If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me.
You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke.
All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck!
Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i]
as a "year 1" as you put it, i get where you're coming from but to kick after the all the work someone put into the raid what you're doing is lower than low. Yes I'm a year 1, hell I'm a day 1, but i have never thought of my self as better or elite nor do any of my regular friends, now im not say some "year 1's" dont think like that. But to generalize that all of us do is just wrong.