed a bit as he turned around and continued the way we had been going. I shook my head at his antics, before turning to find the garden. It wasn't far away, and I soon found it with Gamma's help. When I got there, I made a beeline for when Artemis and I had meditated yesterday, and quickly found my quarry. I quietly took a seat next to her, closing my eyes to meditate. Instead of focusing inward, however, I reached out and used my Light to comfort her, attempting to ease her sorrows, to let her know she was not alone.

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  • My mind had gone in a downward spiral, focusing on all the bad that had transpired in my life. I had no control over my thoughts as they got darker and darker, the abyss wrapping around and suffocating me. My teams blood were on my hands along with all of bounty heads I've collected throughout the years. [i]darker[/i] my thoughts went, digging deeper. The abyss had almost taken me, but I felt something; a light, a beacon. It was soothing and comforting, the dark tendrils that clouded and grasped at my mind slipped away slowly. I reached out towards the light, grasping it as if it were my lifeline, the essence blanketing around me. My eyes blinked open and took a large inhale, letting it out shakily. I looked over to my companion beside me, my eyes widening slightly. "Invictus?"I breathed out, wiping away my eyes.

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  • Edited by Kell in a Cell: 10/1/2015 7:19:58 PM
    I opened my eyes and looked to my friend, a smile crossing my face as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Whatever your past, whatever your mistakes, you will never be alone. As long as some small mote of Light survives, this will stand true. Do not forget that."

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  • I looked to the Fallen and released the breath I hadn't known I had been holding. His words had calmed the storm that had threatened to surge and erupt. I sighed softly and gave him a grateful look. "Thank you, Invictus."I said while offering him a small smile.

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  • I shook my head at that. "No, thank you. You are the one that made this possible. Without you, I never would have made it." I smiled again. "It is our duty to be beacons of hope to those in need. Sometimes, though, we need some hope ourselves." I stood, offering a hand. "I think you've spent enough time brooding on the past. It time you start looking to the future."

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  • I looked to him gratefully and took his hand, lifting myself up. His words rang true and I smiled at that, sighing contently. I had lost all hope because I had been so intent on staying in the past. We all deserved second chances. I just had to let myself accept the opportunity and road to redemption. I wiped away the last of the drying streak marks and looked to him. "I hope I wasn't interrupting your training."I said, almost guiltily.

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  • I shook my head at my friend. "Even if you had, it is far more important that you are ok. In any case, no, we had already decided to stop for the day. Something about "not pushing myself too hard"?" I said with a smirk.

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  • I let out a light laugh at his comment and gave him a pointed look. "The difference in making the impossible the possible lies in a man's determination."I said while looking out to the city and pausing. "I am proud of you Invictus. You set out on your path and here you are, despite the odds. I'm honored that I could partake in your journey."

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  • My smile softened. "As am I, Artemis. As am I." I looked to the sun setting on the horrizon, admiring the sight for a moment, before turning back to her. "It would probably be wise to get some sleep. Would you like me to walk you to your quarters, or would you like some privacy?"

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  • "My house arrest has given me to much privacy."I said with a laugh, looking to him. "Come, you can tell me about your training along the way."

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  • I chuckled a bit at that. "Well, there's not really much to tell. Have you ever heard the saying, "It is better to master one kick than to know a thousand?"" I shook my head. "That is basically what I did. My mentor, Samuel-12, helped my tune to arc, and then I simply blew stuff up with lightning for the next several hours. Nothing nearly so impressive as to warrant much excitement." I said as I gave her another smile.

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 10/8/2015 3:52:49 AM
    "Ah the beauty of training..."I let a laugh out into the chilling air. "It's gruesome but your mentor is a wise man, he trained one of my teammates while I was under Pahanins wing." It was nice to have some company after an entire day on house arrest. To think I had to do it for another 6 days made me let out a sigh. I'm sure Cayde would need some help with paperwork, yes that's how desperate I had become. As we walked, I gave him a sidelong glance, a smile playing at my lips "I know you are eager to learn, just don't push yourself."

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  • I groaned at that. "Not you, too!" I said before chuckling. "Even so, there is never a deficiency of things to learn. Sam was even going to show me something in the Archives he thought I might be interested in. Let it never be said I would shy away from an opportunity at learning, even if it doesn't involve blowing stuff up." I said, sending a smirk her way, before softening. "In fact before I came here, I did everything I could to learn the language an culture of the City and its precursors. There is some fascinating stuff there, I must say: everything from stories of war heroes to poems about everyday people, from folklore and myths to fantastic fictions. Even though there is so little left, it is enough to see what it was like, and little enough to leave one begging for more. I spent almost every waking hour studying all I could get my hands on. It's how I speak City so well, and how I discovered the poem I drew my name from. You wouldn't happen to know it, would you?" I asked, sending a curious glance Artemis's way.

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  • "It happens that I know Henley's work very well."I said proudly, giving him a smile. "If I wasn't training with Pahanin, I'd sneak into the Archives and stay for hours...sometimes all night." I paised, giving him a curious look. "Why did that piece appeal to you so much?"

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  • Edited by Kell in a Cell: 10/12/2015 11:29:50 AM
    "Why wouldn't it?" I asked with a chuckle, before sighing. "Truthfully, despite my efforts, I could not get my hands on much, and what I did was only enough to get a taste. Even so, that one piece spoke to me the moment I read it, and I have lived by those words since." I looked to her with a smile. "That doesn't mean I won't jump at the chance to learn more. It is only a fool who would turn away knowledge." Then I noticed that we had made it to her quarters. "Ah, it would seem we are here." [spoiler]By the way, this is kind of a meta explanation, because I actually don't know much in the way of poetry pr classic literature, I just really like that one poem. Sue me :P[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 10/12/2015 9:12:36 PM
    "It would seem so." I said with a small smile before turning to him fully. "Sammy will take good care of you, don't worry. Warlocks tend to focus on more knowledge and understanding of their power and the way everything functions...I bet you'll be spending more time in the archives then on the field here soon." I gave him my out of habit little polite bow and a smile. "Thank you for escorting me...Goodnight Invictus, sleep well." [spoiler]fraud! Lol its okay, I spend majority of my time reading and I like my classics[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Kell in a Cell: 10/13/2015 11:37:06 AM
    I smiled back. "And you as well." I said with a nod, before turning and leaving for the Archives. When I got there, Sam merely smiled and opened the door to the Archives. When I saw what was inside, my jaw dropped. Books. Rows and rows of books, all around a great hole in the center. When I walked over to the railing and looked down, there were even more books, stretching down for several levels. I took a step back, before my head snapped toward the shelves. I hurried over, and grabbed the first book to catch my eye, opening it. I devoured ever word: a story of heroes, the offspring of gods and mortal humans. When I closed the last book in the series, I looked up at Sam, who's eyes held equal parts amusement and astonishment. "Well, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were a starving man who read books to survive." I turned away at that, slightly embarrassed. "Ehehe, ah, right, sorry." He waved it off. "Bah, don't worry. I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself so much. As a Guardian, you have near-unlimited rights to the Archives, so stay as long as you want. In fact, I'll give you tomorrow off, since you worked so hard today. Just make sure you get some sleep at some point." He said with a knowing smirk, before turning to leave. "See you then." I took a moment to make sure he wasn't joking as he walked away, before I made a beeline for the shelves again. The last thing I heard from him was his laugh as he left. [i]~~~~~~time skip, mid-morning~~~~~~[/i] I strummed a few notes on my newly synthesized "electric guitar" as they were called, before I looked to the sheet music again. "Alright, let's see..." Then I started the piece I had chosen: an ancient song, name "I Wanna Rock" by its creators, a musical group by the name of "Twisted Sister". [spoiler]A fitting first piece, if I may say so myself. Perhaps not a good one for a beginner, but who cares. Also, no, I have very little musical talent, and thus cannot play the guitar. I can, however, still enjoy some good-old rock :)[/spoiler]

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  • I spent majority of my time in the confinement of my courtyard, investing well over three hours meditating. I had been warry at first, due to my experience the day prior but I gave in. With Invictus' words to soothe my worries, I played with my light, letting it flow more freely and I grew a better understanding of myself. An epiphany of sorts which made me feel more closure and peace, my inner turmoil dissipating into dust. I was interrupted by the tower chatter which was uncharacteristically loud. I extended my light and immediately grew excited as I sensed a familiar presence. Swiftly I stood and bolted out of the courtyard and crossed the tower, dodging guardians this way and that. I reached my quarry; A titan who stood tall on front of the medallion of the iron lords. He looked at me with his head cocked quizically before letting out a low chuckle. "Artemis...I almost hadn't recognized you outside your armor" He teased, reaching out and pulling me into an embrace. Guardians who had gathered to receive their buffs gave me an array of looks, but I only ignored them. "Well there's a lot to be caught up on Forge."I said, returning the gesture before pulling back. He honestly hadn't changed a bit since I last saw him, but perhaps that was for the better. "Ah, Cayde has caught me up to date with everything. Although I'm surprised to hear about your defection, I can understand the turn of events and you have my condolences Red."He said. I could hear the sympathy and pity in his voice, but I wanted none of it, so I waved it off with a polite smile. "It matters not, the vanguard will always be my home. Although I cannot stand this house arrest"I returned with a sigh. The titan let out a laugh before taking my hand and placing a small medal in my palm before closing it. "You cannot tame a warriors passion to fight, especially yours. Gear up and I'll deal with Cayde later."He said. I gave him a swift kiss on the side of his helmet before bolting towards my quarters. ♤~♤~♤~♤ Time skip ♤~♤~♤~♤ The familiar weight of armor had made me feel more at ease as I walked through the tower. I decided to see what my friend had been up to and had a feeling I'd know where he'd might be.

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  • As my fingers flew up and down the two stems - I had four arms, so why not? - of my custom-synthesized guitar, I felt strangely at ease. As though this was simply... right, like how it was right that I was now one of Light instead of Darkness. It was a good thing I had soundproofed my room, though, because I had a feeling that not everyone in the tower would enjoy the music of an amateur. However, that was soon fading, as with every passing minute, I felt myself improve. I had moved on from the songs of others, and every once-in-a-while, I would stop for a minute, look over the notes I had taken last night, make a small adjustment according to whatever I found, and go back to playing. Now, though, as I stopped, I thought a bit longer than usual, an idea forming in my head. "I wonder..." I spoke, searching my chin, before shrugging. "Well, might as well give it a try." I readied, and with one great strum, poured a bit of my Light into the instrument. From the speakers I had set up came the usual sound of the guitar, as well as a sound like thunder - Before each and every one of them exploded in a flash of sparks. When I uncovered my face, I looked around at the destruction, then looked a my hands and my instrument. "Great," chirped Gamma with a sigh. "Give me a minute, I'll have them back together quick." At that, I held up a hand. "Not yet," I said, another idea forming in my head. "Look through the notes for me. Was there any mention of using electricity to produce sound?" After a moment, he replied in the affirmative. "Yes. But why-" he looked at me, and apparently saw something he didn't like, because he sighed again. "Never mind. I assume you're going to do whatever it is anyway. Just try not to blow anything [i]else[/i] up." Instead of replying, I focused, drawing on my Light further. Then, instead of pouring it in all at once, I let it flow in a steady stream. Starting with the lower stem, I started to play one tune, before playing an opposite one on the other. Before I knew it lightning was coursing between the two, and from it came the music I was playing. I felt the electricity flowing from one to the other, as though the two were positively and negatively charged - which they were, in all honesty. Just not like most people though of. With a final chord, I let the stream die. And looked to my Ghost, who was simply floating there. "Who needs speakers anyway?" I said with a smirk, before playing one last riff. Which promptly blew my door out of it's frame.

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